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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Mariella Nilsson

i think lorelei pays her parents back, but friday night dinners are instead of interest.

Valencia Lanier

I have to stop watching for a moment to disagree, There is a big reason Loreli doesn't want to borrow money from her parents and you've seen enough to know why. Rory should let Loreli handle this and if it comes down to a last resort asking her parents, then let it be Loreli's decision. I don't think Rory seriously recognizes the way they treat her mother, especially since they always treat her well. She doesn't understand how controlling they can be. And yeah, they paid for Rory's school but it is also a loan, Emily is the one who said they wouldn't give them the money unless they came to dinner every Friday. Just like she decided that her DAR meetings will now always be at the inn. Ok, that probably includes food and space for free that Loreli could be renting to other clients. Why is her job involved in this loan? Emily has to have some type of control always. I wouldn't want to deal with her either if I didn't have to.


Rory has no clue what asking for a loan from the grandparents actually means. Her relationship with them is completely different to Lorelai's. But putting that aside, if she had never mentioned the idea before she brought it up at the dinner that would be different, that would have been an innocent proposal. This was her straight up ignoring her moms wishes to put her in an uncomfortable position without at the very least revisiting the conversation with her first. It's alright for Rory to not have a good read on the situation since both parties try to hide it from her, but as viewers we should know by now that any favor from her parents has always come with strings and a little bit of control attached. If she wants to fully exhaust options before resorting to that the least Rory could do is give her a chance. It was about being able to say something like the "if you don't we wont come by for dinner" thing you threatened, something Lorelai can't actually do thanks to the terms of a previous loan.


Dang I basically regurgitated Valencia's comment, this page was open a couple of hours ago and I only just saw it lol. Well, I agree with her, not nearly as clear cut as "she is being stubborn", and she is definitely paying back the loan for the school.


Lorelai just wants her independence. I think she's justified in her anger/frustration about getting any money that is attached to her parents. Mostly that anger/frustration is just fear that she'll have to do what they want her to do again like they did when she was growing up.

Anna Hunt

I actually agree with Lorelai. Leaving out the fact that Rory asking for money is wrong because it's her mom who would be taking out the loan, Rory actually has a good relationship with her grandparents, while Lorelai has a completely different experience. Her parents weren't good ones with her, she has a lifetime of them being manipulative and there being a catch for everything. I don't like borrowing money from my parents, and I have a much better relationship with them than Lorelai does

Fly on the Wall

I agree with Steven and Rory on this one. Not only is she being unreasonably stubborn when Rory needs to count on that house, too, but she wouldn’t even take a loan from Luke. It shows you that it has nothing to do with any supposed obligation Emily was going to impose and is purely an unnecessary desire from Lorelei to do everything herself.

Fly on the Wall

I’m honestly baffled by the comments taking Lorelei’s side here. All she asked for from the first loan was weekly dinners? Does anyone really think that was unreasonable after Lorelei completely cut them out of her life and made it so they didn’t even know their granddaughter? Rory wound up having a great relationship with them so that arrangement was honestly for the best. I think people make the mistake of taking Lorelei’s word of how she was treated like gospel. She’s the one who was acting out and got in trouble and got pregnant as a teenager and then ran away from home with her child and shut her parents out of her life.

Fly on the Wall

Lorelei’s last speech to Rory shows you it was pure ego for her. She failed at every turn to secure that money on her own and the only reason they won’t lose that house is because her mother helped and she has the nerve to still try to justify her position to Rory? No. This isn’t a mistake you get to make and let Rory be mad afterwards. It’s her house. You can be self reliant and still take help. If not from your mother, then let Luke help you. Your pride isn’t worth letting your child be homeless.