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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Nyssa Rawther 🍉

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? Arthur Darvill (Rip Friggin Hunter himself, before his tenure as a Time Lord), Tom Hopper, Karen Gillian (our own Nebula) AND the indescribable Olivia Colman, all in ONE EPISODE!?!?!?!?!? WTF was this episode even????? This is possibly the most star studded episode of DW to date. I don't know how to feel...

Nick Velasquez

Remember on friends when Monica hired the barber shop quartet to sing to the guy she broke up with. Normally they would be hired to deliver good news, but she wanted revenge. Kissagram is kinda like that. They provide good news in a telegram but show up in a flirtatious costume and give you a kiss before they read the message.

John Smith

This is the start of a new era in Doctor Who. We had Series 1-4 (+Specials) with Russell T Davies as the showrunner, now you'll be pleased to hear we have Steven Moffat coming in as the new showrunner. That's why the episode felt like "a new show". I personally prefer the RTD era but many fans see the Moffat era as the show's peak, since you're a big Moffat fan I can see you really enjoying his time as showrunner.. You'll be in for some good seasons!


Btw, her name is Amelia. And Amy can be short for Amelia. So she didn’t really change her name.


From my understanding, the reason the doctor kept wobbling and clutching his chest is that he needs time to recover after he regenerates. You may remember that when Eccleston regen'd into Tennant, he spent the first half of the christmas special asleep in bed. Since Smith had to run around and do stuff instead of sleeping, he was having difficulties.


I am about to watch this (The Best Opening Episode for any new Doctor to date) and with no NCAA Tournament, I will be making brackets in my head. for example , how long does it take for him to have to admit how he feels? How many until "time flies". How many until he has to admit the truth? Is this the one to break the 7 streak? I am thinking that we are in for one hell of a ride.........Geronimo!!!!!!!!!!


Steven Moffat, "Your Boy" the New ShowRunner. Murray Gold, new Composer Matt Smith New Doctor Karen "Nebula" Gillian New Companion New Intro New TARDIS New Screw Driver New Everything


The Girl who plays "Young Amelia" is the actual cousin of Karen Gillian (Our Amelia), they met for the first time on set, but there was a recommendation because of pictures of the 2 at similar age junctures. You should see pictures now, they are twins.......


"Fish Fingers and Custard" - Rick and Morty translator - "Crunchy Fish Sticks and Vanilla Pudding made by a Grandma from an old family recipe", now in boxed form


Wow!!!! you missed the entire introduction of this Doctor......you may want to leave that out or acknowledge it in jest on the YouTube version, because they are going to roast you for that.


I think others have said it but Amy is a nickname/shortened version of Amelia. Kissogram I think that Moffat was going for a watered down kid-friendly version of stripper there. lol And yeah this is a really got opening episode for the show. All new everything doesn't hurt it. I also think the new showrunner (Moffat) wanted to make an opening episode that newcomers could hop into even if they'd never watched any of the series before, and I think he did manage to accomplish that also while appealing to long time fans at the same time. As for the rooms, I'm guessing you just can't see the sixth room, maybe it's behind the stairs or something, we don't get a full view of every part of that hallway. As for how the monster, Prisoner Zero, got the screwdriver, when the Doctor first came back after twelve years he ran upstairs, realizing the door had a perception filter around it, and was using his sonic on it and calling out for Amelia when she came and hit him with the cricket bat, and he was knocked out. So he must have dropped the sonic and it must have rolled under the door like he thought, and the monster took it. And yeah the Doctor can have issues during his regeneration so his 'it's not time' thing was him not yet fully situated into his regeneration. It can take a little time for a time lord to adjust, they're still full of regeneration energy and figuring themselves out. As for Jeff, I think that's something Doctor Who does well, kind of showing that a regular person can be extraordinary when put into a situation that allows them to be. Anyone can be a hero kind of thing. Though some are better at it than others, but that feels like the gist of it. We haven't got a full explanation of that past scene/flash back/dream/memory of little Amelia before the Doctor returns for the last time, so it's up for speculation. Fun episode and reaction.

Casey Mead

My favourite era is RTD but Moffat has some good bits too

Scarlett Monrow

You should include the bit that you re-watched on the roof scene (just before "basically, run") at the end and let fans know you saw all the doctors - that was a big moment for the fans and if they think you missed it - there will be some crying and moaning about it. And personally, I think season 5 is a really good, solid season and you'll enjoy watching it!

Henry from CO

For me, this is still the best opening episode. "Basically .......run"


I groaned when you missed the roof scene. It made me so happy you went back to watch it. Amy is a common nickname for Amelia. I noticed you thought she changed her name from Emily. 11th doctor has some of my favorite companions and storylines. I'm excited for you to get to see these. I was worried you wouldn't like him because you were such a Tenant fan.So so glad you appreciate each doctor for what they bring. Its great watching you ask all the right questions!


There is a minisode, "Meanwhile in the TARDIS, Part 1", that goes between this episode and the next. (And "Meanwhile in the TARDIS, Part 2" goes between episodes 5 and 6.)

Dani C

Kissogram is something we have in the UK - it's a bit risque without being a full on stripper: they dress in a sexy outfit, usually a nurse or police woman and people arrange for them to arrive and surprise someone with a message and a kiss - Dictionary definition: noun: kissogram plural noun: kissograms a novelty greeting or message delivered by a person who accompanies it with a kiss, prearranged as a humorous surprise for the recipient.

Ari is my Cat

Jeff with the lap top was Dickon Tarly in Game Of Thrones.


I'm sure a couple of people have or will have mentioned: she didn't change her name. It might be difficult to tell with the English & Scottish accents (and yourself not being from there). Karen Gillan is going by Amy. Which is a shortened nickname for Amelia. ... I think this is wherein the confusion lies; is that you heard Emilia/Emily, which yes, wouldn't make sense. Hope this clears that up. Great reaction, thanks.


There is another issue at this point and time some people who feel a certain way, tend to go back into your twitter feed or Instagram or older videos of Doctor Who to place in spoilers about what is to come. There are some big moments coming and some will make it their purpose to take this away from you and your viewers, they do it a lot, so gear up your mods.

Daniel R

I've waited SO LONG to finally rewatch this series with you, no offense to Tennant or previous Doctors, but Matt Smith is what made me a fan so I'm so happy you loved this episode from top to bottom. Matt Smith for life and remember: bow ties are cool :)


My favorite era of the show is here. I enjoy both Ten/Eleven as doctors equally, but the Moffat era is by far my favorite. It’s when I really got invested in the show and started getting involved in the fandom. Matt Smith is the youngest actor to ever play the doctor, but still brings a old energy to the role. This is one of the strongest openers for a new doctor. Really great episode, and I can’t wait for you to see more.


I learned to like Eleven eventually and I do enjoy him more on every rewatch, but I don't think I love him. And Amy never grew on me, she's one of my least favorite companions. Not sure why.


There was a Reactor who in her breakdown of catching up to Doctor Who wished she could get in a TARDIS and go back to tell herself how much she was going feel about what is to come. I just wish to remind you to enjoy the ride, you only get one chance to watch all of this for the first time. Geronimo!!!!!!

Sharon Owen

The new set is because of them starting to film in HD. The old one didn't look good in when they tested it, so they used the regeneration as an excuse for a new set

Elise Lanciault-Breton

Yeah, I have notice he has à tendency to look away from the screen. Sometimes I yelled loook at the screen because he’s about to miss a great scene or reveal, but this time my yelling didn’t work... kind of disappointed about that tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️