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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




Thomas Stark

ahhh the one and only apearence of Tina Pinciotti.


I was racking my brain trying to remember if Donna’s sister ever appeared again, because I didn’t remember she even had a sister. 😆


Jackie was supposed to be a Freshman in the first season (it is mentioned at some point, I know this), so she would have been 14-15 just like Mila was in RL. Which makes it weird that they made a big deal about Donna’s sister being too young at 14. I mean she is, but then so is Jackie, but it is what it is. I try not to think about it too much.


Jackie is a couple of months away from her 16th in the first episode, might be 16 by the time of this episode although I can't remember how the episodes go now it's been a while.


Oh, I guess she was supposed to be a sophomore. I don’t know why I was so sure I remembered one of the other characters saying she was a Freshman. It’s been years since I’ve seen most of these eps. I have the first few seasons on DVD but I can’t remember the last time I watched them. I mostly just catch random eps on TV because it’s one of those shows you can always count on airing in syndication on some channel or another in the evenings and it’s always good for some laughs.😊