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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



So glad you are doing Smallville more often. It's not really a spoiler to say that most regular people who come in contact with Meteor rock will become crazy, it's just part of the lore. Also Jeff found a green plant/rose, which was most likely fertilised with meteor rock which made possible to refract light therefore given it the power.


Lex is 21, Clark is 15-16, most likely 16. It's freshmen year for Clark.

DJ Doena

For me Jess's motivation to hurt was always kinda weak. With his invisibility he can do much more embarrassing things to people rather than use blunt force.

Calvin Allen

I am just realizing Clark and I were supposed to be the same age around that time. I did not look like that in highschool


I think Clark was meant to be 15 here (I doubt he'd still be a freshman at 16), and Lex 21. Also, not to knock "Smallville," but I hope you give Superman a chance outside of it. He's my favorite comics character, and while I enjoyed plenty of things in this show, I never much cared for their portrayal of the main hero. In terms of TV/Movie portrayals, my favorite would probably be the Bruce Timm/Paul Dini animated shows from the 90's (also the one from Lois & Clark is underrated, imo - Cain's Superman wasn't great, but his Clark was A+), but I still say the best version of him remains in the comics, including modern ones. Peter Tomasi's fairly recent run on Superman Rebirth was glorious, for example. As was Grant Morrison's New 52 "Action Comics" run. Mark Waid's "Superman: Birthright" is a great origin story with a dash of "Smallville" - that is, showing Clark and Lex as having been friends back then (which wasn't invented by the show, but also wasn't the prevailing canon at the time, so I think he included it due to the show's popularity). Morrison's "All-Star Superman" is also a masterpiece, but I think it's best appreciated when you already have familiarity with the character and his comics history, and not necessarily as a jumping off point. Since you seem to be a comics guy, I do recommend checking those out sometime if you get the chance. :)


Clark is supposed to be 14-15 here. Problem is Tom Welling is a massive fully grown human being and clearly closer to 30 than we'd all like to admit lol


There is a six year age difference between Lex, and Clark. Clark, Lana, Pete and Chloe are all fifteen when the show starts, while Lex is 21.


Around this time Superman was viewed as a Superhero that saves everyone even the bad guys and never kills. I think Smallville gave us the experiences that Clark goes through, that's why he always looks for the best in people even though in the end he looks like a solitary guy. DC Heroes always have had complicated lives while saving the day. As for one of your inquiries, there will be bigger villains that are well known. Without giving too much there is a villain that is played by the coolest actor ever. Also this show gives way to the other DC shows that wouldn't exist without Smallville.