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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 




This was a funny episode. I think Richard & Dean came to more of an understanding ...not really bonding though. Glad you enjoyed it!


The movie poster behind Kirk was valentine a horror/thriller with david boreanaz in it lol entertaining B horror film lol you should watch it 👍


That Luke/Paris/Rory/Jess diner scene is one of my favorites in the whole series. It’s sooo funny and all the characters have great comic timing. I would love more Luke/Paris interactions. They are hysterical.

Marissa Brady

Paris is hysterical isn't she? Liza Weil does such a fantastic job with her character you can't help but love her! The scene between Richard and Lorelai was fantastic. It really shows the pain that someone goes through when they go through the transition from working into retirement. That's why you should always respect your elders. One day, you'll be going through it also. I know that there are issues between Lorelai and her parents, but she should never be that disrespectful to them. I have re watched this series multiple times and cannot get over how awful she is to her parents. It made me really dislike her character.

Valencia Lanier

I personally think Richard couldn’t help trying to exert his control all over the place. From what you have to have for breakfast (regardless of the fact that Lorelei doesn’t like grapefruit) to chastising and criticizing Lorelei at work. That was totally uncalled for. He didn’t even ask her to see him in another room away from her employees. He totally undermined her authority in the middle of the Inn. Atleast Lorelei waited til they got home and sent Rory away before she said she was mad and voiced her complaints. I mean the Harvard thing is what Rory wants but it must be Yale because it’s what Richard wants. He didn’t even bother to ask Rory if she was interested in other schools, just jumped on Loreli about it. Respecting your elders is one thing but they also have to let you run your own adult life.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I love Paris and her hilarious over-the-top madness. I REALLY love her friendship with Rory and I hated it whenever they give a stupid reason for her to revert back to season 1 Paris. She's come a long way. I sympathize with Richard but I'm ABSOLUTELY on Lorelai's side. Feeling obsolete is one thing but he's using it to excuse such an appalling behavior...It's ridiculous!

Fly on the Wall

The only thing I’d disagree with is the Yale thing. He didn’t say she had to go to Yale. He suggested Roey keep her options open and said he could setup a meeting for her at Yale because he had connections. It wouldn’t hurt Rory to have two or more schools in mind.