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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




And here we go.......Geronimo!!!!!!!!


Last episode was their "Honeymoon". Rory is all hot and romantic and waited 2000 years for Amy while wearing that Roman uniform Amy looks really hot in that police women uniform and was all in charge the last time she wore it in front of Rory........I can give you no more clues about the birds and the bees....hahahaha


I have Lemon Ginger Tea and some Jammie Dodgers that were finally delivered


The roles of Canton Everett Delaware III was played by Father and Son actors. That was "Badger's Daddy"......


I'm only at the very start of your reaction, but it was hinted at during the opening ship scene in "A Christmas Carol" that the companions were wearing their costumes for the sake of spicy bedtime activities.

Alex Haswell

This era of DW companions don’t usually live in the TARDIS all the time and are dropped back home every now and then so they can live their normal lives and travelling lives at the same time.

Dani C

Google drive shows still processing and offers a download option

Dani C

Not exactly lacking in ambition for a season opener lol Great reaction - dont worry about being confused - in fact, probs best to get used to that feeling :P


“I’m so confused right now” should be the tag line for every Moffatt storyline. Don’t worry, Stephen, we’ve all been there. Just go with it and trust the process. 😉

Launa Sorensen

Now that this ep has been seen (and you liked it), I can say I’m one of the people who say the “Ponds” era is one of my favorite in Dr. Who, but it honestly has little to do with their first season as companions. I love the stories surrounding child Amy and the Pandorica, but also really hated Amy coming on to the Doctor and the way Rory was treated. I think that’s true of a lot of Amy/Rory fans. The show seemed to realize many people didn’t like some of the elements of their dynamic last season and they made the tweaks to their characters that you see in this ep. You definitely don’t have to like them, but here’s hoping the eps from here on out can make it more enjoyable for you.

Daniel R

Yes that was Crowley from Supernatural

Marissa Brady

Crowley in the Tardis!!! I always laugh at that. Mark Sheppard is such a great actor, he fit in quite nicely in this episode. This was such a fun episode, and the aliens looked really cool. Rory is one of my all time favorite companions. Arthur Darvill nails every scene that he is in. I can't wait to see the conclusion to this episode. Season 6 is my favorite season of Doctor Who. It really had some amazing episodes and story arcs that really gave the characters some major developments. Can't wait for the next reaction!


End of season 5 was the wedding. Christmas special clearly stated Amy and Rory were on their honeymoon, and were dressed in those costumes for sex roleplay. At the beginning of this episode amy says how the doctor dropped them back home and hasnt seen them in 2 months

DJ Doena

The actor with the gasoline was William Morgan Sheppard (RIP). He was a genre actor. I first encountered him on the show Max Headroom, a cyberpunk classic. But he also appeared on Star Trek, Babylon 5, et al.

DJ Doena

In this episode they first introduce the concept that the Doctor's and River's encounters are in direct opposite directions on their personal timelines. This doesn't make sense for two reasons: 1) River's diary. If they travel that way there is no need to check events because whenever she meets him all the events she remembers he hasn't done yet (and vice versa). Only when zig-zagging through time and meeting randomly does a have-we-done-that-yet-list make sense. 2) They are time-travellers that randomly jump backwards and forwards. Why would they meet in strict chronological order on their personal timelines? Here they make it sound like that the day the Doctor meets River happens to be the same day that River dies (the Library two-parter) wasn't just random happenstance. Of course there must be a day where the Doctor meets River for the first time just as there must be a day where River meets the Doctor for the first time. But there's no need for everything in between to happen in strict order.

Anna Hunt

I love this episode. You seem a lot more engaged in the last few episodes, which is fun to see too! Also, in the library episode, when you see it again river looks totally crushed when the doctor says he doesn't know her. That's the moment she's talking about.

Jason Usher

in the last episode Amy and Rory were on the ship in the honeymoon suite, they were dressed up for roleplay, Rory even said "oh the costumes, um they're just for fun" at the beginning of the episode

Jason Usher

the timeline is just they left the wedding went on adventures including the christmas episode, then the Doctor dropped them off and said he'd be back at some point, and the story here is 2 months later

Jason Usher

also great reaction


You'll notice or should have all ready noticed that Moffat likes to be risque with Doctor Who in places going all the way back to "An Empty Child" especially with the conversation between Rose and The Doctor when she questions him on dancing, Moffat was talking about sex/relationships and he freely admits it. Other examples like River and mentions of handcuffs and swappable heads blur the line between acceptable and borderline for a family show. I'm on the fence, I laugh but can understand why this type of writing upset many especially parents with children. So yeah Amy And Rory were role-playing on their honeymoon and we can never forget Amy was introduced as a downgraded stripper being an old fashioned Kissagram which I'm not sure would fly in 2020 to be honest. It's very interesting when you think about It, this isn't a criticism just an observation because as a writer he has written some fine fine scripts.


This is the first time Doctor Who has filmed on location in America. During Moffat's time at this point DW had exploded with popularity in the states for this trio & this then followed appearances at comic con and other talk shows to promote Who. The opening introduction by Amy to viewer are for international audiences only, it never appeared in the aired version on BBC One and you can presume was intended to bring more viewers in. I'm convinced the look of the aliens are inspired by The Gentleman in Buffy as many many productions have be brought up with that show and responsible for a lot of writers and production staff which is an incredible legacy. I really enjoy/love these opening episodes in S6 some of the shots, direction, acting, sound and set design really are outstanding and Moffat has written some beautiful and at times funny/dirty lines here. Rivers "And I think it's going to Kill me" is a stab to the heart because we know it will 💔 Finally that is Mark Sheppards father playing his future self which is awesome but who sadly is no longer with us. RIP


this reaction is only labeled doctor season 6 so i couldnt find it in the regular doctor who tab.