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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



DJ Doena

Don't remember the movie very will (will watch your reaction today) but I love the book. Harry's getting into puberty with all the good and bad raging hormones going on but Dolores Jane Umbridge, senior undersecretary to the ministry of magic is also a fantastic character. I just love to hate her with all my heart.

Light Yagami

This is definitely generally considered to be the weakest in the series, both movie and book. It all goes uphill from here though

DJ Doena

Now that you've started to read the books / listen to them: The Mrs. Figgs from the beginning of the movie. That's the same Mrs. Figgs from the very first book, the "crazy cat lady" Harry was sent to on all of Dudley's birthdays except the one from the first book with the boa constrictor accident.


Yes, that was percy weasley, rons brother. He was head boy at hogwarts and went to work for the ministry.


I think this person is messing with you cause none of this is true.


Not true, a lot of people say its their favorite movie and a lot would say in their top 3. A lot of that is probably due to how good the ending is and dumbledore vs voldemort which is the best fight in the whole series. I agree about it going uphill from here though. A big part of why this felt too fast is cause its the longest book in the series, while also the shortest movie.


Emma thompson is professor trelawney


Nevilles parents were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange. Which is also why, if you remember the 4th movie, he gets really upset and affected when fake Moody tortured the spider in class. The books explain everyone and everything sooooo much better. I feel like you will appreciate the details of the books. Also one thing that no one really talks about??? Everyone's always talking about how rude and angsty Harry is in the 5th book/movie. But let's be real, it's not him just "being a teenager", the poor kid has PTSD. Get the kid some help for fucks sake 😂


That is, indeed, Ron's brother with Fudge. Percy, the third oldest after Bill and Charlie

Futuristic Girl

Dolores was pushing the Ministries agenda. She was supposed to be hated. This movie didn't flow as the previous one. I still enjoyed it.


Dont read if you dont want to be spoiled for book 5. But it's helpful information! Few things about the prophecy, the actually prophecy was made by professor trelawny, the teacher you saw almost being thrown out by umbridge, it states of a boy born at the end of july that will be the one to stop voldemort, this prophecy was told to dumbledore and if I'm not mistaken that is why dumbledore hired her to work at hogwarts so that the prophecy will always be safe. That is why you see dumbledore save her from being fired in the movie. Another thing, other than harry, neville was also born at the end of july, so on the day it all happened, voldemort went for Harry and Bellatrix went for Neville (This is where his parents were tortured). But because voldemort chose Harry, he marked harry as his equal (Scar), therefore harry became the chosen just cause voldemort went for him. Also, in the beginning of the book, harry recieved no news of anything which is annoying to Harry as Cedric died in the last one and Voldemort returned yet Dumbledore told harry nothing throughout the whole summer. In the end of the book when he was in Dumbledore's office, Harry was actually really mad shouting at Dumbledore and throwing things around the room because sirius had just died and for how Dumbledore treated him.

DJ Doena

Harry is technically a half-blood because his mother was muggle-born. Therefore by definition, Harry is not a pure-blood. The pure-blood bullshirt (copyright The Good Place) is the same as how the Nazis defined Aryans and Jews.

DJ Doena

To add this this (book spoiler) the prophecy foretold that a child would be born at the end of July to parents that are enemies to Voldemort. That was true for both the Longbottoms as well as the Potters. Here's the curious thing: The Longbottoms are pure-bloods and yet Voldemort chose to go after the other kid himself. The kid that - like him - was a half-blood. Also parts of the prophecy that Trelawny made to Dumbledore were overheard and this is why Voldemort went after Harry in the first place. The eavesdropper did miss the crucial part though, about marking Harry as his equal and making them locked in a battle royale. So in a twist of fate the prophecy became true because Voldemort was informed about it yet didn't know it all.


Are we getting the next one?


The girl who looked familiar in the beginning also played Osha on Game of Thrones, the wildling girl. About Slytherin. Not all Slytherins are evil. Some of the worst evil wizards were Slytherin, yes, but a few bad apples don't spoil the bunch. They are cunning and ambitious. Some don't mind how they come into power but not all. That is why they are allowed to be at school. Unfortunately, in the books and in the movies you're only going to ever see the bad Slytherins. You're also going to see the entire house being treated like crap for it. Makes you wonder if sometimes when those Slytherin kids went bad was it more of a self fulfilling prophecy? You're a kid excited to go to Hogwarts for the first time, you get sorted into Slytherin, immediately to everyone else you're a bad guy. It's only a matter of time until you go bad and everyone treats you like it's a known fact that one day you will be bad. Some might choose to be bad in that case. Not that it's right or they should, but it could happen. Also, Wormtail, Ron's evil rat? Cut off his own arm to bring back Voldemort, sold out Lily and James to Voldemort, and framed Sirius Black? He's a Gryffindor. He did some horrible things but no one thinks all of Gryffindor is bad. Now, with all that being said, Slytherin Pride didn't really become a thing until Pottermore was created and little kids started getting sorted into Slytherin and panicking that they were somehow evil (see?). I'm pretty sure Pottermore has since been rigged to give out mostly Gryffindor answers. Something I cant prove but believe because I've forced many people to take the quiz and all get Gryffindor.


I actually think getting sorted into houses is the source of most of the problems in the first place.


The fifth book is actually the longest book but shortest movie. People who have read the books and know the details well catch a lot of things in the movie that a first time viewer may miss. I love the audio books and have listened to them many times through so I am able to catch a lot of details that are hinted at or glossed over in the movie. But it is true that the books are always better. I am very glad to hear that you are reading and listening to them. I hope you enjoy and thanks for doing these.


Not all Syltherins are bad! It is something that Slytherins are stereotyped for. I have the music box and I love it. I also gifted my friend one for her birthday. Wrapped it in red tissue paper and put it in a large clear plastic ball like it was a Rememberall. Also, the reason why Filch (the caretaker) acts this way toward the kids is because he's a Squib (someone that is in a wizard-born family, but does not have any abilities to possess or utilize magic at all). They're rare and looked upon with a degree of disdain by some witches and wizards Basically, he's supppperrrr bitter lol. His cat, Mrs. Norris has red eyes and an unusually strong connection to Filch so a lot of people suggest she's his Familiar (though that isn't really something that is explain in the books nor is "familiars" a thing ever mentioned in the lore either. Harry is a half-blood because both of his parents are also half-bloods (meaning somewhere in both of their ancestry, there was a muggle and a wizard/witch relationship). There are only 28 known Pure-Blood families (known as the Sacred 28). The Malfoys and the Weasleys are Purebloods. Harry's a half-blood and Hermoine is Muggle-bore (comes from two muggle parents). Umbridge (the pink lady) is terrible. She's a muggle-hater (her mother was a muggle and her brother a Squib. She despised them both). She wasn't happy about her father, pretty much denounced him as well since he was a low-level employee at the Ministry. She is also anti-"half-breeds" so she wrong a lot of legislature against werewolves, merpeople, centaurs, etc. One last thing, Dumbledore kept pushing Harry away during his fight with Voldemort to keep him back and out of the way. Feel better!


Take care man! Hope you feel better soon There's a LOT missing from the books here, especially as you said around Christmas, when Ron's dad got severely injured. Harry's guilt for injuring him, his fright of being controlled, and a lot more I don't want to spoil.

Ryan Wilson

Out of the 8 movies in the Harry Potter Series, this is my favorite one.


Also, super cool you read the books! I love those, I would be so into a review/podcast/etc. of how you enjoyed them and what you think the films still did well!

Calvin Allen

This is my favorite HP movie


This was my least favorite movie in the series right after the third movie. It wasn’t until finishing the series and going back to rewatch them that I even liked them at all.


The Harry Potter series has multiple layers. Naturally, a movie adaptation can't be a scene-for-scene copy of the book and some of those layers are changed or removed. I think as the film series develops, it loses a lot of its depth because of that. The films only ever scratch the surface particularly as the books have got more darker and nuanced.


"Is there extended version of this movie?" My immediate thought "the books!"


I believe as a TV series, Harry Potter would do well with a 10 episode standard per book. Even 15, 16 for the last 4 books.


There is a purpose to the Dumbledore's army paper too, and having people sign it - you'll see with the 5th book!


Just remembered you said two movies this weekend, so I am so excited! The next movie is a 10! No question!


I loved this movie. It's probably top 3-4 in the series to me(behind 3rd film, 6th & the 7th which is 2 parts)

Marissa Brady

First off, I'm sorry your not feeling well. If you want to limit your doctor's visits and not have to go the emergency room , you might want to try teladoc. Its a virtual doctor's visit. Check with your insurance, it will probably be listed on their website.I hope you feel better soon. Second, thank you so much for uploading another harry potter reaction! I really enjoyed the movie, but lacked a ton of information and a lot of the fight scenes in the department of mysteries which i hated. I still liked the movie though. However, because of all in the information it lacked it has a very low rating from me.

Hazel Angus

Yep. The Nazis went back to the second generation on that one. One Jewish grandparent polluted the German blood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mischling_Test And this classification was NOT put in place by the Nazis. Long before the Nazis, Germany and Austria barred those of Jewish descent from becoming members of all sorts of organisations, clubs, societies etc. Hitler didn't cause this. He was a symptom of what was already rotten, not the cause of it. He just took it a heck of a lot further. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_paragraph

Hazel Angus

"Harry is a half-blood because both of his parents are also half-bloods (meaning somewhere in both of their ancestry, there was a muggle and a wizard/witch relationship)." Actually, Harry's mum was Muggle-born, not half-blood. That's why Harry's half-blood, because pure-blood fanatics think that Muggle-born witches and wizards shouldn't be allowed to practice magic. In their eyes, Lily is as 'bad' as a Muggle.


Try telemedicine it’s an app where you can talk to a licensed doctor and they can give you medical advice and prescriptions if you need it! I tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it really helped me. Anyway great reaction! I like this movie but I felt like I didn’t get enough information about what was going on to be honest.


The book is definitely the longest of the series. The movie skips quite a lot (including why Hermione ended up at Grimmauld Place, and what happens in the hospital with Arthur, and how they get back to Hogwarts), but gets the basic shape in there. I wish there were an extended version. The hospital sequence alone would be a reason for it. That said, I love the portrayal of Umbridge. She doesn't look like she did in the books--it's hard to find an actress who would match that--but man, did she nail the personality. It's the first time Harry really takes on the adult world on its own terms. He fails in the end, but he fails quite well, if that makes sense.


To go on a bit, the first spell we see in the book is one that makes Harry effectively invisible. It's called being Disillusioned, and that's the theme of the book--Harry becoming increasingly disillusioned with the world around him. Umbridge is there to make even his haven of Hogwarts almost unlivable as the Ministry tightens its grip, trying to make him "invisible." We also see how he fights it through the press, and there's some work involving Dobby and... well, a lot of things that probably *could* be sacrificed to keep it tightly focused on "Harry learns to stand on his own two feet and become a leader, leading to the disaster at the ministry and the death of Sirius, leaving him with no parental figure." But it does lose something in the details. Also, there's a reason for the list comes into play at the end. Also another character, named Marietta, who comes into it.


Umbridge. Is. Evil. Many people feel that she is even worse than Voldemort and hate her more than him and I'm among them. At least Voldemort had a reason for becoming what he is, misguided and abhorrent as it was. Umbridge is just power hungry and sadistic. I've never hated a fictional character more. She needs a serious throat punching. Harry Potter is my all-time favorite fandom and "Order of the Phoenix" is my favorite book of the series. To attest to my nerdiness--all my pets are named after HP characters. My cats are Harry and Hermione, my dog is Neville, and my dog that passed away last year was Luna (who totally lived up to her namesake).

Ariyon King

Just because I don’t see anyone else mentioning it. Although you said he should have brought all of the other students he did t have the time. His vision was showing Sirius being tortured in real time and he didn’t have time to wait to find all of the students from Dumbledores Army to take to the ministry. He ended up taking the kids he had with him. Also, the twins are no longer at Hogwarts. They were expelled and are now trying to open their own joke shop.

Maxwell Long

Fyi this is probably my favorite book while also being one of my lesser favorite of the movies however the Dumbledore vs. Voldemort fight at the end redeems it a bit. There's a reason this is the longest book in the entire series.

Maxwell Long

You may want to put a spoiler tag as they are reading the books now


From the books, The Department of Mysteries consists of several large rooms located around a hub (none of them being the Wizengamot in which Harry's hearing took place), each room is dedicated to some impossible-to-fully-understand mystery: love, the future, knowledge, time, etc. I'll spare the details about several of the rooms they went into in the books so you can enjoy them when you get there, but even the book doesn't exactly call the mysteries they represent out. The final room and the one where the conflict between the Order and the Death Eaters took place contains only that shrouded archway with whispering voices on the other side of the veil. Obviously that room is dedicated to the mystery of Death, and Sirius falling through the curtain is the ultimate symbolism of his passing into the afterlife.


Best line of this reaction ... “good to know, Fudge is fudging shit up” 😂😂

Suzanne Austen

Everyone in the comments has said everything I want to say so I'll just explain one thing at the start when Dudley points at Harry after the attack, he wasn't trying to be an asshole but he was actually trying to thank Harry for saving him, but because his mind had been messed with from the dementor, he couldn't communicate properly at that time. In the book, the dementor made him see himself for who he truly is (an asshole) and he feels sorry so he later puts a cup of tea outside Harrys room and they shake hands as Dudley thanks him again properly


Not exactly right. In he book at the time, Dudley did think that Harry had done it. And the tea cup and the handshake happen later in the series.


This is my favorite book of the series, though I do feel the movie is a mixed bag. It's the longest book for a reason as it had A LOT it wanted to say, and the movie somehow ended up one of the shortest of the bunch, so it races through a lot of things that it really shouldn't have. Umbridge is a fantastic villain to me, though, and she does serve a purpose to the main story. Rowling didn't simply allow Voldemort's return to mean we're in for a basic "good wizards" vs. "bad wizards" battle for the rest of the series. She wanted to show that there's evil even on the "good side," and darkness within everyone. While we might all not know an extremist Voldemort type, Umbridge and Fudge both represent the kind of villains that seem much more common in the real world: the people blinded by their own self-interest, whose every move is political and who find themselves in a position of power they are extremely ill-suited for, and who refuse to acknowledge the realities of a grave situation and other people's suffering until it affects their own little bubble. It's a kind of villainy more likely born out of privilege and ignorance rather than hatred and abuse. Not to get too political here, but it's something I certainly see from some people currently in power in their handling of the crisis we're dealing with now. Rowling's never been one to shy away from political commentary/satire, and the Ministry plotline in this book definitely reflected her views on some very real government officials and propaganda she'd witnessed in recent times. And she included that element in THIS book in particular because, this being a coming-of-age saga first and foremost, as someone else commented, this where Harry kind of has to deal with the adult world on his own terms for the first time - not just the bureaucracy, but being confronted by the notion that his parents weren't always necessarily the people he thought they were (another subplot the movie races through), and even recognizing that the place and people who always made him feel safe - Hogwarts, Dumbledore, Sirius, etc - aren't infallible and won't be there forever. The Umbridge plotline was also there to help illustrate that, as she tore down the safety and security he always felt at Hogwarts little by little, decree by decree.


Rewatching with your perspective as a non-book-reader, I think a lot of your criticisms are fair. This book has SO MUCH nuance that is either important to the long-term story arc, or are just generally substantial metaphorically/thematically. With that background from the book, the movie is a lot more satisfying. For example, you didn't feel invested in Bellatrix or the payoff of Sirius' death; as a reader, that scene/performance was a super satisfying embodiment of a major villain in the book, and Harry's reaction--trying and failing to use an Unforgivable Curse--is a big moment. The storylines of Voldemort invading Harry's mind, planting false visions, Harry learning his dad wasn't perfect, Arthur Weasley getting attacked, the prophecy and Department of Mysteries, etc. are all longer and more intense/high stakes in the book. Obviously that's going to happen with an adaptation, but I actually felt like movies 1-4 did an incredible job at covering almost everything that was necessary to the big picture.

Renee Pope-Munro

The cuts to plot in movies 4-6 are unforgivable IMO


This is my favourite movie out of all the movies and when you said that it was your least favourite I think I died inside. Tbh, I feel like people who dislike it just don't understand the movie at all and I would say its the most underrated movie of them all at the very least.

Valencia Lanier

Luna! I love Luna. Yes, that is Percy Weasley and yeah they left his story out of this movie completely. Now that you're reading/listening to the books, you'll finally get all the tidbits and chunks the movies are missing. This is the movie that made me read the books. I was going to wait until they were all out, but I had to read them after this. I'd kind of like your reactions after you read the books.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Random thought; But okay is it just me or is magic soooo much more cooler in the muggle world than at Hogwarts/Wizarding world?


Well it is the longest book of the series and they crammed it into 2 hours. It should’ve been 2 parts like the last one.


Yeah the bad thing about this is the book is the LONGEST book in the series, but the movie was the 2nd shortest.... that should tell you something lol they cut out so much stuff


I won't argue about the difference between the movie and book, I think everyone have pretty much said everything, now about the movie, it's much more darker than usual, Harry is haunted by the death of Cedric and the return of the dark lord, asking about himself and who he is, trying to fight back, the death of Sirius was... Painful and Voldemort, arriving at this moment, a cherry on a cake, making everything worse for Harry. These are dark times comparing to the first movies.

Lucile Byrd

This was my 2nd favorite book, but the movie was a complete flop in comparison. Without having read the book, I can imagine this movie being pretty decent, but having read and enjoyed the book, this movie was garbage. I am not sure how it would work, but I would thoroughly enjoy a reaction to the audiobooks!

Tammy L. Faulkner

This was actually my favorite book from the series, but yes, the movie didn't do it justice. Hope you've had chances to read the series on top of all you do for your channels. The six people who went btw had been the three future couples btw, just saying... I feel like it was just the six of them so they could show the connection, so to speak. Or at least the start of Never and Luna's connection since we already have seen Ron and Hermione start a connection in movie 2 and Genny clearly having a thing for Harry in movie 2.