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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



I’ve always thought this episode was underrated. I didn’t care for it when I first watched it, but rewatching it made me appreciate it more. Amy and Eleven’s relationship in this was fascinating. We see how quickly she understands him as a person . She made a really really gutsy move, and it could have ended badly, but it didn’t.


A little internet Psych 101, Amelia "Amy" Pond is not curious as much as she is "Resistant to Authority" for 12 years she would have had every "Authority Figure" in her life tell her she was crazy for something she was certain were real. A natural reaction would be the need to find out and see things for yourself, because those around you have questioned you on things you were right on before. Also there might be another way to look at what Amelia "Amy" Pond was trying to do (yes your term reckless is probably the correct one). The Doctor said once he did this, he would no longer be able to call himself "The Doctor", this is someone who grew up idolizing this man, maybe she would rather it be on her killing people then the Doctor killing the StarWhale and having to change who he is. She has been waiting for this for 14 years. Once again another great reaction on your part.


I gave it a 9 (Fantastic), but I completely understand why others may not and totally get where Steven's 6 is coming from. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of "The Doctor" and "The Star-Whale", I love that Amelia "Amy" Pond figured it out both quickly and not so quickly by placing herself back into her childhood form and remembering how the Doctor came to answer her call. I liked how she has so must trust in the Doctor, that anything resembling a thing he might do, gives her hope and not despair, I like the fact that Amelia "Amy" Pond was vulnerable the entire episode (walking around in her nightie and covered in whale vomit) and never once stopped to worry about her appearance or hair because there was work to be done. I liked how in the end, she earned the same level of trust from the Doctor, that she had in him (her "gotcha" comment), I liked how cute the Star-Whale was. But yes there are issues and they should be pointed out, but I like how much it tried to be deep and admit, it may not have fully gotten there. I like how much you are digging 11, he had some major shoes to fill, because I love 9 and 10 owned the stage........please remember to enjoy the ride and Geronimo!!!!!!!! p.s, I will be referring to the companion as Amy from now on, I just wanted to put in print her actual name, because of accents.

Henry from CO

"In bed above, we're deep asleep, while greater love lies further deep. This dream must end, this world must know, we all depend on the beast below."

Henry from CO

You gotta give allot of credit to Moffat for what felt like an almost seamless transition to the new Doctor. I remember at the time how devastated some fans were with Ten's departure. But by the end of the "Eleventh Hour" your essentially all in to enjoy adventures with Eleven and Amy Pond.


Strong 7 for me. There are a handful of annoying things, that just weren't executed well, but I really enjoyed the 'wtf is going on' aspects. For one, I disliked that.. apparently the whale was down for the british to jump on board but... somehow they didn't know that and went straight to the 'endless torture' method? Like, maybe zap it a bit to see if it would move and when it started moving, stop, and see if it's still keeping us going? I liked the difficulty of the choices people had to make, but I hate how the story chose to set up those choices for them, it just didn't make much sense. That all being said, decent further development of Amy's character that builds on the previous characteristics she displayed in Ep 1. At the beginning the doctor says he doesn't meddle in things, I thought it was a joke.. but then Amy says "but you'll meddle when kids are crying", and she uses this realization with the whale as well, drawing a comparison between the two Aliens, last of their species. But... I think we can all agree he meddles all the time, no need for crying kids. It kind of makes that epiphany moment for Amy kind of forced.. since it's based on something we know isn't actually true about the doctor.


Sorry this is not necessarily true we can't all agree with your comment, because what you are speaking on is dealt with specifically later on. To bring it up now is kind of unfair, but you are allowed to do as you please, but your comment is not correct by the canon of the show itself.


My hint is check out the "Stormy" episode because the Dark Lord commands so.......

Daniel R

Doctor: Say 'wheeeeeee'! Amy: AHHHHHH!! D: My favorite part of the episode, Amy has the best reaction faces lol