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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




The first and 3rd movies are the only movies I thoroughly enjoyed from the Harry Potter series. The movies lost that magical touch, which I felt was the saving factor for the franchise.


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Mike Watkins

Dude, I'm so happy to see you continuing this series. It was a lot of fun watching the first one with you, it's been such a long time since I rewatched the movies that I expect to notice a lot of things that I didn't know about. And I forgot pretty much most of it as well, so going into it relatively fresh, it'll be cool to see how different I'll feel about some things compared to you. Anyways, I haven't even started watching this one yet, but I'm sure it'll be a great reaction. Thanks for the video, I'm already looking forward to more :)


This one is maybe my favorite! I don't know why I enjoy it so much. A lot of people list Chamber of Secrets as their least favorite movie (and book).


Thanks for posting this I'm going ti watch it later. And I really hope you post more Harry Potter in the future cos you'll only enjoy it more with each movie.


Surprisingly, a lot of the questions you asked during the movie are answered in the book. They can't fly the car to Hogwarts because it's technically illegal to use it, Arthur just found (well created) a loophole, since he works in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office in the Ministry. And as to the car coming to life, it became sentient due to the magic (which is part of the reason it is illegal to enchant muggle objects)


Hi Steven :) just wanted you to know Dumbledore tells Harry about fawks healing capability when prof mcgonagal sent him too dumbledor . Also the reason muggles don’t see the kids running through walls is because of a spell that makes them unaware. Tom riddle didn’t do anything against Harry because tom is so weak think projection from the book that can only walk and pick up small things. Lastly Slytherin aren’t all bad, for example they aren’t all pure bloods or racist that’s why there house still exist cause they aren’t all evil. Great reaction as always can’t wait for the next one!!!the prisoner of Azkaban is even better than this one!


I was wondering if you were going to continue HP and am THRILLED you have chosen to. Thank you for your reactions to these!!! I hope you enjoy them. I didn't watch them until a few years ago for the first time and, in my opinion, the movies get better as you move along in the series.


Also -> you can see that Lucius Malfoy puts the diary in the cauldron :). The next movie is a straight 10/10 :D

Uga Engelhart

Time to jump to Slytherin's defense again. McGonagall's explanation in the movie is clearly told with bias. Here is a less biased alternative: When Hogwarts was originally founded a thousand years ago, the world was a very, very dangerous place for magical people, because of witch hunts and general muggle fear of anything magical. Wizards and witches were genuinely in constant danger of muggles. In fact, Hogwarts was created the way it was, specifically to provide a safe, hidden place from muggles to teach magic. The reason Slytherin wanted to only admit pureblood wizards is because he feared that if students with muggle parents were admitted, they may reveal Hogwarts to the muggle world, thereby endangering the school and the wizards and witches within. Yes, wrong still, but done out of much less horrible reasons. As for the chamber of secrets, there is the very reasonable theory that Slytherin built it and put the Basilisk there not because he was some Hitler figure wanting to purge mudbloods, but rather because he was worried that one day muggles might find the school and try to destroy it, and he envisioned the Basilisk as a method of defense to be used by his heirs against that scenario. You may still not agree with Slytherin's actions, but that doesn't mean he is this bigot figure, the same was as most Slytherin students aren't, its just that the story of these particular movies/books only shows us Slytherin students that are bad, while ignoring the rest. Slytherin is actually an incredibly successful house academically speaking - they and Ravenclaw are always the two houses competing for both the best grades. Anyway, rant over. Had to defend Slytherin again, cause the movies are told from a perspective where Slytherin are depicted like they are all bigots and stereotypical villains, but even Rowling has confirmed that its just because of the perspective that the books/movies are shown from.


As for Quidditch: You don't necessarily win if you catch the snitch. You DO end the game, but it's not an automatic win, instead the team that catches it gets 150 points. So a cracking offense can outplay the snitch.

Other Boy Reactions

Remember, Tom Riddle said he put the memory of his 16 yr old self in the book.


The books make it completely clear that it is not all slytherins, it is an important aspect of the plot really and important part of the ending. Even the major theme of the entire series connects with it, about choice and various other things. But I don't think you are supposed to read this much into Salazar, he was a great wizard but he was very unpleasant and was a bigot that part is not meant to be questioned I don't think. It is canon that he left the chamber for the very purpose of purging muggle born students and anyone he didn't think deserved to be there, not as a security measure for the safety of wizards. I don't think this detracts from defending Slytherine the house, as it is in keeping with how you choose what kind of person you want to be. You are not the same as salazar just because you share some basic traits that can also be positive. Just like Harry was not the same as Voldermort even though he both had some of the same traits, but also literally some of his power and life.


My least favorite of all the movies.


The first two movies are my favorite. I love the cozy vibes and great story-telling.


That's what kids do, so it doesn't bother me. Also, they did try to tell the dark arts teacher, but we know how that went down. Harry is also stubborn and is throughout the series, so he likes to take things into his own hands.


It has all the great elements of mystery, fantasy, and warmth. I think that's why it's one of my faves :)


- Filch accusing Harry for attacking Mrs. Norris is better explained in the book. Long story short, Harry found out that Filch was a squib (born into a wizarding family but has no magic, basically the opposite of a muggle born), and he's very insecure about it. The heir of Slytherin would consider Filch an "enemy of the heir". - Lockhart was hired because no one else would take the job. It's rumoured that the position is cursed, since no one has lasted longer than a year for decades now. - During the duelling club they definitely made it look bad and like Harry was in a trance. In the book he just tells the snake to leave Justin alone, doesn't really think much of it, and then finds out from the others that he was speaking another language. - In Dumbledore's office, Hagrid was carrying dead roosters. While possessed, Ginny strangled the roosters because their crowing is fatal to basilisks. It's a detail from the books. - The Polyjuice Potion SHOULD change their voices too, this is a movie-only thing. And yeah 1hr at a time, technically you could keep drinking forever and never change back, if you had enough of the other person's DNA (hairs, nails etc). - In my opinion, the special effects are much better in this one than in some of the later films. - At 1:27:00 Tom Felton (Malfoy) forgot his line and improvised his "I didn't know you could read" line. - Shirley Henderson who plays Moaning Myrtle was 37 while filming CoS, making her the oldest ever actor to play a Hogwarts student. You've seen her before in Doctor Who 2x10 (Love and Monsters, with the guy vlogging) as Ursula, the woman who the Doctor saved and turned into a concrete block. - Also, "I was just sitting in the U-bend thinking about death." 😂 - Robbie Coltrane is tall but not THAT tall, they used a tall double who I think also wore high boots or something. They also had to wear fat suits to look large. - The man who came to arrest Hagrid was Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic. - No one sent the car after Harry and Ron, it escaped when they first arrived and has been living its best life wild in the forest ever since. Lol. - Hagrid doesn't think. He means well but can be very irresponsible. He doesn't see anything wrong with dangerous creatures, he didn't even stop to consider that Aragog might not treat Harry and Ron as kindly as he treats Hagrid. - In his office, Dumbledore mentioned to Harry that phoenixes can carry immense loads and their tears have healing powers. It's a magical creature after all. - The very ending of this movie might be corny, but I love it so much. Basically I'm Hermione during that scene, laughing through my happy tears. - And yeah you can see Lucius slipping the diary into Ginny's cauldron if you go back and watch the scene.

Kacey Caldwell

So about the ages Harry is 12 in this movie and he's a second year. Ginny is 11 and a first year. So for us 1st year would be 6th grade because they are 11/12 (matters when their birthdays are. ) Harry is 11 all through his first year because his birthday is July 31 but Hermione turns 12 shortly after she starts first year on September 19th. Also the parents did get on the train, they helped her on and then after the train left went home. its explained better in the book. its the same thing they did last year for Ron only the dad didnt get to go. Yes Tom Riddle is Voldemort, he just rearranged the letters in his name because as he said Riddle was his muggle father's name and he hates muggles.


"Why is Tom just watching this?" Because he is just a memory, not an actual living, solid person. His plan was essentially to drain all life out of Ginny and become alive himself. Ginny had spent all year writing in the book, pouring her heart out to Tom, and Tom used that against her. One nitpick I have is that they didn't give Ginny enough screen time in this, or any of the movies tbh. And they don't explain what happened to her, she doesn't even have lines after they come out of the chamber.

Kacey Caldwell

Snape was played by the late great Alan Rickman. And the actor who played Hagrid is Robbie Coltrane who is only 6' 1".


This is definitely a movie series that makes more sense if you've read the books. There is sooo much more in them than they have time to flesh out in 2 hours. The music is definitely iconic because the great John Williams wrote the score for the first three movies.


Is that really an ad lib by Tom Felton?! That's my freaking favorite moment in the movie. It never fails to make me laugh. lol


One thing I think this movie does better than the book is the interaction between Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy in Flourish and Blotts. In the book he starts a fight with him, which I've always thought was a terrible decision by JK Rowling to have a supposedly mature father of 7 pick a fight with a bully in a book shop.


Not trying to poop on anyones opinions, but in general the first two movies are considered the weakest parts of the series, simply because of the age of the main characters dictating the target audience. Tone shifts going forward.

DJ Doena

Personally I like them better than most that followed because I feel all the others are rushed because there's so much story that needs to be crammed into them and I often feel that a vital part of the story is missing. But I will see watching Steven if that's just my personal bias due to knowing the books or if he will be confused because of it.


I can’t say that I think the first to movies are worse, but I do feel they are better suited for children where that’s not the cases later in the series. These are fairly fleshed out though and that can make them less cringe-worthy for book fans


Funny, everyone I've ever talked to generally agrees that the first two movies are the best for the very reason The Godless Monk says. They feel the most coherent and complete and the most.. magical.


Now you all got me curious if I imagined it and it was just my friends that felt that way, looking it up didn't really clear it up for me. The first two movies don't rate among the highest on IMDB or RT, but they're not the worst either (well CoS is the worst on IMDB but not by much), so it seems to be more jumbled up than I thought. I still think to people like Steven, who are watching it without book knowledge at a later age in their lives, the following movies will be more enjoyable, but we'll see.


Was this reaction cut? Because there are some scenes missing from the movie


When they are going in to the woods there was a scene with the car in the forest before it comes to save them, another one where harry goes to a table to read the book and there is a ghost sitting there and harry asks her to leave the room and the last one is where draco and his father is in the shop where harry accidentally went. These arent important scenes i was just wondering why they werent there.


@Lippton Those deleted scenes are only in the extended version, the regular movie doesn't have them!

DJ Doena

I think you're remembering deleted scenes. I just checked my Blu-ray and it contains 19 deleted scenes, the one with the car being the last one. On my Blu-ray the running time of the movie is 2:40:56. When Steven starts the movie it says 2:40:53 total


Parents don't come on the train journey, but they do see their child off at the train platform. Also, they can't fly the car because that car is pretty unique (Mr Weasley loves experimenting with Muggle objects) and is illegal, for the reasons we see with the newspaper article about Muggles seeing them use it.

DJ Doena

To explain this a bit more to Steven from the books: There's a law to forbid to magically mess with Muggle objects. Daddy Weasley who works in the Ministry department wrote that law but made a loophole to exploit for himself where he could tinker with such objects. But when the car was exposed by Ron and Harry that loophole came to light and Arthur came under fire.

Futuristic Girl

I hope we get another harry potter movie reaction.


Dobby: "You shall NOT harm Harry Potter!" | Lucius: "Avada!" | Me: "0_0 ............. Okay"

Daniel R

I thought this movie was only slightly better than the first. Hate how Harry and Ron are always off doing dumb stuff when Hermione is the brains of the series so far. The teachers seem relatively useless and the Scooby Doo bad guy plot was pretty weak. HOWEVER, it was more enjoyable than the first. I take it a lot of this is explained more in the books but I wish there was some answers to the lucky saves throughout the film. The car saving us from the spiders, the bird saving us from the snake thing, Voldemort being fucked over for the second time in a row by a bunch of children. "I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!" But I do kind of like the slow build up to the side characters like the Malfoy's (?) because let's be honest they haven't done jack shit for 2 movies so far. In fact some of the "well known" names haven't done jackshit so far. Snape is just a creepy teacher who acts as if he's doing Shakespeare and Dumbledore who is just a hippie Santa Claus. I will say I'm invested in the story even though the actual plot kinda sucks.


Jason Isaacs improvised this line (like father like son) and this was the first spell he remembered from the books.....


That's all well & good, just making a note of it; considering/assuming the Filmmakers knew what this Spell was, didn't try and re-shoot it. It's possible they were out of Film or thought it would be cool to keep. Anyhow, fitting with the Narrative, we come to find out that Voldemort wants to kill Harry; it's just odd continuity-wise. I study movies so it bugs me, it's all good tho. lol


I agree with the comments who are saying that the first two movies are the more magical because they are, and more we see them grow and the story keep going the more it gets darker, less magical. My favorite will always be the fifth, the storyline was great and we saw a lot of change into the characters.


imagine if lucius actually hit harry with that spell? Would his mother's love save him again, and he would just have two scars? Would Lucius become a parasite, and Draco seek revenge? Could Voldemort still come back, or is Harry now Lucius' (spoiler) as well? Can a (spoiler) be a (spoiler) for more than one at a time??? JK Rowling would've had a field day with that lol

Nan A

Dumbledore tells Harry that the Phoenix can carry heavy weights and their tears have healing properties earlier in the movie. Its easy to miss.

Kristal Whalen

In my opinionn i think the 2 might only be more magical because its the feeling of nostalgia.