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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Not a great ep imo...some of the pacing and dialog and acting just comes off weird. Angel's "badass-ary" doesn't do it for me....kinda makes me laugh lol, and I'm not a fan of the voiceover at all. I can't totally hate an ep that features so much Dru and Darla tho 👍 Also, some people call this "Dark Angel" or "Beige Angel"


I agree with you the voiceovers was very corny and took away from the scenes with Angel, especially with a lot of it being almost to cringe-worthy to listen to. This is a moment when the writers seemed to think that we, the audience, can't understand what is going without holding our hand and so we get the voiceover. Outside of that I liked the little moments throughout this one between each of the characters, Lilah and Lindsey, Gunn, Wesley and Cordelia, and then Dru and Darla. Just for those moments I would give it a high 7 or low 8. Your reaction was great. It was a joy to watch this one with you.


Oh I'd call him "Moral Grey Area Angel". :P In agreement with you though. Would have been more impactful if Angel was just silent through almost the entire episode.

Steve Quast

I liked the bar scene and the interactions between Lindsey and Lilah. And of course Dru is great as ever. Angel never says a word to anybody throughout the entire episode. If it weren't for the voiceovers (which I agree were cheesy), we wouldn't have heard him speak at all, which could have been interesting. Yeah, a 7 sounds about right for this one. Not great, but it helps to establish where the characters go from here.

Calvin Allen

I just realized that Angel doesn't speak in the whole episode. That's probably why they added the narration but it comes of as a lame batman parody. Angel is an edgelord now.

Ray D

I think the technical name for this version of Angel is Beige Angel. Also, I’m with you on the narration. It doesn’t work for me. I think they were trying to mimic what they did with the Buffy episode Passion which Angel narrates. But it’s much more effective in that episode. I still like the episode overall though. I love the stuff with the other 3 at the bar.


Ah I watched it at like 5am, so I forgot if he did or didn't. My bad.

DJ Doena

3 things: 1) Have you noticed how he fight choreography has gotten so much better? And with it the strength Vampires possess. Just compare it to the early seasons of Buffy where all Vampires weren't nearly as strong. 2) I found a bit hard to believe that Darla and Dru could get burned that much and yet survive. Other vamoires that were exposed to fire died much more quickly 3) Stephen, you seem to be fascinated by Lindsey. Maybe give Leverage, staring Christian Kane, a second chance when a timeslot opens up?

Fighter seVen'eiGht (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:16:34 I was about to suggest Leverage after the episode where Lindsey leaves W&H. One of my favorite shows of all time.
2020-10-29 16:36:00 I was about to suggest Leverage after the episode where Lindsey leaves W&H. One of my favorite shows of all time.

I was about to suggest Leverage after the episode where Lindsey leaves W&H. One of my favorite shows of all time.