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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

The ending to this episode gives me chills every time.

Calvin Allen

I didn't plan on watching this one but I was engaged.


The graveyard thing was a metaphor for Clark's future. In the end, because of his powers... he will outlive everyone he knows and loves today. That's why everyone's dead around him. Because he was already afraid and paranoid, he saw it this way instead of understanding why he saw it. Also, Clark is different as I'm sure you saw, he's the only one who could see something too. Everyone else can't see what the psychic sees.


In case you didn't catch it when he asked about what the Langs have been up to since 1938 that was a reference to the Superman comics starting in 1938.


the actor who plays the younger version of the villain plays a character on NCIS:LA

Sonia Deepak

I also would give this episode a 9. This was the first episode of Smallville where I really saw the potential of the show. Besides all the great allusions to the future of both Lex and Clark, on watching the reaction I realized that the first time through I didn't pick up on the fact that the old woman's name is Cassandra (as in the doomed Trojan oracle) with Lex's "I come bearing gifts" and her retort of "So did the Greeks" in reference to the Legend of Troy. There are also abstract allusions to the concept of a hero controlling their own destiny, a theme/debate common in Greek mythology. The episode also is the first time we get a hint of how smart and capable Martha is. In regards to your pondering on how the show will make us cheer for Lois/Clark when they're doing a pretty good job of setting up Lana/Clark, don't worry the writer's don't let us down when the time comes.


That ending was one of my favorites of the show and of any show I've watched. Like you said yes Lex does become President in the comics and cartoons and does where a white suit and a black glove. In case you wondering from what you said the mass grave and blood I've always just taken as symbolizing the mass amounts of people he is going to kill or be responsible for killing in the future like in the comics. Back then when this came out as a huge Superman fan any bit of info or allusion to Clark or Lex's future was huge. All the stuff referenced from the comics or adapted in their own way was great to me anyway. Today's shows are great but everything is in the present at the forefront and straight into the middle of things superhero wise which I like in someways. But it's hard to describe but there was just something about it back then for me where it was this whole journey starting with Clark here and growing up and getting bits of mythology or comic lore. In case you couldn't tell Smallville is one of my all time favorite shows and Superman has always been my favorite Superhero. It's great to see you experience it too.

DJ Doena

Yup. And the old man also played a role on Lois & Clark. He was the retired General of Bureau 39 who gave L&C the keycard so they could find out what Jason Trask was up to. He was also the Admiral that lead the battle of Wolf 359 against the Borg and died there.

DJ Doena

Check out this image, someone spotted all the items in Lex' heaps of skulls: https://66.media.tumblr.com/c96c1a69e5025e3cae29b10894b809be/f24d4f8cb592f5d8-88/s1280x1920/30337484964c987be7da7dcd58c5b234cd8c4a74.jpg


Also one last thing I was going to say I forgot to on the schedule thread you put out was it's great you are doing the show and I know you have lots of other stuff going and probably a lot of people asking the same thing about other shows but you were saying every 2 weeks for Smallville and I don't if you worked it out or not but it's a 10 season show if you plan on watching it all that would take about 8 years and almost a year just to get through season 1. Again no pressure or anything and like I said I know you got a lot on your plate but that just seems like a long time for you and us for getting through and keeping a good pace and flow to the story. It's just like having to get through Supernatural , Doctor Who , Vampire Diaries etc at that pace it would take forever to get through them. I dunno if you can't do more weeks maybe you could binge half or whole seasons or even a few eps at a time in between stuff and then post them individually. After Show Reactions does that for some shows. Also sorry if I'm saying this wrong I'm kinda new to watching reactions over the last few months and don't know much about the etiquette stuff for asking about watch schedules. I appreciate all the hard work you put in and hope you understand. Thanks.

Daniel R

I think he's just doing Season 1 since it's a Patron request

Daniel R

Lex's future was the end of the world once he becomes President, imagine that


This was definitely one of the better episodes of S1, imo.

Ray D

This is a very good episode with a lot of compelling stuff. Proof that the monster of the week doesn’t have to be bad. And the teases and visions of Lex future really push this one over the top. Very cool stuff.