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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Calvin Allen

Lex is easily the best so far in the series. Pete is the worst at this point, just because they don't really give him anything to do.

DJ Doena

40:35 "Wait what? Why is he coming back to it?" Because there is a blooper there. They wanted to show that someone is coming in from that direction (you can see the shadow moving at 40:38). But that's exactly the problem. Clark is in super-speed mode, evading a bullet. There should be no moving person visible, unless he's the Flash.


"Is this where Lex finds out?" Oh, you sweet, summer child.

Sonia Deepak

Geez, I just got the joke of the breast plate looking like the future superman symbol and Clark saying "I don't know if I could go into battle wearing that" 😂 How did I miss that the first time through?! Lots of good stuff this episode. I like how the writers establish that Clark can get himself out of his own problems (otherwise the audience would just always be like "Why doesnt' Clark ask Lex to fix it?" in every ep). I also agreed that stuff with Chloe is nice, she really grows on you as a character.

Sonia Deepak

Also in regards to your question about if the show was popular, yeah I'd say it was pretty popular. It was the highest rated debut of show on the WB at the time and pulled in an average of 8-3 million views through it's 10 year run. Plus there really weren't any other super hero shows on at the time, that weren't cartoons. Because of it's long run a generation like myself grew up with the show so yeah I think it does have a fanbase (albeit perhaps not as vocal as the Buffy fandom).

Daniel R

I really hope there's some way we can get you to fit Smallville into your regular routine because you have to see how the story develops post-Season 1

Daniel R

Finally got around to watching the episode and I agree that this is the first really great one of the season. I would give it a 9 personally, but as far as Superman killing, he only kills when he has to which is fairly rarely. The movie Man of Steel painted a situation where he had to kill Zod to which I agree with. The Lex stuff will always be the best parts of the show, but for me I really like Chloe. Shes basically your placeholder for Lois Lane as the spunky reporter/journalist character, plus I always kinda shipped Chloe and Clark during the early seasons of the show lol The ending gave me chills because its just another piece of information for Lex to obsess over. Now he knows something human shaped can move faster than the eye can see... hmmm, love this show :)

DJ Doena

The high point of popularity for the show was season 2-3 where everyone was watching it. Then in seasons 8-10 it was more like "What? That is still on?" ;-)