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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




This is not a good episode in my opinion but your reaction to it is hilarious. Spike and Anya / Xander & Anya were the highlight for me honestly. Can't wait for the next one though!

Calvin Allen

Not that this is a great episode, but you really don't like it when Buffy has sex

Calvin Allen

Why does everyone hate the orgasm wall?

Idun V

I really hate the whole Buffy/Riley sexathon... It was honestly the only thing I remembered about this episode so I really wasn't looking forward to it. At least we got some decent Spike and Anya scenes.

Ceara Abrahamsz

First time I ever rated an episode so low. Well deserved, trash episode. 🤷🏼‍♀️💯

Brad turner

The actor who plays Giles did musical theatre, I think he did the Ricky horror picture show with Craig Ferguson.


This episode is not good at all but I do think it is a bit of a double standard though. Xander had sex with Anya the second time they hung out yet people freak cause Buffy moved too fast? eh

Joel Nordlander

Wow, I had honestly forgotten how bad this episode was. At least we got to see Giles sing and those Spike and Anya scenes so it wasn't a total waste of time.

s jaco

I never watch this episode in my rewatches, but I will watch it with you for your reaction. voted skippable along with a large part of the others.


I personally think of this as THE worst episode of Buffy.


This is the episode where Buffy and Riley self-isolate to avoid coronavirus. What else were they going to do? 😂😂

Hans Olav

I've never had anything against this episode, but I think is lessened by a lot of bad extras, which don't add anything.


Honestly, this is one of those episodes I skip pretty much always. It's not horrible, but it's just not very good in my opinion.

Hans Olav

Poltergeists aren't ghosts, but they are the manifestation of trauma or emotions, which is a "real" supernatural phenomena.

Briony Addey

This episode is worth it for the Espresso Pump scene alone. It's shocking to the Scoobies because they're still so young they have trouble seeing Giles as a fully rounded human being with his own interests, passions and vulnerabilities. I love Willow revealing her erstwhile crush on him, it totally makes sense for her as they've always had an intellectual connection that was her stepping stone to seeing him in a different way than Buffy or Xander might (as a paternal figure) .

Ryan Wilson

Even though this episode SUCKS, and it really does, it's still a candy episode for me. The Espresso Pump scene is amazing! The Scoobies' reactions are priceless!!

Salv Mancuso

To me, this is the worst episode of the entire series.

Alexis Cardarella

They may have the worst plot of the season in terms of a shorter episode arc, but there’s quite a few moments to love


i love buffy to death but if there’s one episode i truly despise, it’s this one

Katherine Thoreson

The ONLY reason I didn't give this a skippable rating was Giles at the Espresso Pump. That is a classic moment, and it's just too bad that it has to be in this episode.


I have no issues with sex in TV shows in movies... at all. But everything sexual in this episode is gross. Just nopes all over the place.


I'll never really understand what people have against this episode, not to the extent I have seen at times at least. Not that I think it is amazing but it is hard to say it terrible really. It is meh, but people seem to overreact to certain elements that are a little less cartoon evil like everything else in the show.


This is an episode that I have only watched one time, in the entirety of this show, this episode, I just skip over, I am unsure of why it just left me empty, maybe I should watch a Reactor, react to it. I think it might be the whole Riley thing, but maybe I am wrong and I should watch it again.

Amanda S

This is another one of those ones where I see the name of the episode come up and go "ugh.... " because I just don't have great memories of it. But then, there were a few good things I'd forgotten like the Anya moments and Giles' singing. I really wonder what the actors thought when they were first handed this script...


I like Anya, I like Tara, Giles can sing, Spike is awesome. The rest, I will put back in that vault and go on my way. I give it a 3, it is not the worst thing ever it just hurt my feelings at this point and time they should know better and there was so much that could have been done and we got this.

Mariella Nilsson

I like this episode, it’s average for me, not one I think of, but I don’t mind it at all!

Allan Cornett

Where are the next two Angel episodes? They are two of the best of season one.


I really thought Angel was next on lineup so I was sad when I saw this upload :( not that I don’t love Buffy but this episode isn’t even that good.

Allan Cornett

I don’t know what watch list is being used but the next two episodes of Angel continue a story that was just on Buffy.


The SlayAlive order. One more episode of Buffy until Angel. Your comment is spoilery, though.

Allan Cornett

At this point I don’t care. The stayalive order sucks.

DJ Doena

No one knows what it's like to be the Batman, except Bruce Wayne! The episode isn't that good, but I love the Espresso Pump scene. Giles/Tony has such a great voice. And around that time, Joss got a certain idea in his head...


so because you are mad at the watch-list, you feel like it is okay to do this to the Reactor?

Allan Cornett

I didn't spoil anything. I didn't do anything to the reactor. I'm not mad. You're making something out of nothing. Be well.


This is not the first time you have done this and i am not the only person to say it. You can disagree, but you are behaving like a child who does not get their way. Your attempts to ruin this for those around you is a negative in a World that already has so many negatives. The problem is that he mentions why he is doing it in every video he post and yet you still punish him for it, if it is that upsetting why put yourself through it? I will not respond back, it is your right, you are just doing it at the expense of others because your feelings are hurt and that is not cool, but be well and do you, I can just pass by and ignore from now on, be well


People say that Beer Bad is one of the worst episodes, but this one has always been my least favourite. At least Beer Bad was funny. The only redeeming part of this episode in my opinion is Giles' singing.

Daniel R

Hate this episode, it'll be background noise for me this morning lol

Catherine Thurmond

I'm sorry you had to go though this episode

Allan Cornett

More likes and comments than any other show on a horrible episode of Buffy. If more Buffy and Angel doesn’t come soon I’m out. I’ll miss the fans here.


I always forget that it is in this episode. I think it is better that way, it is like the show is apologizing for the episode and giving me a little reward for sticking with it and watching through the episodes even when I hate them.


If Spike and Buffy had become trapped in the sex room, this episode would be a whole different ball game lol! Something about Buffy and Riley is just SOOO cringe for me. From day 1 with Riley realising he likes her. Blergh. Should have had this weirdness be an addition to the something blue situation instead ahaha

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Willow's crush on Giles was hinted at very subtly. In the first episode she is really thrilled about the new librarian/library selection, for the first two seasons she has a picture of her and Giles on the inside of her locker door (which disappears when she starts dating Oz), and when Faith says about Giles, 'if I knew they came that young and handsome I'd have requested a transfer' and Buff replies 'raise your hand if, ew' she and Xander raise their hands, but Willow doesn't, she smiles rather sweetly at Giles. Add to that all the time she's willingly spent late hours in the library, often researching on her own with Giles, well, I don't think that was just because she's really in to the books ;)

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Hate the premise, love the Anya/Xander stuff and Anya and Spike Reeeeeally like the Giles singing and Willow finally admitting that crush :D