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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



It just dawned on me, that Michael really needed this, he was crushed by what Ryan did and to have Jim give him that moment was brilliant, I agree it was a 7. But people hate change it doesn't matter what the change is people fear change more then anything.


Why are you so confused about the birthday thing? Thats genuinely a bad idea. Have you ever worked in an office like this? At my old job people would have been upset by this too.


Because he wasn't an office worker, his thoughts would be more inline with Daryl from warehouse. this cake for birthday thing is part of that cushy office life.

Mara Smith

Lol Who wouldn’t want time off work to eat cake. It was like Jim was shutting down fun. Stowaway my point of view was on this episode. I love the ending when the boss came back. Michael is the best


i love michael this episode because jim realized that although michael is very eccentric, he knows his workers better than anyone. and michael admits that he’s goofy to pass time. he has a good heart and a brain when he wants.