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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




I like when Peter tells Stiles he's not the bad guy. He is a villian of circumstance. I actually enjoy his character a lot and I felt empathy towards him. Kate on the other hand is just an evil bitch who got what was coming to her. I also liked when Derek was leaning over Peter and Scott mentions about not wanting to be a werewolf etc. Derek looks like he thinks about it for a moment before actually killing Peter. I personally think even if Derek gave Scott a chance to kill Peter he wouldn't have been able to. That's still killing someone. Self defense is one thing but actually killing someone that's laying on the ground helpless is another. Also I feel the ending with Derek and Jackson is we are to assume he was turned by Derek. Lets face it Jackson isnt the most likeable guy and if Derek wanted him dead he would have killed him before. S02 coming up so many good things to come!


i agree, Kate went against the code and got what anyone that breaks the code should get


to become an alpha you must kill an alpha and peter lured the adult sister to take her alpha status so he could get revenge on Kate and everyone that massacred all those children both werewolf and human


also the argents wont hunt scott unless he takes a human life they said that in this episode

Crystal Laherrere

I gotta say you must be the only person ever to like Kate. I can’t stand her. Deep down I think she’s worse then Peter even. She killed human children to take down werewolves that by the hunter code didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not a super fan of Allison mainly because she gets manipulated by Kate way too easy. Peter is a great villain because he has a reason to be so crazy. He was driven to insanity by pain, sorrow, and an intense need for payback. I don’t agree with killing Dereks sister but Peter will be missed.

Tendai kangas

ah the cheese lol, can't wait to continue to watch this with you. Yeah I definitely agree that Derek is so much cooler

Tendai kangas

the cheese starts melting away when you continue

Marissa Brady

It was a good season finale. All the Derek scenes were the best parts! Especially when he declares himself the alpha! Stiles was great as usual and I really enjoyed the scenes between him and Peter. I actually believe Peter when he says that he likes Stiles. Who doesn't like Stiles? Even Jackson was good in this episode! The only thing that was lackluster to me was Scott and Allison. I really do not care for their relationship. The Lydia mystery is fantastic. I can't wait to see more!


The fact that Scott always thinks of Allison is taken from the fact that wolves mostly mate for life and are one of the most loyal species in the world.


I think what you didn't realise is that Peter needed Allison conscious to get that apology from Kate, so he didn't push her that hard. Scott is a werewolf and Peter has no reason to hurt him, so it was just to take him out of the way of him getting to Kate. On the other hand, Allison's dad was of no use to him and, like Kate, wouldn't have hesitated to kill him, so he knocked him out. Since Peter's only target is Kate, and like he said to Styles, he kills only the deserving ones, he left him alive.

Lea Connor

For a born wolf maybe. Scott is bitten, most things about him are human. I think its just romanticising their relationship. They're also teenagers, and yes its the first love. I think that is as far as you can go with this pairing.

Staton Chapman

I don't get all the Scott and allison hate. They teenagers. Teens fall in love fast. Also Kate was such a fucking bitch so she got what she deserved

messiah waite

S2 picks up on what happened to Lydia so ur questions about her will start to be answered next season 💯


Happy Season One Finale Day! Such a good season finale because it leaves doors ajar for season, makes you wonder what's going on with Lydia, what will happen to Scott and Allison now that he's stuck as werewolf (which, him killing Peter to be transformed back to human was speculation and not a fact. There was a chance it wouldn't have worked anyway), what would Derek as an alpha be like, Jackson finally got the bite, now what?, etc. Season 2 is a fun season and I'm glad you enjoyed this first one! It only goes up from here!


So, people already pointed out you have to kill an alpha werewolf to become an alpha werewolf, but I wanted to say that Laura is Derek's older sister by a few years (they never really confirm ages lol) and he also has a younger sister by a few years. Laura and Derek weren't at the house when the fire happened. Laura got the alpha spark when their mother died (she was the alpha and it was passed down to her oldest child--Laura). Again, glad you enjoyed season 1. I think we have harsh critiques about season one because for a lot of the actors, it's their first real gig, so they're over-acting in some moments, there's the lower budget-ness of the effects, and mainly because we saw the quality of the final seasons so going back to the first one is like night and day as far as production and acting abilities go. Also, I think we just want whomever's taking their first venture into Teen Wolf to understand that season one is rougher compared to later seasons. A lot of times, people forget that first seasons, mainly ones centered around teens and deal with a lot of special effects, tend to be lower quality, especially compared to tv and technology now. So yeah, we just want people to give the show a real chance and not just give up after the stupid sound effects that happen whenever Derek randomly pops up out of nowhere in the first couple of episodes lolol. Cannot wait to see your reaction to the season 2 opener, the new characters being introduced and the lure that gets expanded even more!


I agree so much about Kate lol she deserved worse honestly 😸


I understand that we can appreciate Kate in the sense that she is really badass and fearless, and even if this is just a series, I think that by putting myself in Peter's shoes I might have been so mad he was imprisoned in a burning house, the fear must be terrible, the terror of dying to burn alive and hearing loved ones scream in pain, to be conscious but immobilize with burns for years i believe that it would have made everyone mad for revenge, especially since it only blames the person who wronged him. So I find it hard for him to appreciate Kate, it's like he doesn't realize the pain she's causing. Anyway, good episode, looking forward to the rest.

Lea Connor

This show never confirms anything or follows its own timeline or canon lol. It has some great characters and storylines, but it is also the one show were most people prefer fanfic no matter what characters you like lol.