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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



The good ole trope of if we introduce a character of color to any episode they have to have conflict with at least one of the main cast members, so we can show over time and being together ,they can come together as one, well at least it isn't the CBS bread and butter formula as when a Wrestler showed up, they were a former Gunny in the Marine Corp and now they work with under privilege kids in some kind of sport going against corrupt drug dealers (because that was the only kind), because how else could you show the triumph of the moment? Just once it would be nice to get the "Oz" treatment. Now to watch and admire an episode with a lot of cute moments, but does it tie it together for the Reactor? Geronimo!!!!!!

Daniel R

Super excited for you to finish Season 1 :)


I’ve always loved this episode solely because it introduces us to Gunn, who is awesome. It was fun to focus on the actual victims of the vampires and see the hardships they go through. I think the thing that was throwing me off was the whole sister sideplot. It would have been more impactful if we got to know her more. This episode wasn’t enough to get me to care about her dying.


Gunn is here!!


Agreed. Alonna being fridged for Gunn's story wouldn't be quite as tedious if they characterized her more.


My appreciation of this episode has increased with rewatching, despite the cringiness of some of the dialogue. I appreciate that the show tackles class disparity, gentrification, and— as Steven says, shows us another layer of L.A. I don't know that we needed this from Cordelia— I thought we tackled this ground already, but we do see Cordelia being affected by the living conditions of the kids, and the unfairness of it. Perhaps it's a naturally regressive instinct, but at least her empathy for the kids is character growth. We saw how she immediately wrote off the kid in the first Faith episode. I like the contrasts and parallels between Gunn and Angel, and how the show dealt with the white savior trope.

Calvin Allen

This is the first time I noticed that guy with vamp face but normal eyes. Is that the first (or only) time we see that?


Gunn is finally here!! We can get excited now. And yes J August Richards was in AOS. Joss whendon resuses a lot of actors that he likes for his different shows


While sometime shown in an awkward way, like Cordelia entertaining the idea to be a sort of trophy girl for David in exchange for financial security, scenes like this are littered throughout the Buffyverse to remind us that the characters are constantly making choices. Those choices, to stay on or divert from their current path is what makes the characters so multi-dimensional. Cause let's face it, would the Cordy we knew in Season 1 of Buffy make the choice to forgo that security? Also...Gunn!


With you. I've often fantasized about different paths to take irl, some less ethical than others, for short burst of time when things get tough... just like Cordy did. She was never seriously considering it, but the thought, the fantasy, was something she as at least entertaining. It was never a realistic option, but the fantasizing is something we can all relate to. It's life. It's hard. I love seeing that she's thinking about stuff like this... it makes her feel real.


The biggest hing David Greenwalt did after this was the show Grimm, which is a great show too if you haven't checked it out yet.


the one vampire was standing off to the side probably cause the version you were watching is probably the one that was cropped originally and he wouldn't have been seen and then came into the scene after. so it looks like he is just standing there but it's just the actor standing off screen.