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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Megan Burland

harry's mother wasnt a muggle. shes like hermione who was born of muggle parentage


Haven't finished yet, but 100% agreed on Draco, both the movie and book do it really well, even if he wasn't as much of a focus the past few movies compared to the books. I do want to clarify muggle is simply that they can't use magic. So Harry's mom wasn't a muggle, but her parents, and sister (Petunia) were all muggles. Similarly, Hermione is a witch, but both her parents are muggle. Mudblood refers to those without a traditional wizarding family, and pure-bloods are descendants of the older wizarding families. It's a bit complex, but that about covers it. Also, I imagine you might say in your review that Ginny's relationship felt rushed for this movie and that's because it absolutely was. Book Ginny is a completely different person really. She is funny, spunky, popular and one of the most powerful witches her age. The build up throughout the 5th and 6th books was great too. It's probably the thing the movies ruined the most. I will say, the 6th book is my favourite, so this movie I guess is disappointing in that sense because it's not my top, but I still like the movie better than some others in the series. I think the final two movies do much better jobs at covering the important parts than this one or the previous one.


It bothers me that you deem Harry standing up as Ginny sits to be "weird". I think it's a shame that the tradition of men standing as a woman sits at or stands up from the table went by the wayside. The problem with making movies while the books they're based on are still being written is that you don't have any idea what characters will come to be integral to the story, as Draco became in this one. There are several instances I can think of in the books where we are given tiny little bits of information that seem to be throw away lines on first reading that end up being critical to the story 2 or 3 books later. You can't fault the screenwriters too much for Draco having such a relatively small part until now. While JK Rowling acted as an advisor during script writing, she obviously wasn't going to give away future plot lines or anything, so they did what they could with what they had.

Calvin Allen

They did attack muggles on the bridge. That's why they went invisible first. Also Draco wasn't killed. He was badly injured. The killing curse was used on Dumbledore, you can't heal that


From a film-making perspective, I absolutely adore this movie. It is such a visual spectacle. There are so many beautiful shots. A couple examples are the staircase shot in the Weasley’s house, and the panning shot outside the castle while the snow falls. Deservedly so, this film was nominated for the Best Cinematography Oscar. As a book adaptation, it is so-so. Other people have commented on it already, but most of the other films do a better job capturing the full story and tone of the original books. I judge the books and movies separately, since expecting a 2.5-hour film to convey the same story and detail as a 600+ page book just seems unrealistic to me. As such, I rate this film as one of the best in the series, since the craftsmanship that went into it might be the best of them all.

Light Yagami

There is only one killing curse (Avada kedrava). The spell that Harry uses on Draco (sectum sempra) wasn’t going to kill malfoy. It certainly is a spell that will horribly wound others, but Harry didn’t know that before he cast it

Renee Pope-Munro

Just the most egregiously bad adaptation of the whole franchise. Made up scenes that add zero to the plot, cutting of CRUCIAL details, plots and characters, massively disappointing.

Renee Pope-Munro

And because it is never not going to upset me, #JUSTICEFORBOOKGINNY. It really is the most appalling disservice to a top tier book character.

Light Yagami

I disagree that it is the worst adaption of the franchise yes they cut many details but the film overall is still very enjoyable and well made


Ahhh! I 1000% percent agree she is one of my favorite characters and when I say that people who've never read the books, don't understand why. She's very smart, funny, driven, and incredibly powerful; her relationship with Harry was very sweet and actually made sense in the books. The films did her a disservice, because she is truly a good and strong female character but is reduced to nothing more than a one dimensional side character and eventual love interest. There is still a part of me that loves her in the movies because I did, for the most part, like Bonnie and because I know who Ginny Weasley was and I knew what she was capable of from the way she was written. It's so frustrating, because I can understand why so many people watch the movies and either don't understand/don't like Ginny and the Ginny-Harry relationship because neither one was properly developed within the films. Lol I always wanna shout "but she is great and they are great! Read the books." Whenever people react indifferent or negatively towards her. Definitely agree that her story and by extension their relationship was one of the most appalling disservices to the story itself.

DJ Doena

This is the book where I lost my main interest in the series. For me in hindsight this book is merely filler to give us a backstory I wasn't really interested in. Especially since I was already thinking: "Wow, these Horcruxes are really dangerous and difficult to destory, just look at what it cost Dumbledore to destroy one. And now they have to destroy five more in the final book? How's that going to play out?".


I'm really interested to see what you think of some of the things you've spoken about when reading the books. There are a lot of plot holes in the books as well, but still so much more information and back story and learning so much about everyone

Axl Jones

Harry's punishment for using Sectumsempra was removed from the movie, but it is very detailed in the book. I won't spoil it since it sounds like you plan on reading it later, but I believe it was pretty justified. The way the scene plays out in the book makes more sense to the story.


just to be clear: Harry's mom is a witch but she was muggle born meaning her parents were muggles.


Im with Steven on this one. I think its weird about the standing up and sitting down thing too. I personally would get annoyed with that but its just my thoughts. Anyway I think Draco got quite a bit of screen time with this series. Although I definitely agree he could have had more but in the first two movies side glances and body language spoke out a lot. Especially in Prisoner of Azkaband and Goblet of Fire he was constantly up to something in the background or looked unhappy with his father or other students at certain moments. Also one hundred percent agree about the making movies while the books are being written. I specifically causes issues with the character development.


I agree!!!! SO many people want the movie to be line per line of the books and sadly thats not realistic!


Great reaction, I agree with you on a lot of points. Would love to see a quick review of the books if you read them.

DJ Doena

To the basic question: How is Draco allowed to the school. Well he's a child / teenager who deserves an education no matter who his parents are or what they did. Dumbledore certainly isn't the kind of man to pass the sins of the father onto the child.


So many people can’t get past the fact books and tv/movie adaptations aren’t going to be 100% the same. I can enjoy the books and the movies for what they are(great storytelling and fun movies.)


I don't think it goes into it in the movies really, but Draco was chosen for an impossible mission more as punishment against Lucius for failing in the previous film when he failed to get the prophecy. If he succeeded somehow then Voldermort still wins from that, but in reality he was meant to fail. Snape had already been revealed as previously working as a spy in the movies. In the books it is mentioned repeatedly in Order of the Phoenix that he has returned to this and is working with Voldermort as a spy for the Order again. I think it might have been left out of the movie though so is less obvious at first that is supposed to be what he is doing now. Barty Crouch Jr (David Tenants character) is basically "executed" at the end of the third book. A Dementor give him the Dementor's Kiss which removes his soul. So he does not appear again. A massive thing left out from the book is an huge battle sequence when the death eaters invade, between the teachers and also students Harry trained duelling across the school.


The best part of this movie is Harry on Felix Felicis, it's the closest we got to Book Harry.


You must've forgotten that Snape *was* a Deatheater turned Spy for the Ministry and Dumbledore (based on your comments early in the reaction). And both of Harry's parents are wizards. Harry's mom is a muggle-born with (like Hermoine). The name "Half-Blood Prince" comes from the fact that Snape is a half-blood (his father is a muggle) and his pureblood witch mother's maiden name is Prince. All child wizards are chosen to come to Hogwarts when they're 11 no matter if they'e pureblood, halfblood, or muggle-born. (Not sure is age 11 is for all wizarding schools or just Hogwarts). Sectumsempra is a spell that Snape came up with and not the killing curse. If there wasn't water on the floor, Draco *might* not have been as bad. The spell is to just make cuts, but the running water made the blood run out faster (correct me if I'm wrong about this!). Harry definitely gets punished in the books and they could've put at least *something* in the movies to show that. A comment or something. I truly hope you get the chance to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando (You'd need to get a park hopper pass because the World is split between the two parks and you use the Hogwarts Express to get to either side). It is truly magical!! I was supposed to go to a Harry Potter Convention in Orlando in July (on both mine and Harry's birthday weekend at that) and I would've met Luna, Seamus and Viktor Krum...but it's probably going to be cancelled now. I don't know if you've noticed, but not only does each movie get darker plot wise, but it's also visually darker. There's a gif collage online somewhere comparing the title scene and you really see just how dark the movies has gotten. I'm excited for you to finish out the last two movies and I do recommend revisiting the Fantastic Beasts movies. I liked them well enough, but I feel like now that you've seen these movies, a revisit is a good idea.

Hazel Angus

Well... it's not an instant unblockable kill like Avada Kedavra, but Draco could still have died from blood loss without immediate help. And yes, Harry had no idea what it did. I seem to recall that in the book, it was an attack he did at random without thinking because it happened to be in his head. If he'd had time to think, he probably wouldn't have fired off a curse he had no clue about.


Harry did get in a lot of trouble for using Sectumsempra in the books. It also affects his first kiss with Ginny being just so great all around. I won't spoil it for you but the whole part is amazing, not some awkward, entirely forgettable bit in the room of requirement.

DJ Doena

I don't think he actually forgot. I rather think he was never aware of this. Just think of the last three movies were Death Eaters were a main topic. The movies didn't make much of a point to actually point out Snape's connection to Voldemort. For example, in Goblet Karkarov and Snape discuss the marks on the arm. While that scene is technically in the move it's more a blink-and-you-miss-it moment without much significance given to it (especially since Karkarov's fate is ommitted in the movie's end). And while they were eavesdropping on the Order of the Phoenix you could hear Snape talking but you never actually saw him in Grimmauld Place and the emphasis in the scene was much more focused on the cat playing with the ear. So Snape's role outside of being a teacher has never been well carved out in the movies.


As you go through the books, I would be interested in review/discussions as you finish each one to cover your thoughts and impressions.

Hans Olav

I love this movie, despite of its flaws


Oh and, in the 4th book the Minister, Fudge had Tennant's character rendered... rather incapable... of functioning so you won't seem him again.


Although the invisibility thing and all the flying around without brooms is movie only.


Most questions seem to have been covered pretty well by others here, but I’d just like to point out one more thing: the reason Ginny is so involved in finding out more about, and later getting rid of, the half-blood prince’s book, is not only because she’s into Harry. But because she knows just how dangerous a seemingly innocent object like that can be, having herself been possessed by Riddle through his diary a few years earlier.

Ryan Wilson

The Half-Blood Prince is my favorite book out of all the 7. I've read the book like 5 or 6 times; However, when it comes to the film, they really fucked it up.

Renee Pope-Munro

It makes me kinda sad watching this back now - it’s not my fave film because I adore this book, and don’t think the film does it any justice - but it’s sad because Daniel Radcliffe was suffering from a pretty bad bout of alcohol dependence during filming, and was frequently loaded while shooting. What a heavy burden the role of Harry and all of the trappings with it must have been. Glad he came through it xo


So the deal with Harry's mom is that she was a witch but her family was muggle so she was muggle-born( she had no previous magic in her family) Harry's dad was pureblood. Making Harry a half blood.