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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

First... thank you so much once again for another fantastic reaction for Lucifer! I really had fun watching this episode again with you, as I've enjoyed all the rest so far. And I really love this episode a lot. This episode is a lot of fun and is entertaining. I really enjoy the overall case and the twist, when Chloe makes us as the audience think that she believes the wife's lawyer is the one who killed his client, when it turns out to be the wife all along, and all for greed because she believed she deserved their foundation's money, and not the children in Haiti, whom the foundation was created to help. Just because he made her feel humiliated upon falling in love with another man, and mostly because he was a good man who wanted to give everything he could to these children, instead of remaining a sports star and giving her everything she wanted in life. Vanessa really is a despicable woman, and I'm so happy that by the end... Lucifer and Chloe were able to figure out who the real killer is, then work together to take her down. Little does Chloe know that Vanessa had tried to kill Lucifer first. Now... I love that by being shot by Vanessa and not dying as Lucifer realizes he is still immortal, his near death experience allows for Lucifer to come up with a theory involving Chloe. Which brings me to my favorite moment within this episode, when Lucifer goes to see Chloe and talks with her while he tests his theory behind his back so she can't see him cut himself across the palm of his hand. And of course... while he survives being shot multiple times in his chest without the slightest wound, up in his apartment with Chloe nowhere around him, he then is suddenly bleeding again the moment he's near Chloe a short time later, once he slices the palm of his hand with his blade, And Lucifer now knows that the mystery behind him being able to be hurt sometimes and other times not, mysteriously has to do with Chloe being near him. Absolutely brilliant! I absolutely love this moment, and more so... I love when Chloe tells Lucifer that he makes her feel vulnerable when he's who she sees to be his true self and that she likes him for who he is in spite of his crazy antics, and then he softly answers that she makes him vulnerable in return. And while Lucifer may have meant that he's physically vulnerable around her because he can be hurt, I also feel that he also means she makes him feel vulnerable because Chloe brings out a side of him he has barely begun to understand and that he doesn't know is inside of him. Because she brings out the good in him. I love the look of confusion and awe on his face while he keeps his eyes on Chloe. Very intriguing... and I absolutely love it!!! Also... I love the scene between Lucifer and Malcolm as well. Malcolm is a scumbag and deserves to rot in Hell for sure. But I also love how Lucifer is able to protect himself as he talks Malcolm out of killing him, by smoothly offering him his Pentecostal coin that would allow anyone with it in their possession to travel to or from Hell. Lucifer reveals he was planning to use it in case he was forced back to Hell one day should he need to escape. Lucifer then tells Malcolm he could use it to escape Hell when he winds up there again once he dies instead. Like you... I also very much love the look on Lucifer's face once Malcolm takes the coin from him. A look of uneasiness and dread upon losing his one escape from Hell. And we not only see fear upon him losing his coin, but we also see seething anger upon his face and in his eyes because he hates that he helped a bad guy to escape the punishment he so justly deserves. And we all know how much the Devil prides himself in punishing the wicked. Just you wait for what's to come! :) Oh... and I also absolutely love how Malcolm is now unafraid of Lucifer's Devil face on account of his torture while in Hell, and I love how Malcolm explains his torture as him having been locked away within a room where he was left all alone, without all the things in life he loves such as TV, people, and especially food, which explains why he's always eating. I absolutely love this! And what a Hell! I love that Hell is described as a place where everything we love in life has been ripped away from us. Absolutely brilliant!! :) And lastly... I also really love how Dan is able to escape and immediately rushes to LUX in order to try to warn Lucifer about Malcolm coming to kill him in spite of his dislike for the man. Like you... I also love the look of sadness and deep regret we see on his face upon seeing that he failed to protect Lucifer by stopping Malcolm like he should have when he had the chance to. And it's true that he had plenty of chances to take Malcolm down, either by killing him or by turning Malcolm . However, Dan was too afraid of what would come of him if he did turn Malcolm in until he finally found the courage to do so at the end of the previous episode, only for his attempt to arrest Malcolm to end badly for Dan. Dan has made some big mistakes, but he does genuinely try to be a good man and he does try to do the right thing by coming to protect Lucifer, even if he would have been too late were Lucifer not immortal. Like you... I've really grown to like Dan more and more with every episode, especially in this one. Overall.. this is an incredible episode. More of the mystery behind Lucifer's vulnerability is revealed, and the stakes with Malcolm have been raised. I love it! Thank you so much, boys!! I can't wait for more Lucifer!! These next two episodes are absolutely spectacular!!!


This episode is so good at the mis-direct! The way they gave us multiple suspects and we truly didn't know who was the murderer until it was being revealed. Malcolm didn't kill Dan because he needed Dan to take the fall. I figured that he would've released Dan once the evidence was planted and he had his alibi in place. This episodes was all about vulnerability. Lucifer's, Chloe's, Dan's and even Maze and Amenadiel. Maze slept with Amenadiel to get back into Lucifer's good grades, feeling vulnerable without her connection to him, which is pretty much all she knew/knows. Amenadiel's vulnerability (and loneliness) is why he slept with Maze. Even the case had moments of vulnerability. I think Chloe getting upset with Lucifer about him "not having her back" was real. She's still upset about the texts from "Dan" and so Lucifer not keeping with their normal routine definitely affected her. I don't think Dan saw him get shot because he would've seen that it wasn't Malcolm. He probably *just* missed the wife leaving the apartment/elevator before he went up. A really, really good juggling of multiple plots as well and they were all interesting. I also like their version of Hell. It's a different take on it and i like how it's a very personalized punishment instead of how it's normally depicted as a general punishment for each general type of sin. Thanks for another great reaction and I can't wait for the next one!

Dani C

I'm so enjoying these reactions - you two are fun together (and both really good at solo reactions too)