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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Mark Wood

I love this episode I think it’s my favorite of season 1 (though 4, 9 and 10 are also up there). I absolutely love the tension and atmosphere of the first half of the episode, and most of the story building together just makes really rewarding viewing. And yes Eros like Ceres are large asteroids in the asteroid belt that have been carved out and turned into large stations.

Paul Fisher

Good reaction. I may have misunderstood your comment at the end, but it sounded like you didn't realize that the people who attacked Holden et al in the Blue Falcon were the team of assassins sent by Errinwright (Avasarala's boss in the UN). In the scenes on Earth in both this episode and a previous one, she objected to his plan. This is another example of what others have mentioned; that the scenes on Earth have important implications for what's happening in the Belt.