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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Boyd said that he was ending their suffering. Basically they had been tortured and messed up, and he was doing them a favour killing them.

Janet Daurity

Maria's been a bitch from day one, what's new?

Janet Daurity

The "bad guy" is something new that "unfolds". Its different, not formulaic. Other people complain that the series becomes "formulaic". I love that this season is different. I love it and totally don't understand the negative but I guess that's cause we are all different and see things differently. So evidently you want Maria to be a better person. She stays true to who she is! Unfortunately!

Janet Daurity

Oh, wow. I can see by your "nit picks" ie, the wallet, that you are seeing everything in this season through a lens of not with it. OK. I love it, you don't. So be it. I hate season 6 and love season 7. It will be interesting to see where we go from here. Glad you are planning to stick to it and hope that you do!


I love this season mainly because of the new perspective, with Lumen knowing Dexter secret. Yeah, Maria and Angel are not good together, but there are plenty of people in real life, not good together but still married, together, etc. Maria was always the same, I am not sure why you see a character development in her (at least when it comes to her career). Anyways I do think you tend to overanalyse a bit, which is perfectly fine. I absolutely love Dexter and Lumen interactions. My score is 8.


I think the thing with Maria and Angel is completely logical and true to relationships in which 1. The two individuals get married just like that and hope itll stay as good as when they first started dating. And 2. Makes sense for the relationship to be good at the start, before individual careers get in the way. Not to mention Angel was coming off a break up when he started seeing Maria at first. Whom were both just looking for a way out of their loneliness. Now that they're married and seeing each others worst qualities, it's straining. If anything I dont think he analyzes enough tho, he judges episodes in a vacuum as if nothing in the previous episodes or seasons happened at all. Then again. A lot of people didn't like this season. My theory is you pretty much can't go anywhere but downhill after a villain like Trinity. Also. And I cannot stress this enough. EVERYONE loved Rita. Killing her was a big no no for many fans.


@Paul hey I agree with you. I enjoyed season 5. Hated season 6, loved 7 then detested 8 after episode 4. But we're in the minority. Everyone I've ever recommended the show to other than 1 person stopped feeling it after they killed Rita. More people liked the Dexter, family man dynamic than we know. And Julie Benz in general is just a joy to watch.

Daniel R

I'm not sure how I feel about the direction of a possible romance between Lumen and Dexter, but if they do go that direction I can only imagine the future annoying storylines like bringing Astor and Cody back to do the whole "you replaced mom?!?" thing to Dexter. Outside of that, thought the episode was pretty good. I kinda tune out the Angel/Maria stuff, but Deb's headshot on homeboy was dimes. This season is slower than most but something tells me that they're really going to ramp it up towards the end... hopefully.

Jason Usher

I love this season and this episode, also you were complaining in earlier episodes that we didn't have/know a main bad guy and now we do and you complain we know, a little weird but ok, and also Dexter went over to talk to Lumen to tell her to leave in case the bad guys were there and notice her and take her again, and Maria hasn't changed from day 1 she has always been this way, good reaction