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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Vicky N

Skylar didn’t sleep with her boss before. You’re inventing fact to suit your narrative and your dislike of a character. Also she didn’t do it in retaliation because Walt lied to her, she did it to piss him of enough so that he would move out of the house as she asked him to. What Walt did instead was forcing her to accept his presence, his lies and his drug money while manipulating their son in the process. She can’t make him move out of the house without denouncing his criminal activities. The fact that you blame “her” for not forgiving for him for his lies and for not wanting to accept illegal money just because he tells her to is mind blowing to me. Walt is the one who is refusing to accept responsibility for the harm he is doing to other as demonstrated in the final scene when he changes the station just as they announced that Jane’s dead attempted suicide. You didn’t react to that, so I assume you didn’t hear it. As for Gustavo’s plan, it is improbable that he will tempt Walt with the money. You forgot, a few episodes ago, Walt already refused more money. There must something more sophisticated than that.

Daniel R

Skyler is not meant to be likable and she's just as bad as Walt. Case closed.


Imo, Walt is THE asshole in this whole scenario. Walt's refusal to accept the fact that Skylar no longer wanted to be married to him - didn't even want to be in the same house as him - was the root of their current situation. Walt brought all of this onto himself. He's the one who chose to become a criminal and bring certain danger into their lives. She is not at all obligated to forgive him for the crap he's pulled. He lied to her for ages, disrespected her, made their family unknowingly complicit in illegal activity, manipulated their son against her, and did what he could to TRAP her in this marriage. He forced himself back into her life when she wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't sign up for that. She owes him nothing now, as far as I'm concerned, and she certainly has a right to not want him around their kids after all that. I mean, even beyond those actions I listed, as you pointed out, he seems damn near unstable right now. He's a dangerous person to have in their lives. And his actions haven't actually been "for his family" for quite some time now - it's all about Walt's fragile ego at this point, imo, which is destructive as all get out, and I don't blame her one bit for wanting nothing more than to get away from that. At his core, Walt may be a genius, but he's also a very small, toxic, petty man. Skylar can be petty too, obviously, and sleeping with Ted isn't her finest moment, but she still doesn't have to put up with Walt's mess, and she's not the villain here. Pretty sure Vince Gilligan would back me up on that one, as he has stated it on multiple occasions.