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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Vicky N

Too bad because of your prejudice towards Karen you don’t pay attention to what she is doing and her contribution to the story. It was obvious that Karen knew that this was Fisk mother. She found out by investigating things on her end. She is a resourceful intelligent woman who gets the work done. I’ve detected a slight of misogyny in your reactions. I still remember commenting that Wilson’s mother should have kept her mouth shut while she was being beaten by her husband. You keep saying that you don’t care about her because she doesn’t contribute anything to the story while witnessing a fundamental thing that she uncovered.


With the question if that's how all blind people see, it's just how Matt sees. The chemicals, while blinding him, enhanced his other sense. It's why he can hear from streets over and smell copper from an open would. These are special abilities specific to him from the chemicals, not blind people in general. The world on fire comparison is how these senses in overdrive create an unique way to perceive the world.


Ben's wife has Marvel Older Woman Syndrome, the vague, dementia-esque condition that seems to afflict every female Marvel character over a certain age (see Fiske's mom too).

Josh Lomax

"I don't like Karen" - I feel you bro. Same.