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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

Steven I just want to say you're at a point in the show where i wish i could relive it for the first time again. The story gets so much more interesting going forward.

Futuristic Girl

The next episode is one of my faves.

Lynell Twiner

Buckle up for the craziest rides to come. Don't start watching the Originals to Season 4 of TVD and no Legacies until after Season 5 of the Originals.. These shows have great storytelling and characters. TV D is mainly set High School , college where The Originals is adult themed .This was shot before Lauren aka Rose played Maggie in TWD . Keep them comin g!


The actor who plays Elijah is a New Zealand actor. He was in a really funny nz ad when he was a teenager

Therese Larsen

Saaaame! I wish I could erase my memories with this show but know it’s good so that I could watch it all for the «first» time again 😅

Jesenia Encarnacion

Damn i wish you watched more of TVD episodes during the week lol.

Jesenia Encarnacion

Oh and i think you misheard Katherine is not an Original.

Tendai kangas

the originals is not a flashback show, the time line is the same as the vampire diaries. they are technically watched side by side after s3


This is where Vampire Diaries gets VERY good. The love triangle is really well set up at this point (because the bond between the brothers is growing too and that makes it really compelling), Elijah is just one of the best characters and the mystery around the curse and the originals (especially Klaus) is very entertaining. I loved that this episode opened up the story a whole lot more and set up so many great things.

Amanda Winner

Drive was a bit blurry when in full screen. Pretty sure they need to be of a bloodline to learn witchcraft. It was funny, all the questions you were asking, the character asked them after. As Elijah is an Original, typical vampire things don't work the same way with him

john segun doe

omg the originals. Oh bro you're gonna wanna pop out more of these eps. I was soo biased against tvd before i watched it but when i finally gave in, it became apparent that the writing on this show, lore, story progression, acting, plot twists character development etc. was sooo unexpectedly good, i binged it with the quickness. i'm a man with alot of bravado but boy is it fucking hard not to get watery eyed while watching this show. i'm talking about almost every ep has a scene where you're like "who's cutting onions in here".

Idun V

I'm so excited for this season!

Idun V

Elijah is by far my favourite Original 💕

Daniel R

I thought it was cute Steven having a fanboy moment. It's okay to say you love this show, it's well written and well acted. Like you said, the characters and love story are solid. Can you even think of a bad episode so far?

Daniel R

As for Bonnie sending a message to Elena. She said just before that she wanted to try it out, and while it may not be a big deal but it did do something. It put Elena's mind at ease to stop her from doing something dumb and to remain calm. On the flipside I could see you complain about Elena doing something foolish in trying to escape, Bonnie's message prevents that.


i feel ya. it's hard to get through the first few eps, but as soon as season 1 ends it gets truly fantastic.

Janeka Rector

Whoever said this episode is skippable is a hater. Tsk. I’m glad you liked the episode. :)


Exactly. Also it let Elena know that people were indeed coming. If she had tried to flee or anything she would've put Damon and Stefan in unneccesary danger too.


I agree. TVD is a really good show actually. The first few eps are trying, but after that it's just really good storytelling.

Daniel R

I've noticed someone always votes "skippable" on every Vampire Diaries episode lol, definite hater


Elijah is the best character in the entire set of series. As others have mentioned Katherine not an original she's really young compared to them. The Originals (show) has more of the cool lore things and less of the teen romance stuff (although it has romance just, different?).

Adira Griffin

The originals actually isn’t meant to be watched until the vampire diaries reaches season 5 they coincide with each other then. I’m so excited to see your reactions moving forward as the show gets insanely good!

Sade L.

Enter The Originals! So excited! TVD is about to get CRAZY! We definitely need more episodes per week at this point lol oh and the originals are actually over 1000 years old, not 500 😊




This episode also alludes to the fact that the originals as vampires don't abide by the same 'vampire rules' as every other vampire. I like that they made this distinction bc them being 'originals' and not abiding by the same rules, in a way, makes complete sense. It also adds to the suspense of the lore and story as a whole, i love it.


I can't wait until you meet Klaus. Although Elijah is one of my fav, Klaus' character development is INSANE.

Futuristic Girl

who else thinks season 2 is the best season?


Gah I hate what Stefan says there about letting Elena come between them like Katherine did. They were divided for like the last 100 years and Elena isn't coming between them, she's the reason they are reuniting now. She was able to show compassion for Damon and remind Stefan that his brother was worth saving. She is the one who got Damon to care about his brother again. Stefan just finally apologized after 150 ish years. So yeah, I hate when people act like she came between them.


When this show is good it’s really good.

s jaco

starting now this is where it get really good until and stays that way in my opinion till S4. Though I still have many things I like about S4. Personally I'm a big fan of the newly introduced characters like Rose and Elijah and other characters you still have to meet and they all make the next 37 episodes or so, the best of the series.


Elijah is 1000 years old not 500 btw


You are SO Right, starting now until scason 4 it's the best , the characters and the storyline, awesome...


I appreciate the amound of appreciation you have for the Damon and Elena moment in the end, one of the best moments of the series if you ask me. Also: it says a lot about his relationship with Stephan too and its interistig that he decides to be selfless right after his brother apologized.

Tammy L. Faulkner

And the introduction to #3 in my top 3 favorite characters! #1-Vampire Caroline. #2-Badass Bonnie. #3-The One, The Only... Elijah!