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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




YASS. My Sunday morning is saved!

Light Yagami

The reason the death eaters weren’t able to follow harry and company to the weasley’s place (if I’m recalling correctly from the book) is that the weasleys and the other order of the Phoenix members placed a lot of impenetrable protection charms surrounding the house and area. We saw this in the movie when Voldemort is chasing Harry and is suddenly repelled away when they reach their destination


Also in the book the plan is better. Every pair flies in different direction and has a different destination. Harry and Hagrid flew to the Shell Cottage first, and from there they were supposed to travel to the Burrow via Portkey. But in the movie they made it simpler, which is understandable but makes the plan look dumb.


The Minister offered Harry help in the book, and in exchange he wanted to use Harry as the Ministry's poster boy. I didn't get it as a child and thought Harry should've accepted the offer, but now I see that he did the right thing refusing it.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Mad Eye Moody is the professor with the crazy eye and metal leg, who was impersonated by Barty Crouch Junior (David Tennant) in Goblet of Fire.


- Bill Weasley was introduced earlier in the books and I'm upset about his casting. Not gonna go into that. I've said earlier that Fleur's character also got totally butchered and ignored, those two are so much cooler in the books. - Mundungus Fletcher was also introduced earlier in the books, he's an Order member. - It's funny how the Polyjuice Potion transformations look worse here than in the Chamber of Secrets. And again the characters kept their own voices, which has been an inconsistency in the films and doesn't make any sense. - It was Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody that got killed. They brushed past that really quickly. He should come up if you just search "harry potter mad eye" :D - Like Snape told Voldemort in the beginning, the Burrow and other places are under strong protective enchantments. The Death Eaters couldn't get through them easily. - You will see Bathilda Bagshot's name dropped several times throughout the books before the Deathly Hallows - Kreacher has a great storyline in the book(s). And Regulus Black does too. - Oh wow, Dobby! We haven't seen you since the second book! Oh wait...


How did you forget who Mad-Eye was D:


- Umbridge in the films is annoying, in the books she is cruel and scary. What happened to her was explained in the 5th book. She's not a Death Eater, she's just power hungry. - Aahh dammit you missed Mad-Eyes file/wanted poster in Umbridge's office! - Hermione apparated to the forest with Harry and Ron as soon as they arrived at Grimmauld Place and Yaxley was left behind. That's why they can't go back, there might be Death Eaters there. - Yeah the fight between Harry and Ron makes much more sense in the books. - Okay so the dance scene is a bit controversial. It's not in the book, but it's the one scene they added that I actually love. Up until the "almost kiss", which I as a book-reader don't even see that way. They just stopped dancing and Hermione remembered to be sad again, there was never gonna be a kiss. They never felt that way about each other. There aren't enough friendship moments in the movies, and this one's really sweet. Harry just trying to cheer her up.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

As for Ron getting splinched, if I remember correctly... to the best of my knowledge, when Harry, Hermione, and Ron, as well as the bad wizard chasing them apparated, the three had one place in mind to go to for safety. However, because the wizard grabbed hold of Hermione, Ron pushed himself between them to protect her and he kept a tight hold of Ron instead, while Hermione then thought of a new place to transport the three of them in order to keep the wizard from following after them. But in the moment that the three were transported someplace else, the wizard grabbed a tighter hold on Ron and because they went to two different places, Ron became splinched... meaning his arm was nearly ripped off his body. I hope this makes sense. This is a very rough explanation, but I hope it helps.


- Woah I did not remember that idiotic reasoning for not using Polyjuice Potion, Harry wtf. I know you can be dumb sometimes but not that dumb. Obviously they used PP in the book. Jeez. - Lily and James died in 1981, Harry was born 1980. Lily and James were only 21 when they died. Sirius, Lupin, Pettigrew and Snape are all the same age, but they aged them all up a lot in the movies. For.. reasons I guess. - I'm glad Grindelwald rang a bell. Acutally, you should've seen his name mentioned a couple times in the first book as well.. hmm. - The visit at the Lovegood's was pretty well done but the escape was brilliant in the book. But the animation's beautiful. - It doesn't make any sense that they're running from the snatchers, they could've just apparated. Different from the book again. - Voldemort is very angry with Lucius Malfoy. You'll find out what happened in the book. - Ugghh Ron in this scene in the book is so different. In the movie he doesn't even seem worried that Hermione is being tortured by Bellatrix. - Emma Watson did amazing, those screams make my skin crawl. - The Mirror that Harry has is important in the books, but they forgot to include it in an earlier movie. - They really brushed past Wormtail's "death" didn't they.


Yeah, splinching is pretty common because Apparating is tricky, but what happened to Ron was severe. Basically splinching means you didn't Apparate successfully for whatever reason (many students at Hogwarts get splinched while training) and a part of your body gets left behind.


Umbridge is perfect it the movies. Super evil and sadistic with a smile on her face and that giggle, made it so easy to hate her.


Steven, do you think you will make a video about reading the books? I bet everyone would love it, even if you just shot like a review/overall thoughts of books 1-3 together, then maybe 4&5 and 6&7? I always appreciate your honest reviews of shows and movies, and having heard your criticisms I know you will like the books so much better.


It's in a separate video. The link is there.


Lmao the moment you realized it was Moody who died.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I agree with you that it's wrong for them to have killed Mad Eye Moody off screen. He's such an important character. This to me, is why it's good to have read the books first before seeing the movies like I did, because there is so, so much more information given to us through them that help us to understand more of what's happening when the movies rush through so much, or don't portray what's happening very well.


One thing I gotta point out. Harry, Hermione and Ron are not as competent as grown wizards, for example the ones in the Order. Hermione maybe, she's amazing in some areas especially. But they're still in school. Harry is pretty average at this point, he does have a lot of skill and power, but doesn't know much more than what he's been taught at school. He is NO MATCH for Voldemort. He wouldn't stand a chance against him in a one-on-one duel for more than a couple seconds. But this isn't really clear in the movies, it doesn't even make sense.


I would totally love book reviews! I’m constantly searching for new HP readers on YouTube, so... haha.


Shit, that’s true. I just deleted my comment, just in case 🙉

Kacey Mcnatt

Actually they did it in a different way but The Snatchers still caught Harry and the group in the book

Ina Durcekova

LOL, the freaked out look on your face when Harry kissed the Snitch was amazing.

Ari is my Cat

Wow. I'm sorry I couldn't make it through this reaction. I have never heard someone complain so much so early in a movie. I was looking forward to this too but more recently watching your reactions have been more frustrating than entertaining.


I just kept calling him Professor Moody, I didn’t remember his nickname was Mad Eye. When they would speak they said it so fast I thought they kept say Madei lol

Kacey Mcnatt

The Reason why Lucius is scared is explained better in the books. It mostly has to do with him getting on Voldermort's bad side. He failed to secure the Procery in the Order of the Phoenix and there's some other things that are explained in the book that got him on Voldermort bad side.


They did use Polujuice Potion when going to Godric's Hollow in the books, not sure why they didn't feel like it for the movie. Great to hear you're breezing through the books! Hope you can do a short discussion/review after some of them, or at the end of them all!

Axl Jones

My man really said Luna and Dobby together lmao


"Why do they follow someone if they're scared of them?". I mean not in every situation but often... because they're scared of them.


The plan at the beginning was essentially their only option, Voldemort would attack the moment Harry turned of age because the protection spell that kept him safe at his Aunt's place would go away, so it was a ticking time bomb. Other methods of travel were visible to the Ministry of Magic so they couldn't use them, and a standoff group vs group would kill a lot more of them if not all. Mad-Eye is the one who died, the guy who was explaining the plan the whole time.


Man it's kind of frustrating lol. So many of your questions that hold you up for minutes were already answered previously or in some cases were just clearer in the books. Small example, with the ministry still standing they could trust the wards and protections they had in place to protect the burrow, travelling TO the burrow was the issue hence the mission at the beginning, but the safe houses had protections such that it didn't matter if the Death Eaters knew where you were, you were still safe. Once the ministry fell, all hell broke loose obviously.


Yeah, Lucius used to be one of Voldemort's most trusted guys until his failure in Order of the Phoenix. Now he's in the doghouse, has likely been subjected to torture, and pretty much knows that his life is forfeit, and that Voldemort may very well kill him at any moment on a whim. That failure is why Draco was given the near impossible, incredibly dangerous and life-altering task of assassinating Dumbledore in the previous film - to punish Lucius. The Malfoy family is basically just desperate to remain alive at this point.


Also, Hermione explains what happened to the guy who grabbed them when they traveled to the woods: They were landing at their pre-chosen spot, she realized the guy had followed them in, so she quickly grabbed the others and apparated them to the forest. It was too quick a change, which is why Ron got splinched. Apparating is a tricky/dangerous business, and not really ideal for improvisation.


Dobby's death is overwhelmingly viewed as the saddest one in the series. It messed me up the first time I read it.


Yeah the thing is, once you join the Death Eaters there's no going back. You can't just hand in a resignation letter. If you do, he'll kill you. Some try to run but they get caught eventually, like Karkaroff.

Marissa Brady

Hedwig and Dobby's death were horrible to watch. I still hate seeing those scenes. My favorite scene of the movie was the explanation of the deathly hallows. I thought it was really well done and explained perfectly. The thing I hated the most about the movie is that it missed the detailed explanations of some of the events. Such as, when Ron got Splinched, the protections that the order cast on each of the houses to make them impenetrable, Remus and Nymphadora's relationship, etc. Aside from that, it was a pretty good build up for the next movie. It just was not one of my favorite ones.

DJ Doena

BTW: The actor playing the new minister for magic is Bill Nighy. He's also the curator in the Vincent van Gogh wing who praised Vincent's work and had the nice bow-tie.

Sherelle H

Whew... Idk what it is but not enjoying your reactions too much to these movies... some things that you don't understand they literally just said or explained and I guess you didn't hear??? An the Ron fight... Ron DID feel the things he was saying the necklace just made it manifest in rude and evil manner it basically feeds Voldemort's soul into you so all his emotions were turning evil but it's not like it was JUST the necklace... it's not like if he took the necklace off he would be completely fine he still was upset scared and frustrated but because of the necklace he lashed out to the extreme