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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




I can understand where Rory was coming from. Jess left unexpectedly and they didn’t see each other after the accident. It makes sense that she’d want to say bye & get closure. She just wasn’t able to admit that she had developed feelings for Jess. Rory assumes her & dean will be together forever. That’s young love.. The ending scene was great! It’s obvious she felt bad about skipping Lorelai’s big day, and that it was a shitty thing to do.


I agree with everything you said about Rory. I hate how she acts when she is around Jess. I was really mad that she missed Lorelai’s graduation. I did like the end scene with her and Lorelai though. Love that Richard & Emily supported Lorelai.


I think it makes sense that that one "pointless" phone call was enough to spur Rory on to go visit Jess, because she obviously had unresolved feelings when he left so unexpectedly, and him calling her out of the blue like that for no reason at all basically served as confirmation to her that he felt the same way, and that the need for closure wasn't just on her end. That said, I agree with you in being glad that she felt so badly about what happened because she should have. And I think Lorelai handled her meltdown perfectly, because she knows her kid, knows she's gonna punish herself enough over this, and knows exactly what's going on regarding Rory's feelings for Jess even if Rory's still in denial.

Ina Durcekova

I had the exact same reaction when I first watched this, I was so angry Rory went to see Jess, especially on Lorelai's graduation day. Rory is in love with Jess and she is super confused and I can kind of see where she's coming from, I have been the same when I was 16 (and sometimes still am to this day and I'm almost 30!). But I really liked the ending - Rory knows what she did is wrong and I liked her moment with Lorelai. Also, I love how proud Sookie and Jackson and especially Emily and Richard were of Lorelai. Christopher was also very nice in this episode - it just shows how strong support system Lorelai has. Btw, I'm not picking Jess' side of anything, but have you realized that ever since that car accident, he has been trying to get his sh*t together? He really hasn't done anything bad in a while.

Tendai kangas

I was sooo mad at Rory when she missed her mothers graduation :(

Mariella Nilsson

i love this moment for lorelei! And her parents!


Lorelai and her parents make me so emotional this episode. One of the best Gilmore Girls moments is when they take that picture together.


Boooooooooo! Sorry, not going to be eloquent about my opinions here. Just going to Booooooo Rory until she either stops the Jess stuff or breaks up with Dean. Cause this is just messed up. I'll probably boo a couple of episodes AFTER too, just for good measure. Great reaction, keep em coming


I am glad you loved this episode, one of my top 10 eps for sure. That scene of Lorelai on stage sharing that moment with her parents gets me every time, and to be honest that may have not happened if Rory was there. Even though the timing was terrible, I loved Rory going to see Jess. Let’s not forget Rory makes crazy choices with boys, like she wanted to give up Chilton for Dean in the very first episode. The difference in these early seasons is that she knows she is doing the wrong thing and has a conscience. Love that interaction between Rory and Jess through the window...’because you didn’t say goodbye’...good one show 😪. Finale next...we all know what that means. A pretty iconic moment coming up.

Mariella Nilsson

I thought Rory got overwheled by moving to a new school, I didn’t think it was because of Dean, but otherwise very studip when it comes to boys! Relateble though!

Marissa Brady

I really could not stand Rory in these episodes. She should have broken up with Dean at this point. Instead she is just raking him through the mud because she can't man up to do the right thing. She knows she loves Jess more than Dean at this point, so there is no excuse; she's definitely hurting Dean now because she is just playing him. Also, Jess has not changed. He's still the same angry, uncontrollable, inconsiderate person that he was when he left. I would understand a bit better if Jess had some appealing qualities about him, but he doesn't. The way she hurt Lorelai by missing her graduation was horrible and incredibly selfish. However, I did enjoy Lorelai's interactions with her parents, especially her father. I just love Richard's character. I can't believe that we're almost done with season 2! Season 3 and Season 4 were the best seasons in my opinion. Looking forward to the next reaction!

s jaco

I get Rory's decision, she didn't think she would miss out on it. Even if her plan backfired, it wasn't her intention. It's just one of those cases where outside forces changing your plan. It's one of my favourite episodes of S2 though, but then S2 and S3 are my favourite seasons. One more episodes still the final, curious to see what you make of the ending in that one. :-)