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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



"I just can't seem to care".....


I wanted to place this on the last Angel episode to be commented on by me. The Blood thing, Angel was not drinking "Human Blood" from the Hospital, hew as drinking "Plasma" from the hospital, that is just the liquid part, the cells are not present and some would say that is were the flavor is for Vampires (it is similar to an alcoholic drinking "Near (NA) Beer" and "Beer". It is kind of like having a MRE version of a meal, it will do, but it is not quite the same thing. The only actual "Blood" Angel drinks is animal, he does a combination of both, but besides Buffy he has not had Human Blood in whole in a long time


exactly, how is this being overlooked by everyone? The Prom, we see Angel at the butcher getting animal blood. IN Band Candy, Buffy brings him blood and tells him it is straight from the butcher. They didn't do a revision, Angel just stopped drinking human blood quite awhile ago.

Calvin Allen

This is definitely a top 5 Angel moment.


Compared to what was happening at the same time on Buffy, Angel was at the time the better show. I was gripped by what was happening throughout this whole arc, couldn't say the same about the arc going on in Buffy at the time of airing. (Apart from Fool For Love, which was a great crossover episode)


i agree. whenever new buffy viewers ask if they should watch angel too -- i always say yes because there are times when angel is a better show than buffy. and this is one of those times.


whenever you add drusilla to the mix, you're always in for a good time. dru and darla together are tv gold.


It was kind of funny to see you be so confused about the "birth" thing for so long :D I never even considered the option that somebody might think Dru is *actually* pregnant :D :D And your face when you realized that she was just talking about Darla.. priceless :D The ending of 2x09 and 2x10 are some of the most iconic endings in television for me! I'm such a huge Drusilla fan, so these two episodes have been great to me :D Also, to the one person who clicked "Skippable episode (Not much enteratining happens here"... are you okay? Do you need to talk? :D


This shit is a straight up 10 homie


I was waiting for this one since I know how much you like Angelus. Not that he is, but I knew you'd be excited for bad Angel or whatever is happening. And Dru is great as always.


because someone decided to hijack my post for their own needs, I will try my comment again here. Angel's affliction can best described as that of a recovering addict, so let's go with Alcoholism as that vice. What Angel is drinking in those bags comes from Humans, so yes it is "Human Blood", but it is plasma, which is minus the cells. So it would be like a recovering alcoholic, they can haver certain NA Beers. The same concept here.


While I know that as far as the writers were concerned the recovering alcoholic metaphor is what they were going with in this series I would argue (from watching Trainspotting a dozen times, I am Scottish after all) the Heroin/Methadone metaphor works a bit more for me personally. You don't wean an alcoholic off of beer by giving them non alcoholic beer, but you do wean an opiate addict off of opiates by giving them drugs like methadone. I appreciate your metaphor, and it IS what the writers were going for. I've just never been 100% on it.

Steve Quast

Really good reaction. What Angel did was wrong, but it's one of the best moments of the series. This is one of those episodes I've been waiting for since I first started watching your reactions. Ten.


Drusilla calls her "grandmum" and not "mum" because vampires consider those they sire as their children. So Angel is Drusilla's "daddy" and Darla sired him, so Darla therefore is the vampire equivalent of her grandmother. What I find most interesting about Darla this episode is that she's the only vampire we've seen who showed any anger at having been turned, as if resisting the transformation, as all other vampires pretty much embraced the" joy of being evil" right away, regardless of the circumstances of their turning. That anger eventually subsided of course, and she fully succumbed to her evil side again, but for an hour or so after her transformation, it was like, she almost seemed to be resisting and resented becoming a soulless demon again. Couple that with the fact that it took her a few weeks to come to terms with her humanity and accept the remorse for her past vs. the few years it took Angel (with Angel's help of course), and I feel like these are all evidence that Darla MIGHT have had an even greater capacity for good than Angel did, if she'd ever been given a proper chance to embrace it. Which just makes her story even more tragic to me. But yeah, of course she's also a great baddie, so I loved seeing her and Dru having evil fun together again. And for the record, no it's absolutely NOT wrong that you actually kinda loved that ending. :) One of my S2 favorites for sure.


Darla is a great baddie, but I did prefer her being a goodie in the last episode. Filled with emotion, not afraid to let it out, and kind and considerate. But maybe that's because I just love Julie Benz so much.

Salv Mancuso

The last scene is everything! I remember my heart beating so fast when he used Holland's words against him and closed the doors.


Love this episode. Brilliant twist at the end

Ray D

This stretch of Angel episodes is so great