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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


messiah waite

One day someone is gonna cut the string off his bow and he’s gonna be fucc’d💯


Random hot sauce? Can’t we assume a businessman whose office is behind the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant sometimes takes meals at his desk while he’s working? More likely it was rice vinegar, fish sauce, soy sauce, or any one of a number of condiments which would also temporarily blind you. Convenient? Yes. But I think Oliver would have come up with some other means of interrogating the man without having to show his face. I thought it was interesting Malcolm was prepared to expose his archer identity to Tommy to save their lives, only for the Hood to reveal himself to Tommy to save Malcolm. And how cool is Diggle training Felicity to defend herself? She is such a ray of sunshine among so many moody, gloomy characters.


I completely agree with you about what Oliver said to Tommy. I do think it helps though that as viewers, we know that Malcolm is the other archer and a villain whereas Oliver is coming at it with the perspective of Malcolm is his best friends father who lost his wife tragically as well as, like he said, he has lost his own father and would give anything to have him back so though I strongly disagree with him, I guess I can understand why he feels that way. The reveal with Tommy was great, I had wondered at this point if anyone else other than Dig and Felicity would find out, my assumption was always Laurel but I think that Tommy made complete sense. Not believing someone is dead until you see a body is a great rule to live by, especially when it comes to TV shows. It hadn't even occurred to me that Sara could possibly be alive and you are right, it will be interesting to see how Laurel will react and what she will do with that information. Not much Felicity in this episode but I loved her training with Dig and I think it's definitely the right move, especially considering the first time she joins the team, she gets a bomb collar around her neck.


As someone who's lost his dad, I completely understand what Oliver is trying to say. At the end of the day, Malcolm Merlyn nor Robert Queen were abusive nor did they ever do anything completely unforgivable as fathers that regardless of what differences there are, that's still his father. And he loves him. I think Oliver jjst didn't explain it right.

Lea Connor

I love John Barrowman. I've met him three times, personality wise he is much more like Captain Jack Harkness the omnisexual here Doctor Who/Torchwood.

Jason Usher

Great reaction, i love this episode, the great John Barrowman was perfect as always, and Tommy finding out Oliver is the Vigilante is amazing, as far as Oliver's advice to Tommy, I thought it was great advice, seeing Oliver doesn't know Malcolm is a bad guy and Malcolm did abandon Tommy at the worst time but he came back after 2 years and was there until now, he was just different when he got back from Nanda Parbat, so with them not knowing what we know about Malcolm his advice makes sense, now the hot sauce on the guys desk makes sense to me seeing they are in a restaurant , and yeah Deadshot always shoots his targets in the chest and he thinks the Bullet doesn't kill the hit the poison will, and I agree with you Slade Wilson is amazing and he gets better and better, and Oliver shot Deadshot in the eye and then Oliver had to leave because Diggle was shot(and poisoned) so he couldn't confirm the kill he just had to assume

Jason Usher

thats awesome that you've met him, he seems like an awesome person in real life and he was perfect on Arrow and even better on Doctor WHo/Torchwood

Lea Connor

I've being going to cons for 19 years. Majority of the actors are amazing. I've met the main Torchwood cast, some from Dr Who, Arrow, Flash and a couple from Supergirl.