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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




This episode has some of my favorite lines in the series, but then again, Will has some of the best lines in every episode lol Good reaction! I love this series so much.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Once Upon a Time in Wonderland!! I enjoy this episode. Especially for Alice's and Cyrus' love story that is further developed within this episode's backstory between them. I said this in my comments under your reaction for the first episode, that I like their love story for the most part, and feel that Alice and Cyrus have good chemistry with one another, but that the actors who play them were just okay. And even the second time around watching the Pilot episode, I felt the same way as I did when I first watched it years ago when this show aired on TV. However, in this episode... I have come to like their relationship that much more, and I even have begun to really like Sophie Lowe and Peter Gadiot as Alice and Cyrus even more than I ever liked them as their characters before. I especially like Cyrus, and his overall character as a Genie brave enough to break the rules so he can be with and fight for the woman he loves. As for your question in regards to making a wish to free a Genie from their servitude... If you think back to Once Upon a Time in season one's episode, Fruit of the Poisonous Tree, which is the Genie episode centered around Sidney Glass... Snow White's father, King Leopold makes only one wish to set Sidney free. Upon him doing so, the King invites Sidney to join him in his palace where Sidney meets Regina, Sidney quickly falls in love with her, and this leads to Sidney offering to kill Leopold to save Regina, which he does. So... by King Leopold making this wish to free Sidney, it eventually leads to his death, which is the price King Leopold pays for making such a wish. So if Alice were to make a wish to free Cyrus... eventually a terrible price of some kind would have to be paid by her, that could very well result in her death too. I hope this explanation helps. Also... I really love Cyrus' private storyline with him being a prisoner within a cage made of silver, and I love learning that genie's get hurt by the mere touch of silver. I don't know if this is genie lore known about genies from their myths and legends, or if this fact was made up specifically for this show alone. Either way... I like this detail. Also... I really love how Cyrus risks hurting himself by putting his hand and arm through the silver cage's bar just to be able to send Alice a message through a magic paper bird, which Alice later sends back to him with her own message so that they both know they're fighting to be together. Quite beautiful. :) Now... I also really like Will throughout this episode as well. I like the humor he brings into it upon learning about his past with the fairy, Silvermist. I don't like or condone his poor behavior in how he treated her so badly after their one night together, but I just like how awkward Will is around her when they meet again upon Silvermist coming to aid them across the river. For a moment, it's funny when Silvermist lets them fall into the river, until he starts to drown of course. Plus... I like learning about how he can't swim, and a little about his own love of a woman named Anastasia. I like that who Anastasia is, is left a mystery still to be revealed too. As for what I dislike about this episode... I remember Jafar being a much better villain back when I first watched this show, more than he appears to be so far now that I've begun to watch this show for a second time. And it's strange because I love Naveen Andrews in a number of shows I've seen him in, not even including Lost, which I haven't seen at all. But you're very right about his character for right now not doing much to intimidate me. He's just very weak and bland. Which is too bad, because I want to like him. And as for the Red Queen... I'm still really hating her, and hate her more than I hated her in the Pilot episode. She's feels very Marilyn Monroe-ish and not just because of her voice, but also because she does act very seductive and like sex is all that's on her mind when she confronts anyone. I hate this about her character. And I actually like Marilyn Monroe in some of her movies too. I think the Red Queen's storyline throughout this episode is pretty weak. I think the only part of her story I like is that she does manage to outsmart Jafar upon using the White Rabbit to find and take possession of Cyrus' lamp. Overall... this episode is pretty good. I think it's better than the Pilot so far. And I enjoyed watching it again, especially through your reactions. So thank you for continuing to watch and react to it for us!! Until next time, my friend... :)


Why stopped reacting to this awesome show? :(