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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Phoenix Dawn

When this show does throwbacks, it just destroys!


The intricacy of this episode is just perfect, and that is why this is a 10 for me. This episode is so amazing combining all the elements of the story that its just a masterpiece. First Casey - all the events he put in motion, got the code, put it on a laptop, the laptop being stolen and put to Ordos, China, where Reese got it before the CIA attempted to have them killed, he and Kara being separated by the explosion, Reese ended up in New Rochelle (looking for the Fiancee Jessica) then meeting with FInch. Kara arriving in bed in China being turned by Greer (the Decima guy) in using the laptop and the code that Decima retrieved, along with Her in putting it into that facility that Reese and Mark broke into, Infecting the machine into God mode when the machine choose Root as her voice (analog interface) and she finally getting back to Casey (in Present Time) to get to help her. How about that for intricacy. Great Reaction as always :D


i know you reserve 10 for emotional impact, but this episode was executed so well, i also liked everything about it, so its a 10 from me, maybe 9.5 :D


This episode is one of my favorite this season, definitely a solid 9. Starting with how Harold used to work before Reese and learning from it( telling Reese about the machine instead of keeping him in the dark). How the government kept trying to get access to the machine and killing anyone who knew too much. Reese and Kara working together and the way they saw their job. Also Showing how long Decima has be trying to control the machine and now building their own. P.S. for the next episode don’t skip the intro, it starts of interesting


Yea, This show constantly makes me think about changing what a 10 should be. Maybe emotion moments are on the same level as perfectly crafted/executed episodes.


I'm glad you think about it and are open about changing your approach, that's why I care about your grading system instead of someone randomly spitting out numbers


Earlier in the season, Root says something along the lines (and I may not be exact as I'm going from memory): "How many helper monkeys did you go through before John?" This episode gives us the story of one of those helper monkeys. I like to think Finch feels confident offering Mr Reese the job in episode 1 because he saw here how he had previously spared Casey's life when he didn't have to. I think it also adds more background to the "laptop" story of season 2, which is great. I personally have never really liked how that ended but at least how that story starts is a cracker.


Netflix puts the "skip Intro" even if the intro is different, like this episode which is using the season one intro until it rewinds at the end, he will probably hear the intro on the next episode before the Skip appears.


He always skips the intros man, he should watch those. Love this reaction though. Great freaking ep!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this episode! It's fantastic seeing an entire episode taking place back before Finch hires Reese, as he's working with another skilled fighter named Dillinger. And I love how Reese becomes involved throughout the storyline, as he's still trapped working with Kara and the agency he's already begun to question at this point. I love seeing Finch and Dillinger at odds, and unfortunately, Finch's secrets lead Dillinger down a dark path that winds up getting him killed. Of course... Dillinger doesn't have the good in him that Reese has, and he doesn't feel the guilt that Reese is plagued by, which is what makes Reese and Dillinger so different. And I absolutely love it! Also... I love how intertwined a number of characters we know throughout the series so far are. Kara, Shaw, and those known as Control and Special Counsel. I love seeing that Shaw turns out to be the one to kill Dillinger for Special Counsel, and how they are seeking the computer that Dillinger tries to sell for money. Also... I love the scenes between Finch and Daniel Casey as they talk and how they bond over the computer and their skills. I like how Dillinger had planted a bug so he could learn about Finch's secrets. It's unfortunate that his secrets leads Dillinger to betraying Finch. And while Reese did all he could in the beginning to find out Finch's secrets too, he eventually came to understand and trust Finch. My favorite scene throughout this episode is towards the end, when Reese spares Casey's life against his orders to kill him, upon recognizing that Casey doesn't have the eyes of a traitor like he's been told about Casey. And I love that Finch was watching this scene play out from a distance, and how this moment for Reese is part of what helps Finch make the decision to bring Reese on as his new partner. Absolutely brilliant!!! I love it! Overall... this was a fantastic episode, and it's one of my favorite episodes within season three. I absolutely love it. Thank you so much again for your reaction! Until next time...