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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I have to agree with you. Not a good start to the season. I wasn’t impressed by the season 1 finale and this was just not good at all. Bad choice after bad choice. As a viewer I do feel like my time was wasted in a way due to the killing of Veronica and Nick like that with no one following up on the case. It felt pointless. This new fbi guy is annoying at best and the should have built him up differently. He did figure everything out too quickly

Daniel R

Mahone!! Yay Season 2!!! Enjoy the ride :)

Daniel R

"What are the odds of that?" What do you mean? There was literally an episode about those 3 Street names and their significance in their escape plan. Unless you're speaking about the way they realized it?


I didn’t love how quickly he figured everything out. He figured out the tattoos were the map in a few mins. He figured out the cemetery thing in mins, he figured out the hard drive thing and everything at the 2 month old apartment in seconds. He just figured it all out way too fast. I thought it would span a few episodes but literally right away he figured it all out. That really bothered me. Maybe more than it should but I had high hopes going into the episode. Then what happened to Veronica annoyed me. It came out of nowhere but wasn’t like a well told scene. It felt rushed. It made everything with her last season feel pointless since they killed nick super quick as well. If not for those things the episode would have been a 7 or 8.

Daniel R

Completely valid, just wait til the story unfolds because things will fall into place and start making more sense when you figure out what's really going on. Season 2 is universally loved like Season 1, it's 3 you gotta worry about lol, just rest assure things will come together :)


Yea it just kind of felt like the show wanted to make the change and it made it and forgot about last seasons stories. I’m sure I’ll enjoy the ride just went in with high hopes

Daniel R

Things do change, it's kind of like a big chess match between Michael and Mahone--two incredibly smart minds trying to get ahead of one another.

Paul Gibson

I agree on the setup of this episode seeming a bit forced and I would probably score it the same as you, what I will say is that this episode improves as you get more context for it over the rest of the season and Michael V Mahone is one hell of a battle

Paul Gibson

Lol to 3! I was watching too many shows that the writers strike killed at the time but it saved this one by making 3 mercifully short


I enjoyed season 1 & 2. Hated season 3 and felt like the show went downhill after that. But I agree with you about some of the choices they made, especially killing Veronica and nick. Made an entire season of them searching for the truth worthless. I didn’t really mind the Mahone storyline although I don’t remember all the details and storylines past season 1. But you asked why bellik (sp?) doesn’t like mahone. A lot of the time different agencies have issues with sharing info & allowing them to investigate when it’s not their jurisdiction so I took that as an ego thing. Bellik is hellbent on catching them. He probably feels pissed that they were able to pull the escape off under his watch & they did keep him tied up while they got out so no surprise that bellik is being an asshole


Great reaction as always Steven. Any updates on the Harry Potter reaction, cos you said you'd upload it a few days ago?


I personally was super shocked when they killed Veronica and I thought it was a bold move. It didn't make her search in season 1 worthless to me. It just showed me even more what the President was willing to do to keep her secrets and that no one was safe. I liked that we got rid of that part of the story line honestly. Also Mahone is really smart as well. It's nice that Michael has an adversary of sorts. I guess how you see the episode is all a matter of perspective.


I don't know what you are all on about but I loved this season opener. First, Mahone, the FBI guy, is shown out of the bat as an experienced and smart agent. He mentioned point by point his train of thought and its proven how smart he is, a worthy opponent for Michael. He mentioned first that its unusual for an engineer to have this much ink, then he took a closer look and discovered there is information there. From there its easy to swift through the information and figure out the rest with the resources available. I think season 3 is enjoyable as well. Also Veronica served her purpose and the writers killed her to serve as a reminder of how deep the conspiracy goes. She was trapped there and she had to do something anyway. I don't think she could have done anything much differently.


Since liking of an episode is a subjective thing, i have nothing against you thinking its a bad episode, or some bad choices, but i have an opinion about some of your questions of why something happened etc. 1. nobody likes the fbi guy because the fbi always comes in to boss everyone around and take jurisdiction. 2. about Veronica i think it clearly showed that her whole approach of solving this was wrong since season 1 and that this conspiracy isnt gonna be solved by 1 lawyer searching around. and finally about FBI agent Mahone- i think they did a great job of explaining how he is a worthy opponent to michael, he is atleast smart enough to reverse engineer some of his plans and get into his head. Its not a miracle that FBI would have a guy who is specialized in hunting criminals and to be able to think differently, i think the episode introduced him very well.


Okay, so in a nutshell. Just wanna speak on a few points I noticed when you watched the episode. Mahone figuring things out super fast was basically for the same reasons the guy above said so but mainly to establish that Michael is going up against a guy who is just as smart as him if not smarter. Now onto the whole planning of things, when you look at it... nothing went according to plan. It was sloppy overall. Bellick finding the hole accelerated everything, michael ended up holding Pope hostage which also wasn't part of the plan nor sara opening the door. So when you look at it, it makes sense they're hot on their trail... because if they really had it their way, they'd be on Abruzzi's jet. Literally everything from this point is improvised by Mike and Link. The prison break writers love opening up season 2 with a bang and kill off a major cast member for the opener. Did the same with Breakout Kings (another show created by the writers of PB) gives us a holy shit moment and wraps up a storyline. As for the overall quality of the show. I enjoyed it the entire way through, but each season is literally like youre watching a new show. It reinvents itself each season. Quality doesn't stay great the whole way through, but still enjoyable to watch these characters. At least for me.


Could not have said it better myself. And anyways, the plan went as good as it could have gone with all the unknowns that Michael had to adjust to while in Fox River (cellmate, breakout buddies, etc).


i feel like this perfectly adds to my comment above, agree 100%

Amanda Winner

I just finished Breakout Kings on Hulu, liked it but was surprised at the end of the season 2 premiere


Yeah, Olmstead and Santora (PB writers) love that holy shit moment in season 2 opener. Plus it gave the crew an actual season long villain which was a change of of pace from the "con of the week" formula. I'll just end it with this, dont wanna potentially spoil the show for anyone on the thread.