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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


Daniel R

Ahh shit, we getting close! Can't wait to watch :)

Light Yagami

Glad that you uploaded this. I do want to say though that while I understand dexter is not one of your top priority shows, a more than two week wait gap in between these reactions is just too much man. I know that you are juggling this with many other shows and that life happens sometimes, but I just don’t get how it takes you this long to get around to recording Dexter, on multiple occasions. I mean is this not your full time job now? I don’t want this to come off the wrong way, I’m sure I sound ungrateful but I just had to put that out there. That being said, I still greatly enjoy your Dexter and office reactions and am looking forward to the next one

Janet Daurity

So good! Dexter makes many mistakes in this season! Hard to rewatch for that reason!


I understand the frustration but this is my full time job but with everything that’s happening I am pretty straight forward with everything. I say when I’m sick, I say when I have PC issues and with the whole virus situation things are just kind of out of wack. So when things happen if I miss one day with the amount of shows I do it’s hard to catch up. I prioritize other shows because other shows are at higher tiers or they are the most popular shows. Dexter gets pushed to the back because Dexter is just an extra show I’m doing. People didn’t come from YouTube to Patreon to watch Dexter because it’s not a show I put up over there. I try to do the shows that people came to the Patreon for over other shows. So Dexter will continue to be a show that when things get hectic in my life and I get behind it will be pushed back. Dexter getting two episodes a month will be common because of all those reasons. Other shows fall into the same category when it comes to length in between episodes.


Hey Ryan: Steven has stated before what his schedule is. He has A LOT GOING ON. Given all that PLUS a pandemic: it does seem a bit ungrateful to hound him about 2 weeks, especially given ::waves at everything:: . Sorry to jump into this, but people really need to adjust their expectations. And Steven has been quite clear and open about how things go on his channel. Please have some patience.

Daniel R

Very true, Steven doesn't have to do Dexter at all. He continues because he likes the show but that's not what the majority of people who support on Patreon want. Dexter didn't bring supporters from Youtube, Dexter isn't getting crazy amount of likes or attention, it's purely a Patreon show which means we get FULL/UNCUT Dexter while Youtube gets NOTHING. As much as I like Dexter it isn't crazy popular and the reason most of us support Steven, to me it's reliving a bunch of my favorite CW shows like Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Nikita, etc. Granted Nikita isn't crazy popular like Vampire Diaries or Supernatural but it gathered enough support for Steven to continue on. I just recommend not supporting Steven for just ONE show, think of it like a buffet, you get access to MANY shows you just gotta wait around a bit, but there's always something to watch :)

Janet Daurity

I have to say I actually DID find your patreon through the couple of Dexter episodes that are still up on youtube.

Light Yagami

Oh god will you get lost? I have a right to voice my opinion as a patron of his, I made it clear I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful and I’ve still got you jumping down my throat for daring to put out some constructive criticism. Beat it

Janet Daurity

Arthur thought it was interesting that the boy was found but that police had no leads on his abductor. Arthur knows that Dexter knows he did it but that Dexter didn' t turn him in!


No negativity in the chat, do not attack each other in anyway. I appreciate everyone who supports me. My comment was meant as just a way for me to voice my thoughts on the comments. I prefer to have people just message me if they want to know about something but I didn’t want to delete your comment and wanted to answer. Always stay respectful in the comments.

Vicky N

Christine decision to kill herself had nothing to do with Debra reaction to her confession. She had the gun ready.