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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



Janet Daurity

Arthur's innocence died with his sister's death. He became a serial killer. So he kills the boys so they will forever be innocent. We don't know yet what happened to Christine's Mom, but several episodes ago when Dexter pretended he was injured and picked up Vera's urn in Arthur's house - while Arthur was bandaging Dexter's finger, he told Dexter he ruined a former relationship before he found Sally. I just assume the former relationship was Christine's mother.

Janet Daurity

By the way, it was during the filming of this episode when MCH finds out he has cancer and you can see how sick (and/or worried) he is, especially during the scenes where he is searching for the boy, but REALLY bad in the scene where he goes to talk to Jonah. Awesome reaction as always!


I don't think he sees it as killing in the same way he thinks of/treats the rest of his cycle, he purposefully doesn't kill the kids. He seals them away still innocent, to be that way forever. The fact they die is incidental to that or not even considered by him, at least in his twisted logic.