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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Yeah they really wrote themselves into a corner with the baby storyline. It's like they had the idea for how season one would end but really didn't think through the whole storyline. I get that Theresa knew he was unhappy so she let him go, but it is very lazy writing.


I 100% agree with you. Hated the choice, hated the execution of it. The writers had Seth and Ryan treating that baby like the plot inconvenience it was to them, instead of, you know, a baby that died. Their reactions were basically, "aw, sad. But yay, plot inconvenience no more!"


I totally get why the writing choices about the Ryan/Theresa of it all bothers you. You're right, they wrote themselves into this predicament, so now don't choose the lazy way out. But there will be repercussions though. And to be fair: Theresa didn't want Ryan to come back, she didn't want him to "mourn" with her. So it's actually respectful of him to not do that. But yes, they should've at least given him a scene where he digs into the feelings of loss.


Hey, so... I mentioned in the last reaction that something would happen here that I knew I'd want to talk about. I didn't elaborate more then to not affect the reaction but I knew you would hate what they did here. Similar to what you guys recently saw after the Lucifer season finale, with Dan being back on the force literally the next episode, things going back to the status quo happens a lot in season premieres. For people watching as it aired it was still jarring, but not nearly as noticeable as it is for someone watching it back to back. Months go by between finale and premiere and while that doesn't forgive the lazy writing you will often see shows go big in the finale only to water down what happened in the next episode to maintain the setting.


I have to put this out there though: Season 2 is really good, it has some very strong storylines and an incredible finale. S1 is not where The OC peaked. In fact, I like S4 probably the most.

PamPam and her PamPams

Season 2 gets really good, the whole show is amazing overall, though some storylines, like theresa's baby, are lazy writing. And sometimes it feels like things are slow but all your questions will get answered with time, at least that's how it was for me the first time watching. I get where Theresa's coming from, she didnt want him there if he didn't wanna be there, that's quite admirable of her, since he has a whole life over there, she still has her mom, so she is not completely alone, but its still a bit meh. Also lying to him about (possibly) his baby is pretty shitty. Though if you think about it, he is only 17, he was with Marissa at the time he found out about the baby, so he hasn't really been that invested in the first place. His heart wasn't in it. He literally, as Theresa said, was only there for the baby. Now there is no baby for him, so he's also a little relieved I would assume. If he had a baby with her, I can only imagine that he would have been there for her 100%, but now he doesnt have to. They could have added a bit more time where Ryan is actually sad about it, but he just took the opportunity to go back with Seth instead. And frankly, I'm not even mad about it cause when they go back to school, shit's going down. Hang in there, season 2 really picks up fast. And 3 and 4 are the best of them.


Well. Maybe the storyline was lazy but it was real, I understand all the character choices and emotions. Theresa knew Ryan wasn't happy and that made her unhappy, and probably a little guilty because she knew Ryan would stay with her no matter what. She had her mom and that would be enough for her. Now Ryan, he did the honourable thing but let's not forget that he was a teenager. Its not like the baby was born and he lost a child. Even if he didn't want to admit it, maybe not even to himself, he was probably relieved that he was off the hook. Seth was a little bratty this episode but I still get where he's coming from. Its hard living without having your best and only friend around. And I do believe that his departure from OC played a part in Theresa's guilt with Ryan. When I first saw the scene with Marissa and Julie, it shocked me, but still that was an awesome scene in my opinion. You can see how much Marissa is suffering this episode. Probably the only time in the shows run I actually felt sorry for her. Don't listen one bit to the haters saying the show peaked in season 1. Like someone said before me,by season 4 the show was still amazing as well.


Also if you look at the TV show as a story (documentary whatever) - it's been 3 months of this. Theresa knew Ryan wasn't happy and she probably felt a little suffocated living that way. So yeah, I am not sure I would call the writing lazy necessary.


Woah I was not expecting this so early! Thanks Steven!


Ryan having a flashback of himself as a kid in Chino is a small moment but I love it. The casting was seriously 10/10. Marissa screaming and throwing everything in the pool to me is more about her mental state and not just about her being forced to live with her mom. Shit keeps happening to her and she's depressed. I've said this before but she reeally needs to go to therapy. Paranoid Cal is hilarious. I'm actually fine with the Theresa twist, although I wish they'd spent a bit more time developing it. Maybe even left it for the next episode. From her point of view it was for the best, but I agree, Ryan has the right to choose and it's horrible that she lied. She could've said she wants to do it without him and she doesn't want Ryan to be there just for the baby, since it might not even be his. In any case I think it was better to have her lie about it vs. just have her lose the baby for convenience. All your criticisms are valid though and I mostly agree, maybe I just don't mind that much because I watched the show when it originally aired and I was only like 9-10. I think they also should've spent more time with Ryan trying to process things. A scene with Ryan talking to Seth/Kirsten/Sandy about it would've been great.


Oh yeah and the boys returning home is a let down for me. After seeing how upset Kirsten was last episode and this episode, it felt weird that she just gave them one hug and that was it. I wanted happy tears and some conversations goddamnit.


Not gonna say whether this happens or not, but they should bring up Theresa and the "lost" baby again during this season/show at least a couple times. Ryan should try to keep in touch with her.