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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

When I first started watching the Walking Dead I quit during Season 2 because every episode was looking for the girl, someone gets hurt, no results, rinse and repeat. I know it picks up later on but still what a drag

Cheddah Slammer

This episode is a 9 for me. People always forget about the characterization of characters and act like these build up episode don't exit, yet episodes like this are the reason why the characters we love are why we love them. I also think your not as invested in the Sofia story line because you know the outcome, first when I watched I felt she was alive so I was invested in the group rescuing her. I also think you wouldn't be on Shane's side if you didn't know the outcome. Their is much more here then you think, group dynamic, more strain between Shane and Rick, Hershall loosing control, Darrell characterization, and the Maggie Glen Romance. I disagree with your assessment of this episode, last episode was less with the Walker in the Well situation.