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Howdy ladies and gents, this is a random question that I was curious about. I wanted to get a sense for what the Patreon community does.

 To watch the videos we put up do you download the reactions or do you stream them on Dropbox or Vimeo.

i know that at times that buffering happens and some of you prefer to just download the video instead of waiting. Just wanted to see how many did which.


Signe (Seena) Stewart

I, now the option is there, stream via vimeo. Love that service


Download due to the hour limit on Dropbox


A little of A, a little of B

Ari is my Cat

I download to watch on my actual tv.

Reed James

I download since my internet has been shit since quarantine. While I'm busy, I can be downloading then it's there to watch later.




My streaming doesn't work properly anymore but I don't care cos I prefer downloading and using my own video player. So keep doing your thing Steven:)


I used to stream, but realized I can download anything really fast so now I only download. And then delete after watching. Even the HP movies don't usually take that long to download. It's so easy to play the downloaded file.

Paul Gibson

I stream on vimeo. Dropbox is awful for streaming


I don't have the space to download or I would because I too have issues with the streaming


Mostly stream Dropbox but sometimes download it so I like the option of download


Download the Harry Potter movies but stream The Office


I prefer to stream, but I download as a backup especially when there's a time limit to the streamed video.


This may sound weird, but my primary TV show/movie platform is a home projection system on a 110" screen (no TV) - so I mainly download and watch on that, rather than sitting more uncomfortably at my PC. I still have about 320GB of your content sitting on a HDD. I have started to stream a little more.


I almost always download. It's easier and how I like it, but it's also better for me to use my own video player (I have a hearing disability so have personalised my settings). And it means I can save several reactions, then pick & choose which to watch when I have the time to or feel like something in particular. I delete after watching, so space isn't an issue.


I didn’t vote because I do both. I usually just stream, but sometimes the sites and apps don’t work correctly and I have to download.

DJ Doena

Download (from Dropbox) always. Gives me offline compatibility and is just greater comfort with VLC overall.

Mark Wood

Both. I usually stream, but longer videos one that go past an hour I almost always download so things Band of Brothers and movies are downloads for sure. Also download if I am starting a show that you are way ahead of me on, as I hate having to scroll through multiple pages each time.


I usually stream but things longer than 1hr I typically download.

DJ Doena

For me it's also a matter of principle. I actually want to have the stuff I have and be independent. That's why I have 1500 movies and 700 seasons of TV shows on DVD and Blu-ray and need not to fear whether Netflix removes Friends out of their catalogue or not. I also have a number of Kindle-bought eBooks and I am an Audible subscriber. Both of these formats are converted into "free" formats (epub and mp3) and then stored away. No need to worry if Amazon goes bankrupt one day and I lose access to stuff I legally bought.

Cindy Lou

I also USUALLY stream but will sometimes download if I have too many tabs open and aren't watching right away or something similar.


My internet can be spotty so I tend to download.

Valencia Lanier

Now I download on Dropbox and stream on Vimeo. I used to stream Dropbox but sometimes it acts up.

Renee Pope-Munro

Only download when I run into an issue - I’ve had major buffering/playback stall issues on 2 of 3 HP reactions, so those I’ve downloaded. The rest of the time, streaming suffices.

Dan Dolan

Whenever I try to download for some reason it only has the show's audio not yours, I'm sure it's probably that I'm doing something wrong on my end (as I haven't seen anyone else comment the same thing) but just the same I sick to streaming


I lose the sound altogether when I download, so I just stream

Maria Blauweld

I prefer to always download so I'm protected from internet issues. Also I find me video player more comfortable than web players. I don't have any audio problems.


Should be an option for "both, depending on where I am".


Always have problems when I try to stream them, whether it's buffering or audio issues so I download them now, never had a problem watching them since


I like to watch on my tv (via an embedded web browser), so only streaming works. But if the stream cuts out at an hour, I download and finish watching on my laptop. I like the new Vimeo streaming, but you have a password on it, and the password stopped working for me on the last 3 vids I tried to watch. So, back to dropbox streaming, and then download when necessary.

Kacey Caldwell

More often the not I stream them. But if its over an hour or I'm going some where, like visiting my grandfather, I'll download them.