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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Ahh Abraham Benrubi was great in this episode. Best known as Jerry the desk clerk from ER. Love that guy. And Xander was pretty good in this episode. apart from that opening scene.

Calvin Allen

Xander is in bed with his girlfriend, thinking about Riley.

Vicky N

Jane Espenson certainly can bring the funny. But this was more miss than hit for me.


"Insane troll logic!" 😂 I love this episode, tbh. I didn't even mind the opening scene because it's totally in-character for Anya to bash Buffy like that. Throwing the Scoobies under the bus is a regular part of her humor. Xander treating that like a valid point I didn't care for, but hey, I'm used to not liking his POV anyway, and at least he ultimately refuted it. And I loved the nun gag, because I feel like they were playing with the audience's expectations, as the last time Buffy went through a huge break-up, it was lots of "I feel like I'm dying" melodrama, and that scene - especially with the visual gag with the blonde hair to make you wonder if the nun was Buffy for a sec - was basically them saying, "yeah, we're not doing that this time." I'm frankly glad Buffy's mourning period was played for laughs this time. It's what Riley deserved. To me, this episode was basically saying, yeah, Buffy just had a break-up. We'll acknowledge it, we'll let her have a good cry, but life goes on.

Ray D

I think I like this one more than most. I find it pretty funny for the most part and I like all the Anya/Willow stuff. It also has one of my favorite jokes when Olof asks spike where he can get babies and spike looks at Xander and says, what do you think, the hospital? That cracks me up. Also, I know that there a lot of people that don’t like Xander but I like him. He makes a lot of mistakes but I find that human of him and relatable. He’s a 20 year old guy those things happen. But he has a good heart and that’s what’s important

DJ Doena

"Best known" I see your ER and raise you one lunch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3_AfmZNSlE


they aren't saying it's all Buffy's fault but that she does have some responsibility for not really fully loving him and pushing him away. Doesn't excuse how he responded or him being mostly at fault.

Alexis Cardarella

I like this episode considering I don’t care a huge deal for the troll plot and did not like the over the top crying and moaning over Riley. Even the opening scene rubbed me the wrong way. I wish they would have taken it a bit more seriously.. and I’m not a buffy/Riley shipper, but I do think they should have taken it more seriously, like in the scene with dawn and Buffy in her room.


I think that line from spike is one of the funniest lines in the show, it was delivered perfectly.


I really enjoy this episode. Anya is one of my favorite characters (after Buffy, of course) and I am happy they addressed the ongoing tension between Anya & Willow. Also, Abraham Benrubi is awesome in this. I want to point out I was just a year older than Buffy at the time this was out and going through similar breakups and things in my life. As a young woman, no matter who's fault it was, I had thoughts about blaming myself for the ends of relationships immediately after instead of having a more objective perspective. I also would get overly emotional about things right after, too, so I think this episode is playing up those insecure aspects we have of ourselves.

Briony Addey

Totally on the same page about the beginning of this episode. Especially Anya's whole story- there is another explanation for a woman who dates even a whole string of guys who turn out to be assholes, other than its her fault- it could be that a lot of guys are assholes. That assholery is systemic. Or it could be that every relationship ends painfully until there's one that doesn't. Ugh. My read of the Buffy/Riley thing was that Riley's expectations of women/relationships were not being met, he had lots of emotions about that, which he expected Buffy to do the emotional labour of working through them maybe for him, but certainly with him. Buffy's coming at the relationship seeing him as a fully -formed, resilient, strong, grown up, who must realise that she's someone with a calling, someone who'll always maintain a commitment to the bigger picture, the good. She's someone who has experienced a lot of grief and trauma early in life, and has gained some perspective about her values and priorities probably a lot earlier than most people. Certainly earlier than Riley, who has followed the values of the institutions he grew up with almost blindly most of his life (the church, academia, the military). The chasm between them in this sense is massive. He wants interdependence (charitably. Uncharitably, co-dependence) and. She values companionship, supportive kindness, and a willingness to do what"s required, without ego. She values independence, she expects others to, as well. She rejected the patriarchy early, Riley only just did so when he left the initiative. But then he' turning to Buffy, both begging her to share her mission, fill him with meaning, and hating her for bring his only source of both. I was glad he fucked off, it was low key exhausting seeing her having to deal with his bullshit. I understand totally her need to grieve him and this relationship though.

Brad turner

Whoa Xander not having any friends. I never thought about that. Compared to the other worldliness of the group he is so unremarkable that he doesn't have any friends. As in the only character he could have opened up to was the guy who he always hated. Ouch. When Dawn and buffy were talking about Riley leaving, it seemed like they were sort of talking about their dad, maybe?


I think she is an amazing writer but I end up feeling this way about most of her episodes of Buffy.


I think they mixed really natural feelings on Riley's part along with selfish feelings on his part. It made it maybe a little too nuanced for their own ability to tell the story.


Willow has been a little hostile to both Cordi and Anya, and exhibits some very Xanded like behavior in the process.


i was actually a little annoyed with willow in this episode. anya was right, it was wrong of her to use supplies from the magic shop to do spells without paying for them and potentially ruining the shop in the process (we know how willow's spells tend to go wonky and cause destruction). anya was just trying to be responsible and keep the shop in tact. the troll never would've come out if willow wasn't messing with her magics in the shop to begin with.

Daniel R

Season 5 just has a lot of stuff I just don't care for/care about. Feels like it drags too much

Tarot Discombe

I think it's really important to remember how alone Buffy has felt her whole life, she has a lonely job and was an only child with divorced parents, had to move and found comfort in Angel, someone who is just as lonely as her (more so in fact as he had to leave her because he encouraged her depression, he knew she could be happier than she was with him) Riley leaving is so important because he is the opposite to Angel and that is just as bad, it reminds you that Buffy is alone and is sort meant to be, she got sucked into the puppy love but then drifted back inside herself (it isn't completely her fault but she definitely had a hand in the break up, she self sabotages (as you learn in the episode Doomed) She needs to find someone just like her or be alone, learn to love herself becuase the same thing will just keep happening. Anya is great because she can see these patterns, I love the part where she and Xander talk about it, it shows the little private conversations you have in a relationship, the one person you can gossip about your friends with no judgements, just kinda cute seeing Xander so grown up (He's the heart after all).

Tarot Discombe

Also, I love season 5, such an important journey for Buffy, she really does find her footing in who she is during this whole season, just chock full of growth, absolutely beautiful and Riley was such a good distraction and then reality check for her, I also love mopey Buffy because that is how you grow, just feel, don't distract yourself with anger and fighting your demons, be sad and face them, she ain't growing when she gets all angry, she's going back into her cycle. And protecting and loving Dawn is a metaphor for protecting herself, loving herself, as Dawn is her.

Tarot Discombe

I keep thinking of more things to say but so much has yet to come and I just love this season, it's like a comfort blankey for people with crippling existential depression, bittersweet ****SPOILERY**** Season 5 she really finds who she is, she loves herself, she sacrifices herself then season 6 is all about being reborn and season 7 she is like a slightly more enlightened baby, she's all over the place but has been through so much that of course she will be okay and will find herself again, that is what season 8 and onwards is all about, AHHH! So beautiful, I'm gonna try and shut up now, sorry.

Tarot Discombe

I'm baaack, just realised how much I love Buffy and Tara in this episode, they are so much closer, Buffy actually holds her hand, I can't remember if her and Willow have ever done that.


There's literally no reason to give spoilers to a reactor unless you wish to ruin their natural reactions and enjoyment of a series...

Tarot Discombe

That's why there is a warning, if he chooses to read beyond that then he wants to know... ... ... there is literally no reason to be annoyed by my comment...

Valencia Lanier

Willow treating Anya like that isn’t new. She treats Anya like she has no real place in Zander’s life, like nothing she says is important or worthwhile, like she is stupid because she doesn’t understand humans so much after being a demon for 1000 years and because she’s brutally honest. Basically Willow doesn’t respect Anya and she doesn’t hide it. Willow shouldn’t have been taking magic supplies without asking for a spell and not paying for them. That’s not something she would do if Giles was there without his permission or at least without paying. Even Tara was like they should pay when Anya mentioned it. Willow doesn’t like Zander with anyone. We’ve seen that with every girl he’s dated before they found out the girl was a monster and she was scared he’d be hurt. So her explanation about Anya doesn’t ring all the way true to me.

Nick Velasquez

So I'm moving into a new apartment and decided to cut back on some things. I had cancelled my subscription. Tonight I was bored and figured...why not, it's just 5 dollars. As soon as this "previously on" starts and you shouted "well fuck you riley" instantly the best $5 i've ever spent.

Gwenhwyfar Aine

I have never liked Riley. He has never been able to handle the fact that Buffy is stronger than him. He wants a girl that needs him and she doesn't give him enough attention. He reminds me of my ex husband. Insecure, jealous for no reason, very weak man that needs a woman to make him feel strong. It's still sad because Buffy would have probably forgiven him if she had the time, but at the same time, I'm always glad Riley is gone.