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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Stephanie Bedworth

OMG, two Angels in one day?! Is it my birthday!!? It's my birthday, isn't it!? Angel was turned into a vampire in the mid 1700's.

saydez w

Thank you Steven for unlocking it and i understand what you where saying also this is easier cause how buffy/angel ep are and you been doing this longer you should just keep doing what you where doing before an if anybody get mad thats on them you shouldn't have to change things are cause people are complaining its almost like why do we 5$ tiers have to suffer cause everybody else is mad or confused but anyway thanks and sorry for the kind of heated rant

Catherine Thurmond

This episode and Fool for Love are10/10 episodes. I think it a great idea for you to see the past episodes with this context especially with the added kickers of The Becoming flashbacks. I mean isn't it poetic Darla being the one to gift the Gypsy girl to Angelus in essence being the one to give Angel his soul while WR&H may have brought Darla back but only to get at Angel which in around about way makes him responsible for her getting her soul back. Wild, no? Also your reaction to this and Fool for Love did not disappoint I was looking forward to you seeing them.💜


People have made videos that combine all flashbacks across both Buffy and Angel in chronological order....almost 2 hours of footage....it's great to watch. Tho obviously you can't do that until you're done with the series 😝 Fool for Love is written and designed to be viewed before Darla, so that flip of perspective can deliver tho most impact and revelations on the characters. Great reaction!


This is open to correction the timeline according to what was written in the description of the scene on television: 1609: Darla (real name unknown) is sired by The Master. 1753: Liam is sired by Darla the birth of the Vampire Angelus. 1860: Angelus sires Drusilla but first drives her bonkers. 1880: Drusilla sires Spike. 1898: Darla bestows Angelus the gift of a young Gypsy girl to feed on. the Gypsies Leaders then curse Angelus by restoring his soul and adding in the happiness claus, to keep it real. 1900: Spike scores his first Slayer with the help of an explosion during the Boxer Rebellion. 1977: Spike scores his 2nd Slayer and gets his cool coat.


i was curious if anyone told you to watch this episode along with "fool for love"...they were intended to be watched back to back. great story arc in both episodes!


These two combined episodes weave a story that stands on it's own and within the bigger Buffy-verse. This both closed and built so much all at the same time.


Great reaction! Darla is one of the most underrated characters in the Buffyverse, imo. And with The Master gone, she's also one of the oldest. I find her fascinating. Fang gang timeline (so far): 1609: The Master sires Darla 1753: Darla sires Angel 1760: Darla introduces Angel to The Master, and they run off together 1860: Angel sires Drusilla 1880: Drusilla sires Spike, the group rampages across Europe for the next several years. 1888: Spike's increasing recklessness pisses off Angel, who tells him about the existence of the Slayer 1898: Angel gets cursed with a soul, parts ways with the group 1900: Boxer Rebellion in China, Spike kills his first slayer, Angel briefly attempts to rejoin the group, before parting ways for good 1977: Spike kills his 2nd slayer So Darla and Angel were really "together" from 1753-1898. About 145 years. EDIT: Did not see that someone had already posted the timeline above. That's what I get for leaving the comment window open for so long, lol.

Ray D

Did no one tell you that you should watch fool for love and Darla back to back in one sitting? That’s kind of a shame because they aired as a crossover event on the same night originally. Anyways, I love Darla. She is one of my favorite characters in the buffyverse. She is the first person that you see in the very first scene of Buffy (even before Buffy or any other series regular). Even though they were evil, I find the Angel/Darla love story more epic than the Angel/Buffy one. Like you said, I don’t get how any fan of Buffy could not be into Angel as well. It’s all part of the same story and universe. I personally love both shows but like Angel a bit better overall. Great episode and reaction


like they said they aired together and i believe it was Buffy then Angel. I thinkit's best to watch that way because when you think about it you get more context here with Angel but it's better to watch Buffy first because the reveal of the stuff with Spike and him telling the story of killing the Slayers is more impactful seeing it first there then if you saw this and already saw the part with them in 1900. And here you get more context with Angel like I said but really someone watching and remembering the dates and what happened on Buffy would already know Angel got his soul 2 years before this so you would know in Fool for love that he was acting weird because he has a soul but the part that wouldn't make sense until here is why he was with Darla at this point and why he was so eager to leave and that is answered in this episode by seeing him try to come back to her and not wanting to kill innocent people.


Holland Manners knew exactly how to play Lindsey because of what happened in Season 1 "Blind Date". I just don't think that he is getting enough credit for setting this all up.


There were two scenes deleted from the episode. The first is Darla ringing Angel Investigations and saying "my boy, my dar- oh hi is Angel there? Yeah I'll hold" and the other is when Darla says Angel has only been killing rapists, murderers, thieves, it cuts to a scene of Angel on the streets of China asking for ID and whether they've got a rap sheet. On a serious note, have recently seen a reactor do the Angel episode first before the Buffy one and I'm not sure it has the same punch


The Buffy episodes and Angel episodes aired on the same day, but Buffy first then Angel after. So the correct order ignoring any of the fan lists would be Buffy then Angel for each specific pairs of episode.

Daniel R

I love Angel's side of the story, just adds so much more depth to the overall picture.


Your reaction to this episode is incredible and I agree that it makes you see the "Fools in Love" scenes much more differently in a good way. Speaking of Darla episodic rewatches, my main takeaway whenever I re-watch her episodes on Buffy is that clearly the writers had no true long term plan for her or else she would've been written better... however, even without the clear direction of Darla's character there are some good stuff you can take away like in 1x07 "Angel" you an see how much Darla still cared for Angel, she even mentioned it as love. When Darla died, The Master was devastated because he called her his favorite... so those 2 things truly ties into how Darla is during this episode.

Catherine Thurmond

Also in 1900 Spike gets his nifty eye brow scar thanks to his fight with said 1st Slayer.😁💜

Allan Cornett

I agree with GON . I never understood how anyone who loves Buffy wouldn't want the whole story. Without Angel the Buffy saga is is incomplete and fans are denying themselves by not experiencing the story.