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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Mark Wood

Love this show.

Vicky N

Again your unjustified hostility towards Karen is staggering. Even though she would have been right to pursue a just cause, she didn’t, as you said tried to do it alone. She was literarily going home after her “partners” abandoned her when Wesley kidnapped her. And your reaction is: how well she is being reckless. How is being reckless exactly? Actually Murdock is the one being reckless all the time and if it wasn’t for unbelievable ability to survive lethal beatings and wounds and for Claire he would be dead. As for the reason why Karen was able to kill Wesley, is because, like you he underestimated her, he made a fatal mistake and also his all encompassing deference to Fisk distracted him. It’s really not hard to understand. And yes it was a shocking moment that was well written and acted, because Karen is introduced as a helpless victim in the first episode but , in this moment while Wesley was insufferably pontificating, she didn’t loose her cool and she got him.

Other Boy Reactions

Yeah Wesley did underestimate her and i love that Karen said, “do you think this is the first time i’ve shot someone before?” She’s not my favorite character either, but i enjoyed that moment and it made her character more interesting.


You saw Melvin Potter previously when Fisk was having Leland fitted for an armored suit. You may have missed a delicate exchange between Fisk and Leland that indicated he was mentally impaired, but a bit of a savant when it comes to his craft. While I agree with you that Karen is one of the weaker (certainly not the worst) characters on this show, I think she is still at worst a moderately good character and agree with other comments that your judgements on her are on the harsh side. (I've looked ahead and seen that you may be coming around a bit on her in later episodes. - and that may be what all you need for her is to gain deeper understanding. First and foremost she isn't there (solely) to be a love interest, though they admittedly throw some considerations in there and the character was more geared that way in the comics. For the purposes of the show remember she started the series having been fired, threatened, and framed for murder in her own apartment by Union Allied which is puppet company of Fisk's, and then she had to fight off an attempted murder from a cop who later "shot himself". Setting up a deep, personal vendetta compelling her to see Fisk's empire crumble. And that has been the primary focus of her character for the entire series. Not all over the place at all. Her relationships and interactions with Matt, Foggy, Ben Ulrich (who has often been a Daily Bugle editor/reporter in Spiderman comics and shows), and Mrs. Cardenas have been about fighting back against Fisk either through emboldening the locals to hold their ground in their tenement housing or looking too dig up dirt to destabilize Fisk and his operations at every opportunity. So reckless? Yes, but not unreasonably so -she's allowed her character flaws like how Fisk's mind "won't quiet", Matt acts rashly when women, children, and elderly [innocents] are harmed, and Foggy went back to Marci to cope with the revelation of Matt as the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. But she also wasn't being sidelined by Matt and Foggy, she was flat out being excluded, ignored, and, from her point of view, abandoned by them because whatever bs they were dealing with it either didn't have to do with Fisk or she was being shunted out of the investigation. So she coerced Ben to go to the Nursing home with her, not as an act of recklessness but because she did listen and she knew it was important to have another person there both for security and to corroborate anything Fisk's mother told her - since Ben and Matt had both been pretty clear about the risk of unsupported hearsay. As for being told to be careful, she, Claire, and Foggy have told Matt to be careful as much or more as she has received the advice. Matt for example, was told by Claire this episode in the form of medical advice to stay in and heal before going back out. Matt turned around and threw down with Melvin this episode. Yeah he can do stuff Karen can't, but Karen also wasn't cut and beat to shit within the past two days by a ninja's kusarigama and Fisk's meathooks. I disagree with you on the emotionality of shooting someone. I you shoot once on accident sure, emotional response. If you purposefully shoot once or do an old-fashioned double tap it's cold-blooded, distant, no emotion. If you shoot three or more times in succession with a handgun it is out of an emotional place rage and hate for someone, delight in the act of murder, or in Karen's case, panic and fear as the person who abducted her from her stoop and was standing to retake power. Emotional response valid, but she suppressed it quickly, and was composed enough to wipe down the table, etc. to remove her prints. Not a reckless move at all. Wesley was a strong character, but his character didn't carry a gun despite being a gangster's right hand, was more used to managing and delegating orders than carrying them out, and is responsive to 'his employer's... Mr. Fisk's - sorry, old habits - needs.' Ultimately Wesley is Fisk's secretary. Karen is Matt Murdock's secretary. If he was going to be taken out by anyone, Karen is as appropriate as Matt himself,


i dont care about karens story either at first it was exciting now I just skip her