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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



s jaco

I like the replacement and I think it's super cool that they used Nicholas really life twin to play Xander for this. It's probably my favourite Xander centric episode of the series.


Just two facts: Riley said I love you on two or three occassions but Buffy never said it back. And of course Dawn was there all the time. She is Buffy's sister. *Warning*: Spoilery replies below


I actually don't like Xander very much - he's probably my least-favorite member of the gang - but I still enjoy the Xander-centric episodes for some reason ("The Zeppo" being one of my all-time faves). Maybe it's because they tend to be a bit more high-concept than the usual eps. But yeah, I thought this was a very cool use of Nick Brendon's real-life twin.


Why are you saying this about Dawn....it's not funny, and you shouldn't be trying to shape his perception....

Calvin Allen

What did you think of Toth's creature design?

Sharon Owen

This is a good episode, wasn't my favourite of the series but still better than last episode. I see what you mean about the style of last episode. I guess it's a way to introduce a younger character. Willow's style is getting more adult, which is a good thing, she's 19/20 years old this series, so it makes sense.

Dan Dolan

It's been said before Xander's parents are alcoholics and it's implied the dad may be abusive (See: "Restless"). Many people think a lot of his constant humor is a defense mechanism.

Ari is my Cat

Same here. Best thing going for Xander is Anya. The biggest problem with Xander is his outward jealousy. We all have crushes on people who don't feel the same sometimes and we don't act like jerks about it we realize we are not entitled to other person's affection and we get over it. He has flashes of maturity at times but he is the worst the rest of the time.

Brad turner

In the beginning when you questioned Buffy's reasoning to be in a relationship with Riley, I was reminded about that here.


Really love this episode. Xander is not my favorite character, but I do enjoy Xander centric episodes!


one time in season 1 was real subtle Xander called his mom and said something like "mom it's me...your son Xander" another time Cordi says he sleeps outside during Christmas to escape the sounds of his parents fighting. There were a few other things indicating he comes from lower socioeconomic status in the first few seasons and about alcoholism in his family.

Emil Nordin

I always download my episode and think onehub works just fine for that so i can't really say anything to the streaming.


Welcome to season 2, please remember to enjoy the ride.


No one liked that episode, when they first saw it, you are exactly where you need to be with this show, the issue again is foreknowledge on our part.


Great reaction. I personally do not like Xander but this was a fun ep.


Yeah, I get where you're coming from with the last episode. I think it does have a different feel to it and leave most baffled and unsure after. But I do love me some Xander-centric stuff. He's a very imperfect character, with some good and poor qualities, just like people can be, and I like that they try to explore some of that here. I hadn't known the actor who plays Xander had an identical twin either until after I watched it and saw what people were saying and looked up about it. I was surprised too! Pretty cool. Oh, and I tried the Hub version to see how it went, and it worked great for me. No waiting for it to load or having to restart or anything like can happen with Drive.


Did he reminds d anyone else of the creatures from 04x02?

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Definitely a fav little episode. This and The Zeppo really help me like Xander for all his faults here and there. Season 4 onwards he's really come into his own and has grown so much. And ye his home life. During the Christmas episode he slept outside in the snow, during the first slayers dream attack we saw his dad all aggressive and they have mentioned his parents being drinkers in passing before but he usually mentions it off the cuff.....obviously trying not to bring attention to it. Always appreciated how Whedon never went heavy handed with this subject, sprinkling tidbits of comments here and there x

Amanda S

Just FYI: I gave onehub a try and it worked perfectly. :)


You're picking up on stuff that last season's finale touched upon. All the dream sequences that were in Restless, and in the season 3 finale all play a part in not only this season, but every season moving forward. So it may behoove you to rewatch those episodes if you're feeling like none of it makes sense when it comes to Dawn, or to pick up on stuff like the way Willow dresses, or, and you missed it in this episode, but we got a taste of Xander's home life in his dream, when his dad came downstairs to the basement. So, yeah, if you're unsure of stuff rewatch Graduation Day part 2 and Restless again.

Ari is my Cat

I feel that Riley is insecure because he comes from a very traditional background. He thinks Buffy doesn't love him (true or not) because she is stronger and doesn't need him. He doesn't seem to get that it's better to be wanted than needed. In some ways Buffy has grown into the relationship much more maturely than she started it. It's a shame Riley has the same sort of hang up some guys have when their wife or girlfriend makes more money than they do and thus feel insecure because they are not the bread winner. Buffy has the power in the relationship and Riley maybe too old fashioned to handle that because he wants to be needed.

Mariella Nilsson

Since you mentioned the protests, I just want to ask if the US media mentioned that protests in support have been taking place around the world, in Australia, new zealand, Paris, UK and Berlin to name a few places. I hope the US news covers that!

Valencia Lanier

I’ve seen the whole series and I still don’t like that episode. Also haven’t you noticed that Willow and sometimes Buffy act like they don’t really seem to like Anya?


I nearly choked on my cookie at your ‘wait what ?’ when Anya said she’s dying 😂 i may have replayed that a few times 😇

Fly on the Wall

I liked the episode when it aired. I was confused, but I liked it. It helps that I was already a fan of Michelle from Harriet the Spy.