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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


Dani C

'Et tu, Doctor?' is a play on a line from a Shakespeare play, Julius Caesar: 'Et tu, Brute?', meaning ' even you, Brutus?' When Julius Caesar is being assassinated he recognises his friend Brutus as one of his attackers. It has become a phrase used more generally to indicate that the person in question has betrayed you amd joined your enemies/opposition against you. Often used quite lightheartedly these days, if for example a friend takes someone else's side in an argument.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much once again for another reaction for Lucifer! I enjoy this episode overall, although it is one of my least favorite episodes within season one too. There is a lot of good going on with a number of the characters that I really love, but the overall case most certainly is pretty weak in comparison to most others. I don't care much for the case at all, aside from it helping to develop Lucifer's jealousy and to help bring Linda more into this show's overall story than to use her simply as Lucifer's therapist and sex partner. Now, as for the title of this episode being Et Tu, Doctor?... it comes from one of Shakespeare's most famous plays, Julius Caesar, and is one of its most famous lines... "Et Tu, Brute", spoken by Caesar to his General and closest friend when he betrays Caesar, when he and a number of other traitors stab him over and over until Julius Caesar is dead. The words are a question simply meaning, "Even you?" It's a meaning spoken when one feels betrayed, just as Lucifer felt betrayed by Linda when she turned on him and sided with Chloe. I really love this. I love how every episode title is always name dropped into each episode except for in the Pilot, and that about 96% of them are spoken by Lucifer, and the rest are spoken by one of the other characters. As for the episode itself... I like how this is Lucifer's first experience with jealousy, which is really his only reason for disliking Dan, and why he continuously calls him Detective Douche. Because he's worried about Chloe still possibly being in love with him and that they may wind up getting back together, when he's come to be drawn to her himself even though he doesn't understand his feelings for her. Dan really isn't a bad guy. He's a good man, who really cares deeply about Chloe and their daughter no matter what comes of their marriage. Although, Dan has definitely made some big mistakes with Malcolm and whatever his involvement with Malcolm is. Dan wound up shooting Malcolm at Palmetto Street for reasons unknown at this point, while Malcolm then shot his partner, Detective Anthony Paolucci and made it appear like he had committed suicide in order to help cover up the truth about what really happened at Palmetto Street. And now... Dan is unfortunately caught between a rock and a hard place, because Malcolm is looking to want to keep working with him as his new partner, and Dan is afraid of the truth coming out. Not just because he's afraid of what Chloe and his daughter will come to think of him and because he's ashamed of his involvement, but also because Malcolm has now threatened his relationship with his family, and their lives. As for Dan encouraging Chloe to trust her instincts and to keep working to solve this case... until the last episode, Wingman, Dan has been trying to encourage her to leave it alone like everyone else. However, upon seeing Chloe's determination to solve the mystery, especially with Malcolm almost dying in the end, he came to realize that he had to show her support if he didn't want to push her away, or he didn't want her to push him away when he denied her his help and support. Next... I really love how Lucifer made it possible for Linda to become involved with them in their case. Him sleeping with the judge to get her to sign off on Dr. Martin is wrong, but the moment between them was funny. And I just love how Linda is able to give Lucifer and Chloe the information they need to help them figure out who all might be involved. I also love how Chloe and Linda come to an understanding between one another, and that by getting to know Chloe more so, it allows for Linda to see a new insight into Lucifer's struggles so she can continue to help him. And in so doing, Linda also realizes that she no longer wants to sleep around with him because she no longer wishes to go against her ethics she knows she's broken. One of this show's major themes is seeking redemption, and by Linda getting to know Chloe and Lucifer more so, it allows her to seek out redemption for herself. And while Dan is caught in the middle of something bad, we still see that there's a part of him longing for redemption too. At least in Chloe's eyes. Also... I love that this episode begins with Lucifer celebrating what he's come to make his new birthday, as a celebration of finally being freed of his father's and brother's hold over him, which is what he saw his wings to be. And I love that Chloe comes to LUX to offer him a special drink as a gift to celebrate with him, even though she brings Dan along and can't stay for more than a few minutes. It's interesting to me that in this scene, in spite of their banter and coldness towards one another, that Dan actually appears to be happy about being there when he drinks to Lucifer with Chloe. Until that jealousy rises up in both Lucifer and Dan when Chloe leans in to hug Lucifer. As for Lucifer learning the lesson Linda had tried to help him with about his jealousy through his and Chloe's case... I really felt that there was really no closure with this part of the storyline, which was a bit disappointing. I mean... when Lucifer confronts and figures out who the killer is, it appears like he's figured out that he really is jealous towards Dan because he cares about Chloe, and yet, he still strangely refuses to admit it. And I don't really like that much. I love the scene on the roof between Lucifer and their suspect, and how Lucifer actually helps the suspect find the will to go on living inadvertently. This scene was quite funny. And I love how cocky Lucifer is with him too. And lastly... I like that Lucifer is able to figure out the truth about Amenadiel being Dr. Canaan by the end through Linda, then how he confronts Maze upon realizing that the only one who could have told his brother about the doctor was her. It's interesting to see Lucifer turn against Maze, upon feeling betrayed yet again by his protector too. Overall... a solid episode, where the characters are once again what makes it so good. So thank you! I can't wait for more, so until next time...