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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Lucifer! I really enjoy this episode. I love seeing Lucifer and Amenadiel team up, albeit begrudgingly. And I love that this episode does drive forward the two major storylines going on outside of a normal case that Chloe and Lucifer work together to solve. As far as Chloe's storyline in regards to the Palmetto shooting... I really enjoy seeing her working out the mystery behind the night of the cop shooting she witnessed with Dan's help, and Lucifer's for as long as he's there to help her. I like that Dan is working with her to help her while Lucifer is sadly too distracted with his own problems involving his wings, which I will come back to momentarily. First... I like the team up between Chloe, Lucifer, and Dan, especially in the beginning when Dan and Lucifer role play in order to help Chloe work out the events she witnessed and what she might have missed. I love Lucifer's humor and wit geared towards frustrating Dan such as when he asks for a gun, then a hammer. Later, Chloe and Dan continue to work without Lucifer, and discover that Malcolm's shooter managed to shoot him and the other two criminals before he disappeared through a hidden doorway, then follow the tunnel where they find a 999 key belonging to a cop they now suspect is just as dirty as Malcolm was. I really enjoy this storyline and the continuing mystery behind it. Now... I love, love, love Lucifer's storyline while he works to find his wings. I love how he must resort to asking Amenadiel for help once Chloe initially refuses to help him upon her being too busy with her own case, then is refused initially by his brother as well. Throughout the episode, both Chloe and Amenadiel wind up helping him, until eventually Lucifer comes face to face with the man whom acquired his wings on his own. I love this confrontation between him and the fake antiquities seller. I love seeing the anger in Lucifer's eyes, as well as the despair upon him seeing his wings outstretched and displayed on the wall like a piece of art. The shot of seeing Lucifer standing in front of his wings like they were coming out from his back is a gorgeous shot. I really love this image. And while we are meant to figure that Lucifer had punished the corrupt seller in some way, we don't actually see him do so. However, the seller also pleaded with Lucifer not to take his wings away from him because he's so drawn to the divinity within them, which has a very profound effect on him just as his wings had on the biker from the last episode... Favorite Son. But, in the end we see Lucifer had taken them back anyways, as we see him sitting on the beach overlooking the ocean, with his wings lying in the sand behind him just as Amenadiel reappears once again. And then... Amenadiel urges Lucifer to allow his wings to become a part of him again so he can fly himself back down to Hell where everyone claims Lucifer belongs. However, Lucifer has come to realization by the end of this episode that he had saved his wings initially so he could return to Hell if doing so became necessary, but learned through his experiences with seeking his wings back and Amenadiel's pushes that he really doesn't ever want to go home since he's come to love Los Angeles, and that now he no longer needs his wings for a contingency plan. He also burns his wings in order to tick off both Amenadiel and especially their father (God) that much more just as he's been doing for a long time even before God cast him out of Heaven. Unfortunately, Lucifer pushes Amenadiel too far, and his brother loses it when he suddenly attacks Lucifer, hitting him over and over while Lucifer begs him to keep hitting him until Amenadiel becomes a fallen angel just like him. Sadly, it's clear that Lucifer feels loathing towards himself, as we see how much it pains him that his father, as well as his brother all see him as this all powerful evil just like the entire world does. A part of Lucifer feels he deserves to be beaten, which is why he doesn't try to even fight back against Amenadiel even to defend himself. Instead, he simply keeps on taking the hits and keeps asking for more. I just love the emotions we see from our characters throughout the major storylines, whether the emotions are explored or not. But to back up a little... I also love how Lucifer uses his coin he's always seen magically twirling in order to get him and Amenadiel into the auction. This coin isn't explained, but it ill be. We just know that it's important to Lucifer. As for Maze's involvement... we know that she's spoken to Amenadiel about Dr. Linda Martin, but we don't know whether or not she's the one who told Amenadiel where Lucifer's wings were. Chances are, Amenadiel knew where Lucifer stored his wings because he's been watching over Lucifer in order to try to learn how he might be able to finally get Lucifer to return to Hell. Or... it's possible that he knew where to find the wings because they possess divinity, and as an angel, he is able to sense the wings. But those are just my guesses. I don't know for sure. And lastly... you both mentioned you're surprised by how tough Amenadiel acts and why he always appears ready to pick a fight. And he's also very vain and egotistical. If you think about what you've learned about angels from Supernatural and from a number of stories showing angels as being warriors... this is why. Amenadiel is a warrior of Heaven. He's definitely not the kind of angel we see from shows like Touched By an Angel, just as Lucifer isn't the typical Devil you would expect to see him as either. And I absolutely love them just as they are!! Overall... this is a great episode. I love seeing the rivalry between brothers heighten, and I love learning more of the major storylines throughout the season. So thank you once again for your reactions, my friends!! I can't wait for more!!! Until then...

Ari is my Cat

Just funny hearing you talk about angels as if they didn't do all gods killing in the bible. They are portrayed as fairly horrific all things considered.


That scene in the beginning with Maze always leaves me confused. How did that guy NOT die lol. I really enjoyed this episode. Lucifer/Amenadiel banter is always good. I love their interactions together. They are so compelling as a duo.

Josh Lomax

He was only underwater for less than a minute. It takes about 60 seconds to drown AFTER you run out of breath