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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 




To your "Bonnie's too OP I don't like it" comments over the last 3 or 4 episodes... she has the same reaction time as a normal human because for the most part she is one. So literally ANY vampire that gets the drop on her could kill her before she can react, she's a glass cannon. Sure if she attacks first she's got a pretty good chance, but to call her OP at this point is a little much. Also, the show reiterated here what they said the first time they explained the ring Alaric had, which is that it saves you from supernatural death, whatever that means. So Jeremy's dad might have had the ring on he still would have died. Supernatural death is hard to define though, like would a car running you over driven by a vampire count as a supernatural death? No clue. Knife from a vampire? Still no clue, it's kind of vague

Futuristic Girl

Bonnie was smelling herself too much. I loved this episode!! So much happened. Katherine sure did make an entrance.

Valencia Lanier

So the ring the Gilberts wear (and the one Alaric has because Isobel gave him the ring John gave her) only protects against a supernatural killing a human. That's why Alaric and Jeremy didn't die when Damon killed them. The dad died because of an accident. It wasn't a supernatural death so the ring didn't save him. The actress who plays Elena/Katherine is Nina Dobrev and yeah she is very good at playing Katherine. Damon is very complicated, a mess lol. When Stefan threatened John, got to see a different aspect of his personality. He a mess too. Season two is good and started off with a bang. What does OP mean when you refer to Bonnie? She has gotten stronger but like you said she has only come up against Damon and vampires younger than him. Like he said she isn't Emily, she still has a lot to learn. Also, notice how Bonnie realized that she could use Elena's name when Damon was asking for a truce for healing Caroline. Bonnie said you'll do it anyway for Elena. She sees it too. Also, I read a few of the books this is based off of. I don't know how. It's so different. So different.


When we getting the next Harry Potter reaction Steven?

Daniel R

So glad you liked the premiere Steven, Season 2 lives up to the hype and as far as some questions go I would say leave them alone for now because you will get the information when the show is ready to tell you. Why does Elena look like Katherine? Theyll explain it, this whole world is bigger than what you are seeing on screen but you will get answers. I cant wait til the main plot gets going but yes everyone loves Katherine so enjoy Season 2 because I'm looking forward to your thoughts on how the show handles its lore because I think you'll be very impressed


A jam packed episode. Bonnie is getting stronger. Damon is a complicated mess, he seems to easily get his heart broken which is why he puts up such a mask. Although hearing what he heard must have been really hard. He might have gotten mixed messages with Elena, but he can sense things about her which she can't hide. Things like accelerated heart rate, possibly her scent. Finding out Damon was in love with her might have made her a little more nervous around him, thus her heart might be beating faster around him than before. Stefan is weaker and wouldn't have picked up on this. Plus Elena told him she cared about him, so I think he put 2+2 together and got 5. Nina is awesome as Elena and Katherine. You can't mistake the 2 characters for each other. Damon fed Caroline his blood to heal her and Katherine killed her. I love Katherine's 'Hate is the beginning of a love story, not the end of one.' line. She's so convinced Stefan was in love with her. Great reaction, looking forward to the next one. S2 is on another level compared to S1. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Adira Griffin

Yess I’m so excited for seasons 2 and hopefully season 3 if you continue! I really enjoy your reactions!! This show gets so much better!

Daniel R

He will continue, I'm sponsoring the whole show--Originals included lol but that's way down the road

Daniel R

Hey Steven I'm not sure if anyone else is curious but I am, what are your honest thoughts on the show so far? I know you say you're not a fan of how Stelena started but as a whole did this show catch you off guard? I don't think you rated anything lower than a 7 in Season 1 and even the 7's were very rare. When I first got into the show I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did, and tbh if it wasn't for my girlfriend at the time I probably wouldn't have even given this a chance because of the name but I'm glad I did. Any similar thoughts? I know you're only 1 season in so far but would you have given this show a chance if it weren't for Patreon/Youtube?


I really really like it. I was expecting twilight so to actually get a show more about lore with good acting and a solid sorry was an awesome surprise.


God Nina did such a great job playing Katherine and Elena like you always know who is who. I was real worried when i first started watching that they wouldn't be able to nail the whole same actress, different characters thing but they 1000% did. Everyone's said it but man this season is sooooo good just wait. Like this episode was fantastic but doesn't allude to much about the plot and i feel like every episode is better than the previous ones in this season. SO much story to come and i hope you enjoy this wild ride.


A doppleganger is a carbon copy of each other....that's what Katherine and Elena are....dopplegangers.


season 2 is imo the best season of the series. you're in for a fun ride!

messiah waite

Lol why did stefan bitch slap Jeremy like that


I mean to be fair I dont know many people who like Stelena, the show lives for another relationship.

Tammy L. Faulkner

And now, other than Bonnie of course... my FAVORITE character is born🧛‍♀️