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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Any time Angel gets to do anything other then dour, I love it, this was so close to me getting my "Herb Saunders from Baltimore" return for an entire episode.......


12:24 how we feel about Kate? is kind of complicated, there are behind the scene issues which once again when you hear that backstory it gives new light to certain things.


The Prom episode. Angel gets his blood from Meat Packing plants or Butcher shops, he has a steady supplier.


Because Cordy has picked him up blood before as shown in the first episode when they were working out of her place.


Excellent reaction once again, I gave it a 9, but your score may be closer. I ranked it higher because of the Kate set-up all those things Angel said to her when he was crazed was stuff, I was saying at the time.....hahahahaha


This is why I love watching reactions. I like seeing the different perspective people have. I pretty much consider this a filler episode and usually skip it on rewatches. I actually enjoyed this episode much more while watching your reaction and seeing that you liked it a lot. And as always, anytime Angel gets to play out of character is awesome.


Ive always hated the end of this ep.....Like, when has the show (BtVS or AtS) *ever* implied Angel has a "blood lust" or issue drinking human blood??? It just comes out of nowhere lol! His diet is shown to be either stolen human blood from the hospital, or pigs blood. He's never had issues drinking human blood.....

Vicky N

Definitely filler episode. A letdown after the fantastic « Darla ». Another example of retcon that this show does for dramatic purposes is forgetting that Angel drank Buffy’s blood, season 3 finale. And also in season 1of Buffy, Angel has human blood bags in his fridge.


I thought I forgot something major when it came to that. I was always under the impression he drank stolen human blood. Also, he drank Buffys blood as well. So when they said that I was confused.


Also doesn't he have human blood in his fridge in the episode "Eternity"? Is that not what he pours into Rebecca's mouth? I swore he made her drink from a hospital blood bags.


Definitely filler, but pretty fun filler, imo. "How do y'all feel about her?" (Re: Kate) - loaded question, lol. Do I like Kate? No. Not at all. But I really don't think we're supposed to by now, and I DO like the swerve in direction they took with her back in S1. It seemed like at first they were very much setting her up to be his clichéd police source/"will they-won't they" love interest, and then...they went a whole other unexpected way. I actually like that there's someone who found out about what Angel is, about his past, and never really got on board with "Team Angel" after that. Someone who doesn't see him as a villain per say, but can't really bring herself to see him as a hero or ally, either. I think it brings a very different, interesting dynamic to the show, because she's not really an antagonist they can fight against, and she's no longer particularly heroic since her dad's death sent her into a downwards spiral, so depending on the situation, she can be either a threat or a reluctant ally to Angel and his team. So to answer your question - while I stopped liking her as a character back in S1, I liked having such a murky, gray character around who wasn't officially one of the "good guys" or the "bad guys."

Daniel R

I liked this episode. About the "blood" thing, it was more about the bite like you mentioned. You can see Angel really think about the act as he was remembering it at the end there, we see her holding onto her, clutching her as he "pretended" to suck the life out of her.


The one demon thief is Tony Todd who was Candy Man and the Coroner in Final Destination, the voice of Zoom on The Flash and bunch of other stuff including a guest appearance soon on another show you are watching but I'm not sure I can say because of spoilers. If you are talking about the leader his name is W. Earl Brown and he has been in a number of shows and film https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0114868/?ref_=tt_cl_t6

DJ Doena

And where @Steven might remember him from, Tony Todd was in season one of Chuck, he was Sarah's boss who recruited her into the CIA. He was always beside General Beckman. He will also appear in the next episode of Smallville that Steven's going to watch (1x8 Jitters), or more recently Psych 4x7

Ray D

Anytime we get to see The Candyman himself (the great Tony Todd) in a show I get happy. He’s so good


I don't think they did a revision. Ever since Angel came back form hell in the early part of Season 3 of Buffy, he has been drinking animal blood. In The Prom, Buffy and Angel ran into each other at the butcher where Angel was picking up blood. In fact, the last time I recall Angel even hinting he drank human blood was in Season's 2 The Dark Age, where he tells Buffy that he knows of delivery day to he hospital for human blood. I believe even Whistler in the Season 2 finale tells him the butcher is throwing way good animal blood each day. Season's 1 episode Angel is the only episode I recall that it showed he had human blood. Angel Season 2 episode "Now or Have You Ever Been" it shows him having human blood but in the timeline that was prior to Buffy Season 1 episode Angel. How I see it is that Angel stopped when he was starting to fall for Buffy, perhaps to, at least, appear more ethical/moral.


I remember it being pretty obvious back when I was watching it the first time even, I was surprised anyone had an issue with this when I read the comments.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Angel only drinks animal blood🤔I feel like you may be getting uffy/Angel mixed up with TVD, but IDK.