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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



if you can name one time that Joss Whedon has "gone that route" then you can use that phrase.


I may need to rewatch this episode because I'm looking through my reaction and my internet not working annoyed me a lot and I feel it may have messed up my thoughts on this episode.

Kristin Carter

Lol! I died laughing when he said sure must not be a main character because she isn't in the intro 😂 She was!


I said that and looked away and she appeared. Caught that after when I uploaded the reaction lol


That's a shame you did not like this episode. I'm not saying it's a ten or anything but I would give it somewhere between a 7 and 8. Hopefully, you'll change your mind later but it's ok if you don't. Hopefully,, you will stick with it and start enjoying it more.


You missed a pretty good episode,I have never seen anyone not trust Joss Whedon 5 Seasons in, this was rough to watch, sorry about your internet issues


I think part of the reason why you didn’t like this is because you missed a few things. Which is understandable since you were hot and having technical difficulties. But one thing I can say is the guy that accosted Dawn was clearly the rantings of a crazy person. However the last thing he said to her was; “you don’t belong here” in a nut shell. Something’s amuck. Trust the show. I love watching your reactions but sometimes since you watch a lot of shows you try to jump the gun on what’s happening. My advice for this season is just to watch it for what it is. Trust me. Worth it.

Kelly Walker

I’d definitely recommend just listening to what the characters are saying and not just getting annoyed that they aren’t saying what you think they should be saying. Just let it happen. You were pushing in earlier seasons to let things play out more gradually. You might get your wish here.


Yeah, there is a reason that a lot of people and critics will name this season as the best season of the show or, at the very least, second only to Season 3. Give it time, trust Joss Whedon.


I think you should rewatch the episode and just take it for what it is. Not the best Buffy episode ever, but it’s pretty good in my opinion. The technical difficulties might have factored into how you felt.


Yes, of all seasons, the dialogue is extremely important in this season. Some it is subtle and some of it is not. The hints are there, just got to be paying attention.


Not going to lie, watching Steven get low key mad everytime they mentioned Dawn being around was super amusing. "She only just got there!" Hahahaha


I completly understand your reaction. I thought the show jumped the shark here when I saw it for the first time. But I agree with a lot of people that this is the best season. Looking forward to see you confused :)

s jaco

I think most of us felt the way you did when Dawn arrived, Though you missed the opening credits where Michelle was added to the main cast, so she's here to stay. Any questions you have will get answered later down the line.


Patience grasshopper. As others have said just try and take in the dialogue...some of the best buffy to come this season.


I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but your frustrations over the Dawn situation are a joy to watch. I look forward to more confusion in the future. ;)


All I can say is it’s about time Dawn appeared in the opening credits.

Vicky N

Season 5 of Buffy is when the show becomes truly serialised. Each episode is linked to the other and tells a cohesive story. Be patient and pay attention. Also never skip the previously, you will be rewarded. Also it’s not a spoiler to say that a lot of foreshadowing in previous episodes (“Restless” obviously, but also season 3 finale and last season “This year girl”) have come true with this one.


It's not your internet! It's Hulu.....Hulu's been randomly jumping 10sec ahead for me for the past week, no matter what I'm watching. Idk why. And the show has NEVER mentioned Buffy's sister before lol, I think your brain kind of filled-in a blank there to reconcile her. This is a very underrated ep....I think if you ever do a rewatch, you're gonna loooooove it :) Season 5 is AMAZING


You're lack of faith is... disturbing XD Sometimes is frustrating to see you destroying the enjoyment for yourself with certain assumptions, but, that's what honest first time reactions can be. Keep up with the good work, and sorry about the jumpy Hulu messing with you

Sharon Owen

I agree with others you're thinking too hard sometimes. There are still questions, Joss likes a bit of mystery! I remember being so confused when watching this episode and forums were speculating like crazy. Internet issues can be annoying. If you have Prime and have a VPN Buffy is available on Amazon Priime in the UK (not sure if it's on there in USA). Maybe an alternative if Hulu still plays up the next episode

Rafael Lemus

Many people have shared their sentiments and I'll add mine. Don't try and 'figure out' or 'solve' the show, just enjoy the ride. Loved this reaction and looking forward to rest of Buffy (and Angel)!

Brad turner

I agree that Dawn has an annoying side. A lot of people think that and this episode is also meh, it's ok. Though it established a lot. I think it's funny Dawn, being frustrated and annoyed, got buffy frustrated and annoyed,and Buffy being frustrated and annoyed got you frustrated and annoyed. You truly do have younger siblings. I can tell you something about Dawn, she was originally going to be 8 years old or something but because of the actress they changed her age.

DJ Doena

In an interview with Michelle she told that she asked Josh on how to portray the role and he replied, "just be the 14 year old younger sister to Buffy".

Ari is my Cat

I find it hilarious that you had to keep asking "Why does this vampire [Harmony] want to kill the vampire slayer?


Hah, this is so not spoiler free. This is basically all spoilers. I thought I was pushing it by saying "watch the dream episodes again". You're just giving out all the answers here, straight up.

saydez w

NO spoilers please


You maybe should, you were clearly in a terrible mood. But don't read any more of the comments here. Some people have decided to respond to your negative reaction by telling you a bunch of stuff that they shouldn't have to try to convince you you were wrong. How annoying.

Ari is my Cat

The guy was a crazy homeless guy not a zombie.


I deleted it. Although I don’t see how it was supposed to be spoiler, it just recapped where the sis was mentioned. But if you guys say it is, it’s gone. Sorry...

DJ Doena

Hah! Knew I recognized the voice. Cyrus the vampire is played by Tom Lenk.


Thank you for doing so, but the reason why is all of that stuff will naturally come out in do course. The time reference in relation to the name of a future episode. He has defined a spoiler as anything that will be answered later on. It was in your defense wonderfully done and should be popped up again at the end of the Season


I am sorry if I have made anyone feel as if they cannot comment freely, I do apologize and that is/was not what I was trying to do. I will work on my interpersonal relations. I am an Engineer, I think in terms of numbers and forget sometimes how it can come across. Again this should be a welcoming place and I apologize if my actions made it seem less then that for anyone for any reason. I will try to do better in the future.


I thought reminders of what was previously said in the show might be ok in that instance as it wasn't a cryptic dream sequence or anything that you needed to figure out. I don't really draw the line in the same place but I don't want to hurt anyone else's enjoyment so I removed my comment with no hard feelings.


lol I agree it was hilarious, even though I sort of don't get it, since Dawn has always been in the show. Granted she was rarely seen, always in the background, but still :-P

Daniel R

Your reaction was fine Steven, no you don't need to watch this episode again. You got the general feel of the story so while you are hot and mad about Dawn's inclusion into the story, good, take that with you going forward. I'm not gonna steer you one way or another but if that's your honest opinion it'll make things way more interesting. People saying "you should rewatch it cuz of XYZ", yeah they're only saying that because they know how the whole story plays out. Solid reaction!


I laughed when you said this episode reminds you of a Nickelodeon show. Yes it kind of does at points. I think that was intentional. Just like the episode the Zepo is from Xanders point of view , this one is largely from Dawns point of view. How she interact with others in this world and how she sees them. Most of the time it's Buffys point of view in this show, so it can be a bit weird when the writers change it up and let another character have their say. There is moments where you see it from Buffy side too in this episode but it's mainly to show that somethings different. To me it establishes very well that Buffy and Dawn are sisters and have always been sisters. This is the season that you just need to pay attention to all the small little details. That's the only reason why you probably should rewatch this episode so you can look for those moments and pay attention to what everyone is saying. It's just not going to make since yet, It's only the second episode but the pay of is worth it in the end. Other then that your reaction is good. As a person with siblings it can be annoying when one of them intrude into your 'space' and both Buffy and Dawn do that to each other in this episode. I'm middle sibling myself so I can see both of their sides. And it is played out here very well.


This episode made me almost quit the show on first viewing when the show aired. I've come to like it more on repeat viewings knowing what comes after. I had a very similar first reaction though.

Ryan Wilson

There are two scenes I love about this episode: The Harmony gang scene at Buffy's house, and the scene in Harmony layer where Buffy telling Harmony she was bad at this and bad at that, yet when she's trying to be bad she sucks! haha!!


Sorry you gave me a thought. You are so right, this was a "Hollywood Trope", the bring on a Kid when a show is dying like on "The Brady Bunch" with Oliver, or the kid "7" from Married with Children" or Leonardo Dicrapio on "Growing Pains". I think the idea was for us to entirely be annoyed and frustrated because that is what Whedon does with "tropes". I am now going to have to go amend my score upwards and give this episode a 9, because it did annoy the hell out of me when I saw it and now I know why I thought like you it had "jumped the shark" but the episodes were still not bad yet, so why was it doing that? 20 years later and I am still figuring shit out.......I love this show


I am amending my score upwards on this episode, I was given some information that made me rethink this whole thing. Even if you watch the reaction Steven was smiling until Dawn went all bratty sister, which is the trope. I know believe that is what Joss Whedon was going for, he wanted to tick everybody off. Steven is right to be annoyed, this show is better than that. Thanks Eric J.


Sorry about the hulu issues. I get that it can color your reaction when you're constantly rewinding. Hopefully the issues will be resolved by next episode. I really hope you have a moderator or two for the Buffy comments. People get so excited they don't realize they're posting spoilers or on some micro level trying to influence your reaction to this season. While as a viewer, it does get frustrating watching you cling so hard to the theories you create for the show that sometimes you miss what is actually happening - it's still your honest reaction to what you are watching. Enjoy the ride this season.


There’s soooo many spoilers here it’s crazy.


Right? I sincerely hope he gets a moderator soon or just starts avoiding the comments all together.

Renee Pope-Munro

Joss and the writers deserve trust at this point , and this reaction was like... shitty. You’re entitled to your own view of an ep, but this was unpleasant to watch and based on unearned assumptions. This show requires that you pay attention to the dialogue and the little moments. If you can’t focus, hit pause. We’ll wait. Dawn’s role in S5 and how they explain it is fucking masterful. I won’t say any more because spoilers, b tots honestly brilliant. S5 isn’t my personal fave, burn it is spectacularly good storytelling.

Renee Pope-Munro

Also it’s very evident many people in the comments have never had a little sister, Dawns behaviour is NOT that off, even with the slight age issues of this ep. Many 13-14 year olds are not *all* that different from their tween selves.


Yes, if one is getting PAID to react to shows, one would hope they pay full attention instead of looking away at devices and other things, while making assumptions that don't match what is going on screen. Counterpoint: A new character appears, in the main cast, that everyone treats like a series regular is very off-putting. It has been done on many TV shows and is an established trope "Remember the new guy?" - one could casually assume that is what was going on here … there is a related trope to this as well that would be spoilery.


Do we know if we're getting the second Buffyverse episode tonight?


This episode is supposed to be confusing. I love Dawn's intro now, but probably because I know the story that follows. Sorry your internet was weird. Thank you!


I loved it too, it reminded me of why I watch reactions in the first place... to help remember what something was like the first time I saw it. Too many rewatches over the years definitely help me pick up on things I may have missed or see how my feelings towards something have changed over time as I have gotten older (and hopefully wiser), but they dull the memory of those "wtf?!? I don't like this at all!" moments. Seeing that same reaction from someone else makes me realize that some things were just due to my own dumb biases as a teen (like hating Tara simply because she was not Oz, now I really like the character) and some, like confusion and annoyance with Dawn are a bit more universal.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Dawn was in the opening credits. You just weren't paying attention when she popped up.


technical difficulties aside, this was the reaction i wanted honestly, and i feel its the reaction your supposed to get lol!

Phoenix Dawn

How can you not adore this episode? With Harmony and her gang?!


I don't know where you were getting dawn being a sister from the father having another family that was never mentioned in the show before. you were misremembering and speculating about false info. From this episode and what Buffy said all you can tell is to the characters Dawn has been there the whole time since s1 even though we know from watching she hasn't been, we just don't know why yet. You gotta just let the show explain in due time. they don't always reveal everything in one episode. stories play out over the season it's serialized. the only previous mention was the little sis is coming reference in buffy's dream with faith. The whole point back then when this was airing was the confusion of wait buffy has a sister when did that happen, how... and then finding out as you watch. i also love the harmony stuff in this one it's just suppose to be funny.


Clarissa was WAY before this. I always assumed having Dawn do the voice over was to introduce her to us, see things from her point of view... and best of all: as a homage to 'Harriet the Spy'. which starred Michelle Trachtenberg. The Dawn hate/dislike I get. I hated her for at least a decade after her introduction, which I believe was a direct result of how she was introduced. However, it needed to be done that way and after re-watching the series several times in the last 24 years, Dawn has become one of my favorite characters.