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Howdy ladies and gents, so as you all know I am currently watching the Harry Potter films and wanted to know which franchise I should tackle next. So I will detail my history with any of these franchises if I have one. If it is not detailed below I know nothing about the franchise besides the pop culture references. 

I know my brother is going through a bunch of classics as well as the MCU films he has never seen but I figured id let you all know which movies I have not seen and you can all see if any of these are worth my time and worth a reaction on the channel for after Harry Potter.

Forgive me for the long details below. I like to be as transparent as I possibly can before you all vote.

Just vote for all the franchise that are worth checking out.

Details Before Voting

Lord of The Rings -  I saw the first two films in theaters when they originally came out. Never saw the 3rd. My brothers all love this franchise but I don't have the same connection to it because I was not living in the states when I saw the films and have never sat down to watch them again since I saw the first two in theaters 2001. Random Fact: I use to have a review for The Hobbit, my actual first movie review on my channel but people were mean about it since I didn't know anything about Lord of the Rings and I deleted it. I wish I would have kept it up but I was young and though people being mean meant something back then.

DC Extended Universe (Shazam, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Birds of Prey) - I have seen Man of Steel, BVS, Justice League & Suicide Squad. I did not like any of those films except for Man of Steel which is why I gave up and stopped watching the DC Films. Would be cool to see if the ones I missed are any good.

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - I have seen every other Star Wars Film except for these because I was told they were bad.

The Twilight Saga - Watched the first two films with an old girlfriend when they came out in 2008. Didnt like them so I never checked out anything else from the franchise.

The Chronicles of Narnia -  Watched the first film in theaters in 2005 when I didn't live in the states and I remember enjoying it.

Transformers - I watched the first two films I hated the second film so much I gave up on the franchise. Never watched another one since the second one came out in 2009

The Matrix Trilogy - I have seen the first one when it came out in 1999, never watched it again. 

Mission: Impossible - I have watched Ghost Protocol & Rogue Nation in theaters when they came out. 

Pirates of the Caribbean - I saw Black Peral in theaters when it came out in 2003



looking at this list, there’s a lot i haven’t seen either 😳 I’d love to see you watch It :) 🤪


I really love Wonder Woman and would love a reaction to that


Number one is LOTR for me! It’s my all time favorite franchise and my all time favorite movies!


The Matrix!!

Donell Robbins

Have you seen the bad boys franchise


Pirates ftw


My picks: LOTR - Because you need to finish it. SW Prequels - It's just something you gotta see regardless if you're a SW fan. Also some of John Williams's best work. Indiana Jones (trilogy) - It really is some great stuff by the trio of Lucas, Spielberg, and John Williams. Classic stuff. Honorable mentions: Ocean's Trilogy - It's just some feel good TV with a great cast. It's not Oscar worth film but it's just good fun. Matrix - If you're a nerd it's gotta be done. Superman - This shoulda been done during your childhood.

Kacey Mcnatt

Out of the dc movies the only 2 that I thought that were worth it was Wonder Woman and shazam


Indiana Jones would be amazing.


So I just recently rewatched LOTR and for the first time ever (I've rewatched it maybe 6 or so times) I saw some scenes that showed a LITTLE bit of aging, as in some CGI that stood out a bit and made me realize I was watching a movie scene. This is not an attack on the trilogy, on the contrary, what I'm trying to say is that for movies nearly two decades old, they were made sooo well and with so much effort that they still hold up better than many films even just a few years old. They're a masterpiece and I'm sure you'd enjoy them


When is Harry Potter coming out? Next one?


oh btw, LOTR extended edition.

Mike Watkins

Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings are my two picks. Another I think would be cool as an option, if you haven't already seen them of course, are the John Wick movies. There's a couple reactions of the movies on youtube and they're really exciting to watch with people who haven't seen them. Either way I'm happy to see more movie stuff. I've really enjoyed the Harry Potter stuff so far.


I have seen the John Wick films in theaters but David has not seen the John Wick films so I’ll let him know and see what he thinks.

Light Yagami

That’s really annoying that idiots have ruined Star Wars for you. The prequels are not bad at all imo, and the third and last movie in prequel trilogy is personally my favorite movie in the series. Lots of people like the prequels it’s just that the ones who dislike it are more vocal

Light Yagami

Also how is pirates of the carribean beating lord of the rings?? What in the world


I know I just came back to check on the voting and was depressed to see that


This many people like the Pirates of the Caribbean movies? Do they get really good or something?


Yeah, I liked them. I thought the issues raised were interesting.


They are all heavily flawed franchises, none of them are so far ahead of the others that it really matters and that may be the best part of all of this. I can't wait to hear what you have to say on any of them. so, I did not vote, because I am good with any of them that you choose to watch. I guess the whole idea is that I came here to vote......"Lethal Weapon"

Paul Gibson

My worry for pirates is the 1st is the best, if you weren't convinced by that one I don't think the others will sway you

Paul Gibson

I'd vote for Rambo but only because the 1st movie is brilliant and one everyone should see, the rest are beyond awful though


Ughhh why is Pirates beating LOTR 😞 the first two are good, after that it’s blah

Light Yagami

No they really are not good at all the first movie is the only decent one it’s blowing my mind how many votes it has

Other Boy Reactions

Batman Returns is an absolute must see for Michelle Pfeiffer alone!!!🤭😁😍🙌🏽👍🏽👌🏽

Mark Wood

Boy there isn't a lot here. Lord of the Rings (Not the Hobbit Films) is great filmmaking, for a book (or series of books, it was written as one book, but size and paper shortage forced it into 3) that was considered the Holy Grail of fantasy and utterly unfilmable. The rest is basically a hodgepodge, some series that just aren't good, to some that feature some good and some bad, in some cases some very, very bad films.

Scarlett Monrow

Please, not the Pirates of Caribbean! The first one was okay for a five year old, the rest are hard as an adult to watch that and not feel like your time is wasted. Lethal Weapon is a great classic! Ocean Trilogy (but without the female version) is also very entertaining. Mission Impossible is pretty cool, too.

Daniel R

I vote Star Wars but only if you can let go of the negative thoughts people have stained onto your mind because otherwise I think it wouldn't be fair to the movies. When people tell you "they're pretty bad" think about who told that to you, was it bitter Star Wars fans unable to accept the backstory to the OT? Because I'm seeing more and more people come around to the prequels these days which makes you question whether or not if they were wrongfully hated in the first place. Even some new fans go as far as to say that Episode 3 is their favorite of the entire saga, so take that for what you will.


I respectfully disagree with this and would love to see his reaction to all of them. While the first 3 are no doubt the best and are like a trilogy, not all of us write off the next ones - to me, they are related and I do enjoy them. :)

DJ Doena

For me the only ones worth considering are Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings (not the Hobbits though) and Lethal Weapon. The other franchises I either don't like at all or they start off great but then drop off a cliff: Star Wars: As an eastern bloc born, I watched the Star Wars movies for the first time in 1990 when I was 13 and I love them to this day. But nothing that came after feels as engaging to me Twilight: Sparkling stalker vampire? Nah, get out. Narnia: Never seen Transformers: The first one was enjoyable for what it was but the story was already thin and the sequels got just worse. Batman: Love the first two, can do without the last two. Superman: Love the first two, can do without the last two. Matrix: There should have only been one. Mission Impossible: Loved the TV show as a kid, never could get into the movies. IT: Horror's not really my genre. Pirates: While the two sequels of the original trilogy are OK, they're nothing special. Rambo: First Blood is a well crafted critique of society. Part II and III are dumb action pieces (What's that? Blue light. What does it do? It turns blue.). I do love John Rambo (Part 4) though. While it is ultra-bloody, it also has the cynical worldview of the first one again. I have not yet seen Last Blood Ocean's: The first one was enjoyable, the follow-ups where merely copies. DC Extended Universe: I did like Wonder Woman and Shazam! in the theater, never seen Birds of Prey though


I feel like I’ve been slapped in the face lol. I love the pirate movies (except for the last one ) and I’m an adult lol. Anyway I liked the first lethal weapon the others I didn’t get into but my mom loves them :) I haven’t watched the ocean trilogy. I’ve been meaning to watch it If you don’t mind should I watch them without the female version or is there something to the story in it?


Have you seen the Godzilla’s, How to train your dragon or Underworld you should watch them on free time. Some movies you should also watch are the Ghibli studio movies. I recently watched your reaction to spirited away with my brother and sister and they were excited to see you gave it a good score even if it was a seven lol. Anyway you should watch more of them on your free time cause they are all movies you should watch once in your life lol :) anyway can’t wait to see what wins and your next reaction.


- Lord of the Rings! Before anything else! - And at some point Pirates of the Caribbean, 1-3 are good. - Matrix you gotta watch because it's a classic, however I didn't care much for it unfortunately. - Indiana Jones - You could watch Twilight eventually just to see how bad it is, I think I'd actually enjoy watching with you and hearing your critiques. /I only voted lotr

Abbie C

Don't watch twilight for the sake of your own sanity *facepalm* I've read the books, and I liked them but damn those movies are murder. I voted for LOTR but I hope one day you watch Narnia. Also you gotta watch LOTR extended edition otherwise did you even watch the movie? 😂😊


If you watch Twilight PLEASE do it with the RiffTrax!!! https://www.rifftrax.com/twilight


Much of this by personal preference, but the new DCEU movies rival the MCU (I especially LOVE the comedy in Shazam), I grew up on the old Batman movies plus Burton’s and even Schumacher’s directing styles bring something interesting to the table, and the first Matrix has some really solid action.

Hazel Angus

If you watch LOTR, you'll need to watch the extended versions - they add more. Theatricals are great too though, they did a good job on editing. instead of just slotting in deleted scenes, they actually recut it. Sometimes they selected different takes from the original film in order for the extended/deleted scenes to flow more smoothly and not jump out as obviously-added footage. The Hobbit films are great too, I think. But I've only watched the first two - both of them extended versioins.

Hazel Angus

Now here's an interesting thought that I've just had, please weigh in, everybody! Does anybody else think it could be fun for Steven to watch some of the Lord of the Rings DVD/Blu-ray extras, from those four-DVD extended editions? (Or Blu-ray, whichever you use). The making-of stuff? Behind the scenes docs, methods of doing this or that, the editing, visual effects, actor selection, design....


I only watched the LOTR movies (not the Hobbit) because I read the books, which i only read because we played a 1990s 5 movement orchestral suite from Johan De Meij (composer) of LOTR. End of my nerd comment. That sucks ppl were jerks to you for your hobbit review. Ugh. Some fans are the worst :-(.


Indiana Jones all day long. Lord of the rings is great too


The fact that Twilight has more votes than Indiana Jones makes me very sad. Indiana Jones is one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time. The 4th film has a lot of problems, but the first 3 are all must-watch films.


Oceans and Pirates of the Caribbean are both a lot of fun.


Agreed! The first was amazing, not a big fan of the second, and the 4th I blocked from my memory, but the third (The Last Crusade) is a masterpiece.


LORD OF THE RINGS!! The best fantasy franchise ever made. They are stunning films, and I would love a chance to rewatch them with you. I am a huge fan, and I just love the lore and world created. I also voted for the Star Wars Prequels, and the Chronicles Of Narnia. The prequels aren’t good movies, but I would love to get your perspective on them.


I am going to get hate for this but the Pirates Of the Caribbean franchise is overrated as hell. People like them because of Jack Sparrow, but as actual movies they are not good. The first film was really fun, but the rest are overwrought and drab.


I think some people are going to be upset that their choices won, a good many of these franchises don't hold up well and the truth is going to hurt some of your feelings.


To be honest, I don't mind the "Star Wars" Prequels, not like most people. Having said that, "Chronicles of Narnia" would be cool, or the "Underworld" Series - I know that's not on the List but still.


Underworld omg. I would love that. I actually enjoy the first couple of movies in that franchise. I know that they are trash, but they are really fun and I love the mythos.


The Bourne Franchise would be amazing to watch. If you have not already.


Yeah, the Mythology is fascinating, plus, the way everything's portrayed is great.


I think the Schumacher films have something to offer, and I think that Batman Forever is potentially better than Returns (which is a pretty empty film, and more of a Burton movie than a Batman movie). From the set-design to music, there is some merits to the movies (even if in the end, Batman & Robin is terrible). This YouTube video does a great job defending the better aspects of the Schumacher movies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKnGolObx0k


So sad Indiana Jones isn’t winning this!

Janet Daurity

No one mentioned the HBO hit series "Six Feet under" :(

Amy Rustand

HOW IS Pirates of the Caribbean anywhere near LOTR?? It's like comparing Dante to JK Rowling. Yeesh.


When is LOTR reactions coming out? This post was in April.


I do hope you’re able to get to LOTR! Would love to see it from your perspective! (The extended editions if possible- they are far superior to theatrical)