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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Yeah, wrong ep, but to be fair I get this and that one mixed up by their titles all the time

Lydia Anderson

Noneed2engage you are referencing a different episode. You ought to remove the comment to avoid unnecessary spoilers... I'm sure it's an honest mistake, just don't want him to get spoiled for anything! :)


Unpopular opinion here: Glory is my least favorite bad of a season. However, I like the other elements to the season tremendously. Most people, I think, love Glory’s character. I find her annoying, but mildly entertaining at times. Riley has lost his place and has no purpose anymore, other than “boyfriend”, as you said.


I am back, this time with something about this episode. I love Glory, I get why she may not be everyone's cup of tea, but her character is in line with the show itself. Like having a blonde former cheerleader be the chosen one. In my mind after she beat up Buffy, she went shopping, I find the brilliant, again could just be me....


Did anyone else yell at the screen each time he called Dawn, "Hope"? haha


I commented below, but it was not against what you wrote, I am on the side of slightly annoying and wildly entertaining, but I get what you are saying. This is so spot on about Riley and we yell at Steven a lot, but he gets it. (I have not watched yet, but I was waiting to see if and when he said it out loud.


I agree. This episode wasn’t my favorite but going forward, I think you should watch a bit more...thoughtfully. I actually love Glory. Rewatching it, I do see she was overacting a bit in this particular episode but she’s still great. I’m confident you’ll come to feel the same as well.

Stephanie Bedworth

I never really cared that much for Glory. She's a bit too over the top for me.


Yeah, this is very much a below-average Buffy episode/mediocre....people probably usually skip this one in their rewatches. Glory is *fantastic* imo, I've always really loved her as a villain and she's often a fan-favorite as well. The snake monster with tiny arms hahaha.....uhhh, it's criticized quite a lot lol, but I think it's actually designed with a lot of detail and kind of love it for how "bad" it is XD

Ari is my Cat

I think he has too much on his plate, probably won't renew after this month. I may wait til he gets through this season but the more shows he adds the less enjoyable the reactions get.


Glory is my favorite or maybe tied for number 1 or 2 villain. It's hard because I like each in their own way.


Yeah I agree and I love how shes acts around the minions it's funny.


Also, you said something about the Sandy vampire Riley stakes as a "good" vampire......it's very important to remember that in the Buffyverse, *all* vampires are soulless/without conscience/evil.....Spike included. Angel is the one exception because he was cursed with a soul.

Calvin Allen

Glory is a favorite of mine


I dunno I always thought that this was a pretty decent episode yeah the snake isn't great but I guess I always liked it because I like Glory and all the emotional stuff with Buffy and her mom.


Glory being over the top is what's good. She is because she can be, she's so powerful she don't give a crap.

Katherine Thoreson

I think this is one of those episodes that one can appreciate more in hindsight. I still only give it a 7 though, because, yeah, the snake stuff is not that great. I will also say that on first viewing, Glory was not my favorite, but again, in hindsight and watching the show a few times, Glory is a favorite of mine. Just FYI, Dawn doesn't say they moved there 2 years ago. She just says when they moved to Sunnydale with no time frame beyond that. Let's see....what else..... Riley definitely has no place right now. He desperately wants Buffy to need him more than she is currently giving. And always remember, Spike may have a chip, but he doesn't have a soul. Ergo weird/creepy/unsettling decision making sometimes re: sniffing her sweaters and stealing her panties.


36:16, thank you for that, I have always hated Riley for this and it crystallized my issues with Riley. It is about him and his confusion always, his needs, his sense of being and the ones who pay the price for it, are the people around him. Screw him for killing Sandy, she was playing by the rules.


I am going to give it a higher score then you, but I get your score and again it may be one of those closer to the truth scores. I always saw this episode as "Buffy vs Life", there was no creature of the week to fight. Glory had Buffy outgunned and the Snake was meant for gathering information and evading long enough to get the information back to Glory. There was nothing for Buffy to punch and if the creature had played true to form and played dead long enough to evade and deliver the information would have been the best choice, but instead it became something for Buffy to punch and it cost it, its life. Again, that could be reading into it, great analysis on your part, you are right were you need to be.

Mike Smith

I love Glory. I think she's very purposely drawn to parallel Buffy. The great power, the innocuous appearance, the way she quips her way through life and death situations. It is designed to take the typical predator/prey relationship Buffy is use to but flip her role in it. I also dig her erratic demeanor. I think it makes her more unpredictable and keeps the scenes tense. I think if you have a character as strong as Glory you gotta give them some personality or they feel too OP. I think this episode does a great job of showing the flaws in the Buffy/Riley dynamic. Buffy doesn’t look for comfort in Riley because all her interactions with him have always been calibrated to make him feel comfortable with himself. From the minute he’s learned she was the slayer he was oddly competitive and insecure about being the ‘man.’ She’s always had to play a part around him because even when he says he’s OK with her being strong it’s followed by him moping around very clearly not OK. Now that she’s overwhelmed and vulnerable the last thing she wants to deal with is the burden of his delicate handling so she avoids. It’s ironic because he so often whining about wanting to be useful and this is the one occasion he could be, but his previous actions have made Buffy turn to others for support instead of him. I think it’s also worth noting that all of Riley’s need to help Buffy seems to come from the fact he feels like he’s entitled to be her caretaker as her boyfriend. Everyone else around her, Spike, Xander, even Ben step in to help her because of empathy.

Vicky N

Not the best episode. Pretty average. But the emotional stuff is what makes this episode for me. Yes the cgi was terrible but, as usual for this show, it’s not what matters. I understand and empathize with Buffy’s need for any kind of action to feel less helpless. I understand and can’t empathize with the way Riley is dealing with his insecurities. I will wait a little more to give my opinion on Glory. At this point in the story I find her entertaining. There’s a lot to say about what she represents on a philosophical level (Buffy’s shadow self).


My favorite part of the episode is how Buffy chooses to release her emotions. Most of the time dealing with her mother she is shown in shock or trying to hold her emotions in. Because she can't break down about her mom, she looks for an emotional release through fighting Glory and when that proves unsuccessful, she is able to release her emotions through defeat of the cobra monster. The staging of that scene alludes to the idea that she keeps hitting it even after it is dead because she needs that emotional release she can't have at the hospital because the situation with her mom requires that she is strong for her family.


hahahaha, I didn't even notice, that you kept calling her Hope....hahahahaha. I am going to give my two cents on your reactions. This is how you watch television shows, so it is your reaction and that is why I am here. I get if people are upset, but for the shows, that I watch (Office/Scrubs/Heroes/Buffy/Angel/DoctorWho), you seem to be right on schedule with were the show wants you to be, so I get and I don't get it. I think that maybe because so many reactors take notes, this is the standard to be judged by? Unfortunately this is going to continue to be a complaint but if you change now, then you are not being honest to how you watch shows. It is a tough line to traverse, I do not envy you. I do however enjoy your insight, so what ever you got to do too keep that going, I would appreciate it. You did call her Hope a lot, hahahahahaha


Glory's my favorite Buffy villain, but I get how she could be an...acquired taste, lol. I just find her extremely entertaining, surprising (and surprisingly menacing?), and kind of a great counter to Buffy. And that's probably all I should say for now. This show does not have a good track record with making giant snakes look good. I'm kinda surprised they tried it more than once, haha. Also I just now recognized for the first time that Glory's minion underneath all that make-up is Marshall from "Alias" and I love it.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Agreed, probably the only did for me this season. However I adore Glory! My fav big bad!!! Also some nice Joyce moments this episode so that's something! X

Reed James

I love glory. She's my favorite big bad. But you haven't seen the entire series yet and I honestly can't remember what my opinoin was watching this back in the day. I saw Season 5 when it came out on DVD and binged it. The bad monster never bothered me. I watched Sci-Fi shows in the 90s and bad special effects is something I don't hold against a TV show. As for Dawn, she said she had her 10th birthday right after they moved here. So Dawn is 13 going on 14 here, I believe. So she was 9 when they moved here. Time lime seems to work out if I'm doing math right. I like how they basically rewrote reality to have her always exist. This is territory they covered with Anya and set up nicely.

Alexis Cardarella

I use the Dropbox because with drive I’m unable to turn my phone and watch full screen with google drive or Vimeo (at least through the patreon app)


Right? They should have just stayed away from snakes. I am hoping that they didn't seem quite as bad as it originally aired, and maybe the fact that I don't remember how awful they were is proof that they were decent for the time period.


I view the episode as a forgettable bad episode. It had some good stuff, but it doesn't live up to what we know the show is capable of. That is okay though, not every episode can be great for everyone, and it makes the brilliant episodes that much more enjoyable. It definitely falls into the forgettably bad category for me though, as I never remember it when I see the thumbnail and title on rewatch. I appreciate that, because the memorable bad ones like I Robot You Jane and Go Fish make me feel like I have to sit through them.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Glory is easily my favorite big bad, no contest. She's actually interesting and has an actual personality.Also its Dawn not Hope...Dawn. lol

Daniel R

The snake monster made me think the Power Rangers were going to hop out of the bushes and kick its ass.


on my first watch, i did not like glory either. i found her over the top personality annoying. i didn't start appreciating her until multiple re-watches.

Ray D

I don’t think this episode is very good. But in general, I love Glory as a villain and think that she is so much fun. I love her interaction with her minions so much. It always makes me laugh.

Catherine Thurmond

Reptiles and bugs are not this shows stong suit. Lol As for Glory shes one of my favorite big bads. This episode isn't the greatest either, it has little bits and scenes that are great but as a whole not awesome. Almost like if you found this awesome speciality coffee drink with all your favorite toppings and you take a drink and its decaf or you find an amazing icecream with yummy candy in it and find it to be a diet sugar free ice cream. I'm sorry I might be hungry. Lol Anyway I still loved your reaction. Oh and its Dawn Summers not Scott Hope. Lol💜


Might be wrong but I think we saw Sandy when she was human - in Dopplegangland. I think vampire Willow licked her neck?


yeah, so its assume by most of the fandom that Sandy was turned at some point off screen by vampire-willow.