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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I started to get very teary eyed when the reveal was made about Fitz at the end, having been just as devastated as you seeing him throughout the episode struggling. As my favourite character from like the pilot episode, seeing him like that killed me. PS we also got Lady Sif from the Thor films in the first season along with Maria Hill.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Several things, if you even read these. You noted the episode that Simmons jumped out of the plane. She was wearing the same clothes in Fitz's imagnination. That's when he started to realized his feelings for her. Second, I know you watch Daredevil, Carl, "Crusher" Creel is who Matt Murdocks dad was fighting the night he died. (oh and Skye and Matt both were are the same orphanage too). Creel is known as the "Absorbing Man" in the comics. Peggy was with the "Howling Commandos". Don't forget that she had her own show for two seasons, during along with Agents of SHIELD. Last, the show really did take off and it keeps getting better and better. As good as these are, it gets even better. And when the "slow" episodes happen now, they have a good reason for it. They might be doing what's necessary so we can have five more amazing ones in a row.

Dani C

And...here we go! AoS comes into its own.

Dani C

I think there was a deliberate attempt to make the early episodes highly accessible to a very broad audience, not too challenging, fun and the kind of show you could dip in and out of - and then take that audience with them as they started towards the main series arc (the timing of it and a lot of the specifics of how they got there were very much at the mercy of the film though)