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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

Supernatural could have ended here without that little cliffhanger at the end, imagine that. I cant wait to relive Season 6 with you! But first our Swan Song!!

Maxwell Long

This is truly the proper ending to the show. The rest of the show has some fantastic episodes but... right here and now is the true and full ending. This is a special episode and even more intense upon *first* re-watch,

Daniel R

Season 6 opens a lot of doors for the future Steven, trust me with all the knowledge we have now this season feels small in comparison.


This was supposed to be the series finale, but then they got picked up for a 6th season and they added the ending scene with Sam.

Casey Mead

This is one of my all time favourite episodes the only thing i hate is dean going to lisa never liked them together

DJ Doena

I enthusiastically watched the show to this very episode and it was a great ride. But with season 6 I kinda fell out of it and never truly returned, especially because I felt that storylines were never as great as the first five seasons.

Sharon Owen

Eric Kripke the creator of the show, planned these 5 seasons from the beginning. This was supposed to be its natural end. (just like JK Rowling planned all 7 HP books) I think the only difference would have been the last scene. Next season we get a new show runner because Kripke had completed his plans and didn't have anything else he wanted to bring. I was prepared for it to end at Season 5, but I'm glad it didn't now because it still goes on to be a strong show.

Reed James

Yeah, me, too. THis was where it was supposed to end. It works (save those last few seconds).

Reed James

Does it? I couldn't make it through season 6 despite it having a few very excellent episode. Over all, though, it wasn't great for me.

Elisa Ingo

Perfect 10!! Can't watch this episode without a box or two of kleenex.


Omg, I've cried again. This was the best episode of Supernatural in my opinion. It is just perfect, sublime. It feels like an end, because it was an ending (in a way).


Best season of the series? uuuuuhm no

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

Eric Kripke's original plan for the show was 5 seasons, so Swan Song was supposed to be the series finale. I believe that it was originally going to end with Dean saying yes to Michael as well, Dean and Sam having the big showdown, ending with both of them jumping into the pit and sacrificing themselves to save the world. However, a few episodes before the end of the season, it was announced the show was being renewed for Season 6 (the actors had 6-year contracts)... so the writers changed some things, like bringing back Lisa and Adam, ending the season with Dean surviving, and adding the final shot of Sam under the streetlight as a set-up for season 6. Chuck is actually supposed to represent Eric Kripke - Chuck is the writer of the story, just as Kripke is. He has now told his story and his purpose has been fulfulled, just as Kripke left the show after Season 5 when he'd told the story he wanted to tell. Personally, I would have been happy for the show to end with Season 5, with Sam and Dean both sacrificing themselves to save the world… because while I have continued to watch seasons 6-15 and while there are some great episodes still to come, for me Seasons 1-5 provide an awesome, complete story arc on their own.

Daniel R

Yeah lol it's a cute statement to make, there's so many good seasons post-Season 5. Season 8 gets insanely good and 9 felt like non-stop action. Then the world keeps getting bigger and bigger, it's insane how limited you think the universe is if you think there's no where to go after 5 lol. Supernatural is incredible and the emotional stuff is still going on strong :)


Everyone has their own opinions on what season is the best etc. I love s05 but it is not my favorite, and it doesn't include my favorite episode either. So much great story still to come. Great reaction as always.

Maxwell Long

The first five seasons of Supernatural add up to some of the best television ever. What you need to do mentally is put a barrier up after this finale and understand that everything that comes after is just bonus but not part of the *original* story. This is the true ending of the show

Daniel R

Imagine telling a reaction channel how to watch and perceive a show going forward by needing to repeat himself lmao


As many stated this was supposed to be the original series finale. All the flashbacks to the previous episodes is so good and what I hope they do for the end of season 15(whenever we get that😅) The Chuck narration hits so well once you realize what it all means and it really gets me on rewatches. This is my favorite episode probably of the series but there are so many good ones. This is also my favorite season but 9/10 are really good too. Also as other said 6 gets a new show runner and you can tell it has some growing pain but IMO one of the shows best funny episodes is in season 6. Any show that has 15 season is going to have some misses but I promise you the way they extend the world and characters they add in the up coming seasons is so worth the few boring/slow plot lines.


The general consensus amongst some fans is that the show should've ended here. Well I'm in the camp saying I'm happy it didn't in hindsight as I was one of those people who felt that. But after 15 years of seeing what the fandom has created, and provided Jensen and Jared 10 more years at least of being brothers with each other. Idk man, just something about that, and seeing how many fans of different generations stumbled on the show later. That wouldn't have happened if the show were only 5 seasons. Itd be a great show and that's that. The show is legendary because it's been on for 15 years and still producing great storylines. Not as great maybe as the "glory years" but still so much to love and watch. I mean season 6 is good and has some of my favorite all time episodes.

Scarlett Monrow

I look at this as we have 6 seasons of original SPN and then 10 more seasons of spin off with same characters.


I don't understand why people think this is a "perfect" ending. Sam is literally trapped in hell with lucifer for eternity....🤔 also seasons 6, 7,11,13,15 have some of my favorite storylines and episodes of all time, so I'm really glad it didn't end here.

Daniel R

Their "perfect" ending doesn't exist. It only exists in their mind because reality is Sam reappears and the mystery behind it all becomes explored and continues. Their ending is just the end to a story arc that is now a prologue to a grander and better story.


the fact that Sam jumped in there without hesitation, thinking that’s where he would be for eternity still blows my mind. SAM WINCHESTER DESERVES THE WORLD AND NOTHING LESS!!!!!!


Oh God, I love Chuck😏. Re-watching certain episodes like this one or "The song remains the same" really packs an emotional punch. Feeling the torture in that episode of knowing that Marys life is about to end and in a way so is Johns, and that breeds just a domino effect of events. "Monster at the end of the book" where we're introduced to Chuck for the first time and is also one of the first times Supernatural goes SO very much incredibly meta🤣🤣🤣. This episode, listening to Chuck's narrations and looking back to the beginning when the only real plan was "Saving people, hunting things, the family business."🥺 This would have been a beautiful yet bittersweet ending, and every time I re-watch this episode I have the same thought of how perfectly they pulled everything together.❤️ HOWEVER, I mean one of my all time favorite seasons is season 8, so I'm definitely not in the camp of saying that the show should've ended here. I also realized around that time that I was a Sam girl, 😍so that new found love for Sam sometimes influences how I take in the re-watch. I personally feel like Sam would've deserved WAY more than to sacrifice himself like this. I mean, I suppose that's why it's a sacrifice, but when you think about Sam's life up until now, it's been SO, mind-blowingly shitty😭. I mean both of their lives have, but with Sam...he got out. He got to live the life he wanted, only for it to be taken from him when Jess died... When you think about it, I'm not sure if its beautiful or heartbreaking that in the end (because this was supposed to be the end) Sam gives his life so that Dean could live the life Sam always wanted for himself....If this would have been the end I guess the only solace we get as the audience is hoping that Dean would live a happy life. But alas we have 10 more seasons😂 so buckle in buddy. And honestly don't take all the comments about season 6 and 7 to heart. You may love them. 🤷🏾‍♀️ They are still really good seasons. I just think it feels different because we got a new show runner, and they had to figure out where they wanted to take the show. I feel like when people rag on those seasons it makes the reactors go into them on a negative note. Actually I really LOVE re-watching 6 and 7. Anyway glad you enjoyed the episode. Oh and the girl you're thinking about that Dean was in love with season 1, her name was Cassie. And I agree. I actually love Lisa though 💞but I also think Cassie would've been a better fit (if they had sprinkled her in throughout the seasons) Also I hope you'll react to the blooper reel. I don't know why you stopped doing that but it's a huge part that the fandom enjoys. See ya next time.🤗

Arada Michaels

I think the reason they went with Lisa instead of Cassie is because Dean got to have not just a relationship but to be a father too. Cassie was more of a fighter. I think she worked in the police force so if Dean got back with her, he would've been facing other monsters. Or Cassie would ask about hunting and Dean would give in and teach her how to hunt. Lisa isn't like that. She represents the normal life in every way. He got the apple life he deserved while Sam got to be the hero he was. It is pretty poetic.

Daniel R

Agreed about Lisa. Surprised he didn't mention Ben being another reason why they went that route because I thought it was clear even though they said Dean isn't the father. But Supernatural was always about family being more than just blood so it works for me.

Marissa Brady

Man, I haven't seen this episode is years. It was so much fun watching it over again. Honestly, My favorite season is season 8. To me, that's the season that gave the show it's second wind. Season 6 and 7 were not my favorite seasons. They're probably at the bottom of my list. I just loved all the stuff with the impala and the explanation that the car was their home. I always felt that way from the very beginning. Can't wait for more supernatural episodes!


Probably going against the consensus, but I never really felt much specifically for this season, it was good but most of them are anyway. I would even put a few later seasons higher as well as maybe one of the previous. But in spite of that, I do think this episode does a good job of what could have been an ending to the series if that is the way they had gone. But I am more than glad they didn't.


Yes, us supernatural fans don’t know how they manage to do another 10 seasons but they do and it’s really good honestly lol


my fav season has to be season 13, so I can’t wait until you get there


I'm solidly in the "it should have ended here" camp. Don't get me wrong, 90% of the time a show with an X many season plan gets extended because it has so many viewers, the end result is way way worse than what happens with this show. There are still great episodes and seasons down the line. But if this ended here it would have been a 5 season arc, a complete story, with a painful and bitter sweet ending, and it would have been a classic. Something people would recommend to their friends for decades. Instead, it's now kind of hard to tell someone they should invest all the time required to watch this series, especially when they have to trudge past a couple of dud seasons coming up.

Tyrence Purnell

Well the peace s that after the fight between Mchael and Lucifer, Michael is destined to when and then there will be paradse. But the Winchesters had problems with collateral damage.


Once the reflection off the Impala sparks Sam’s memories, it was fun to see Steven’s appreciation for all the ,end-up about the Impala in the episode. It seems odd until you understand how it plays into Sam. Sing able to beat Lucifer. Season 6 is somewhat the same. The beginning feels a little off until you learn what’s hidden behind the story.