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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another reaction for a phenomenal episode of Lucifer!! I absolutely love this episode titled, Favorite Son. It's one of my favorites from season one. First of all... my favorite moment is in the end, when Lucifer returns to talk with Linda, his therapist upon becoming upset by the events earlier that evening. and upon failing to find his wings that were stolen from him. I love how genuine Linda is about truly wanting to help him through his much deeper issues that Lucifer doesn't yet understand he feels. And then... in order to try to get him to open up more about what's really bothering him, per Amenadiel's advice, Linda digs deeper into what she believes is his metaphor, asking him about his other names, then reminds him of who he was before he was cast out of Heaven and that God cast him into Hell because he knew his son had the strength and and power to rule over and punish the wicked souls who find themselves in Hell. And for the first time... we really see Lucifer become furious by the reminder of who he once was up in Heaven, more so than he's ever been. Yet behind his anger, we also see pain and despair, and we can tell that being reminded of his past is incredibly painful for him. Lucifer goes on express his anger and his pain from having been vilified thanks to his father, because the world sees him as the worst villain all throughout history. I can't even imagine just how much pain he's in. It's so, so sad because Lucifer isn't evil like he's been made out to be. I absolutely love the moment Lucifer loses control and suddenly punches his fist through the wall, then storms off. This entire scene truly shows phenomenal acting from Tom Ellis!!! I love him! I've liked Dr. Linda from the beginning of the series, but I agree with you that she's really stepped up a notch. She really knows how to get through to Lucifer in a way no one else can, and Lucifer knows he can help her like no one else can, which is why he's been coming back to her time and time again. He just got more than he was expecting in this latest session. Now... I really love the mystery of the case involving the theft of one of Lucifer's storage containers, that as far as Chloe learns... stored a large trunk containing Russian dolls just like Lucifer told her, once again having told her the truth. However, I suspect the dolls were there more for a cover in order to keep anyone who might steal the container, or the police from ever finding what the container really was concealing. And we learn in the very end that the container was holding more than just these dolls, but his wings that he had Maze cut off from his back sometime ago when he decided to stay in Los Angeles and not to return to Hell. And while Lucifer claims the case involving his missing storage case and the biker gang is boring, I really enjoy it overall, especially when we see Lucifer go after the shooter and man who stole his wings. And most of all... I love the complete look of shock on Lucifer's face when the thief suddenly jumps off the building just as Chloe arrives. Lucifer shows the thief his true face and he is terrified, yes... but we also see even before Lucifer reveals himself to him, that the thief was frightened already upon seeing his wings. The question is... why? And lastly... I really, really love the opening sequence with Lucifer singing and playing the piano at his club, over the murder inside the warehouse. And it's a great song... Sinner Man, originally sung by Nina Simone. Tom Ellis' voice is sensational, especially when he sings that last note while he holds it for a crazy long time. It's fantastic that a majority of the music sung and played throughout this series has some kind of connotation to the Devil or Hell, which I love. I just really love Tom Ellis as Lucifer. He's phenomenal! There's so much more goodness to come! Thank you so much for your reaction once again! I'm excited for many more! Until next time...