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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


(Last Post For Tonight)


Rafael Lemus

Nice reaction. I feel like this episode is setting up plots for the future so everything will make more sense later. Without giving anything away I'm really looking forward to some upcoming Angel & Buffy reactions. These 2 seasons are a roller coaster ride! Thanks Steven :)


Great reaction! Your face when Angel kidnapped Darla out of nowhere was priceless. As for Angel's choice to let her go at the end - Darla's a human with a soul now. Angel doesn't kill those if he can help it (and turning her IS killing her). Otherwise, he'd be a major hypocrite, as he's responsible for more evil than anyone, and he's on the path to redemption. His whole thing now is that people with souls can be saved, no matter how far gone they seem. He kidnapped her to force the truth out of her and hopefully learn her (and Wolfram & Hart's) game plan, and he got what he wanted. He couldn't really do much else with her (turning her into the cops would be fruitless with Wofram & Hart behind her), so he let her go. You probably know this already, but FYI, Buffy 5x07 and Angel 2x07 are meant to be watched together. Looking forward to the next few reactions!

Phoenix Dawn

That "God doesn't want you, but I still do!" is so iconic!


No, Buffy 5x07 and Angel 2x07 are meant to be watched together.


Darla's "God doesn't want you....but I still do"......chills


The disconnect with last episode is you keep calling it a "rape" which it was, but it was a rape/molestation by her "Father", which is what unleashed her powers normally in comic books powers manifest during traumatic times and normally it is the death of the tragic death of those parents. The "casting couch" is real and again this had a women being taking advantage of and she comes out stronger/more controlled and a force to be reckoned with, in 2001 this was a big deal, it may not be a big deal in 2020, but again, that could be because this show tackled it well and allowed other shows to piggy back off it.


That was exactly what they meant to show with Charles Gunn (people who left this show went on to create "The Shield"). I am not following how you think it is okay for Angel to kill a human? Darla was brought back human.


I will chalk most of this up to the J.J Abrahams effect/affect. Everything is connected in the Whedonverse, nothing is a throw away line or plot point, like in Buffy bringing back "Sandy the Vampire' in the last episode you watched or here showing the real toll on Detective Kate for following this path, the best way to put this is........"come along Pond".

Vicky N

Yes Kate, the cop asking for Gunn’s ID and checking his records is deliberate. This episode is so good. I love how the flashbacks are used to explain Angel state of mind.


Why would she have to check the others ID's she already knows them personally and has met them several times. She was only checking him out because he was a new person on the team she has never seen before. It had nothing to do with race.


what about the run his rap sheet comment? Look you can pretend it is what it is to you, but you are not allowed to dictate what it is for others.


he let her go at the end because she's human. remember -- angel doesn't kill humans...no matter how shitty they are.

Tarot Discombe

There sure are a few questionable comments in there but remember the times were different then, I watch it and to this day I don't feel any real racist aggression from her, she is just a cop trying to keep the upper hand in the debacle and she had others around her, she had to look strong, also she was quite pissed off and feeling driven to sort out this case, she also hates to be called wrong. You can't just say he's trying to find any excuse, he is offering his opinion as respectfully as possible, you are not, you are trying to make it more racist than it may be, we can't really know, just chill out. Also don't get all high and mighty saying he is pretending she isn't racist and being a dictator then go right ahead and DICKtate yourself.


Great reaction. Totally agree with you about Kate. This is... what, the fifth(?) time that the show has made racial commentary with Gunn, so that's five times in eight episodes, and the way Gunn reacted: annoyed but completely used to this while also letting Kate know that he sees through her patronizing "looking out for [him]" — yeah, I think it's highly likely that the show is being deliberate. Google Drive worked perfectly for me. I usually don't experience problems with Drive, but I sometimes have to download videos from Dropbox.


Yes it was done deliberately by the writers. It wasn't that long after Rodney King was beat by police that this episode was made and it was also during this time that C.R.A.S.H. special unit was being investigated forunprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of evidence, frameups, stealing and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and covering up evidence of these activities. 70 police officers where involved in that. The writers tried to deal with issues that are prominent in the real world while adding the Supernatural over it. This just adds to Gunns character and make him that much real while doing the same for Kates. It shouldn't be that big of a surprise that Kate would act like this. The writers already wrote her character to have under line racist tenancies. Look at how she talks to and treats demon/ supernatural beings up tell now.


I love this episode. It’s so complicated, layered, and it builds on every episode so far this season. What are the lines between good and evil — especially when it comes to Angel. In BtVS "Lie to Me," Angel described what he did to Drusilla and said that she was the worst thing he did as Angelus, but seeing it happen is absolute horror and tragedy. Poor Drusilla. No wonder why Angel offered her and Spike the chance to leave in BtVS S2. It's interesting that Darla was a puppetmaster to Angelus, but he took her ideas and turned them into masterpieces of sadistic torment, which both delighted and disturbed her. Who knew that the Darla of BtVS was such a fascinating character? Julie Benz is extraordinary, and the chemistry between her and DB is sizzling. Speaking of sizzling, I love the mirror to Buffy's cross burning into Angel's chest when they tenderly kissed goodbye after Angel killed Darla for her in “Angel.” Here, Darla uses the cross to deliberately taunt him while Angel has her by the throat: "No matter how good a boy you are, God doesn't want you. But I still do." What a fabulous line for Catholic boy Angel. Marti Noxon wrote the Angel/Darla scenes, and she gets how complicated and twisted their relationship is. Buffy represented salvation to Angel, his capacity for goodness and redemption. Darla represents the opposite: her seduction of Angel’s innate darkness and awakening his demon. The way Julie Benz staggers and scoffs but with a quivering, insulted voice, “But that…that cheerleader did?” That this climactic scene takes place in a former convent in which the sacred and cursed intersect is brilliant (and a gorgeous location). Darla running into the light, dressed in shades of blue that Buffy wears (also Virgin Mary), was the icing on the cake.


Sorry i know i copied this a few times but it needs to be said. Yes it was done deliberately by the writers. It wasn't that long after Rodney King was beat by police that this episode was made and it was also during this time that C.R.A.S.H. special unit was being investigated forunprovoked shootings, unprovoked beatings, planting of evidence, frameups, stealing and dealing narcotics, bank robbery, perjury, and covering up evidence of these activities. 70 police officers where involved in that. The writers tried to deal with issues that are prominent in the real world while adding the Supernatural over it. This just adds to Gunns character and make him that much real while doing the same for Kates. It shouldn't be that big of a surprise that Kate would act like this. The writers already wrote her character to have under line racist tenancies. Look at how she talks to and treats demon/ supernatural beings up tell now.


YUP. And Shawn Ryan, the writer/producer who left Angel to create "The Shield" was inspired by CRASH, which was an acronym for (I hate even typing this) "Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums." If you're interested, read this (and I highly recommend those commenters who are arguing that "this was a different time" or whatever to read this and more): https://twitter.com/glenmazzara/status/1271134263581106177. Glen Mazzara, who worked on "The Shield," briefly discusses the various disgusting ways the LAPD tried to prevent the show from being made in the first place and then constantly harassed them.


This is not so much a comment but a genuine question....in a world where the supernatural doesn't exist (well, at least as far as we're sensible aware of) is it racist to hate non humans? Being a massive Mass Effect fan I think the term more appropriate would be xenophobic. I will clarify, this is a question and I'm neither condemning or appreciating racist behaviour on the show on in general, but when we're talking about non humans, like this show features all the time, it's not race we're talking about. It's xenobiology, right?


Feel I need to clarify a little, I'm *not* not condemning racist behaviour, I was just trying to say this comment/question wasn't about race.